
15 Feb 2017, 4:27am
Hi All, I am a few days old still with "L" plates. Very much enjoy the game. If you see me "wobble" all over space please give me a wide berth. Attempting (probably futile) to master my ship without the use of flight assist.

Fly Safe

Last edit: 15 Feb 2017, 4:34am
15 Feb 2017, 5:14am
Rafferty SantanaHi All, I am a few days old still with "L" plates. Very much enjoy the game. If you see me "wobble" all over space please give me a wide berth. Attempting (probably futile) to master my ship without the use of flight assist.

Fly Safe

15 Feb 2017, 5:30am
Rafferty SantanaHi All, I am a few days old still with "L" plates. Very much enjoy the game. If you see me "wobble" all over space please give me a wide berth. Attempting (probably futile) to master my ship without the use of flight assist.

Fly Safe

There's no shame in using flight assist.

Docking computers, however...
15 Feb 2017, 5:49am
M. Lehman
Rafferty SantanaHi All, I am a few days old still with "L" plates. Very much enjoy the game. If you see me "wobble" all over space please give me a wide berth. Attempting (probably futile) to master my ship without the use of flight assist.

Fly Safe
There's no shame in using flight assist.

Docking computers, however...

Unless you're in a Beluga Liner with a passenger who detests any sort of damage whatsoever, then you're damn right I'm using a DC
15 Feb 2017, 5:58am
15 Feb 2017, 6:04am
Damn right. Especially on a ship that gets stuck in the mail slot if the hull warms up by any more than 3 degrees!!!
15 Feb 2017, 9:18am
There is no excuse to use a docking computer. Ever. If I can dock a Type ship without one, you can dock a beluga without one.

On an unrelated note, welcome new commanders! We practice Thing making, RP and needless internet shitfitting here. If you like any of those things, all of them, or a combination, you should fit right in around here!

Last edit: 15 Feb 2017, 9:24am
15 Feb 2017, 9:37am
Docking Computers take up slots which could hold useful things... like Cargo Racks, FSDI's, hatchbreakers and collector controllers.

Hi newcomers!
15 Feb 2017, 9:40am
True, but sometimes when im on a trading route and docking at the same station for the 1238098th time - i like to lean back/afk/desktop and let the docking computer do the job
15 Feb 2017, 9:50am
Docking computers are useless for someone who needs to dock pretty quickly before the prying eyes of the law can take a peek in their hold. I'd rather take a few extra seconds at the control than risk being scanned by some Fed grunt.
15 Feb 2017, 10:21am
I don't like the ATC who says, 'Next time, you might want to try flying your ship yourself' or whatever it is.

How does he think I got the money for a DC in the first place?

Sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't. Depends how I feel at the time, and on what I'm hauling.

Hello, new Commanders, by the way.
15 Feb 2017, 10:27am
Well, he's not wrong.
15 Feb 2017, 12:48pm
I miss the days when the DC used to go haywire and CMDRs were wondering why they weren't docked but rather looking at the rebuy screen after going afk and letting the DC take over.
15 Feb 2017, 1:13pm
NumaI miss the days when the DC used to go haywire and CMDRs were wondering why they weren't docked but rather looking at the rebuy screen after going afk and letting the DC take over.

I've noticed a few times this week that the docking computer has completely missed the mail slot and I'm sat with a station wall pressed up to my nose.
15 Feb 2017, 3:39pm
The DC is useful in a handful of scenarios. For the Beluga, T9 and Cutter, for example, it's a great time saver since you can plan your next jump while you dock if you're looking to minimize time on the pad.

I think of it as I do of cruise control and even automatic transmissions in a car, and even FA-ON landing in the game. Everyone will draw the line of what's mockable in a way that doesn't include themselves, but few will choose to play, and live, on the hardest difficulty.

IMO, there is no shame in playing the game as you wish, so long as you're not ruining it for other players, and to me, this includes being able to dock your ship in a way that doesn't jam up the mail slot or interior of a station for others. We've all seen "that guy" trying to get his Cutter or Corvette or whatever lined up over the correct pad, spinning end over end, knuckles white, palms sweaty, station dock timer running low already...

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