
18 Mar 2017, 3:40pm
Hi Everyone,
I started playing ED when it was released and was right into it playing a few hours every night.
I stopped for a while when life got in the way, then moved and had no room to set up my PC until recently.

I remember playing Elite II on my Amiga 500 and loving it.

I've been playing in solo mode so I can stop in the middle of nowhere then workout and tweak my key bindings etc.
Will be switching to open from here on.

Name: Dark Horsie (Thinking of changing this but I'd have to reset.)
Status: Trader. For now
Species: Human I think
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Location: Melbourne, Australia


18 Mar 2017, 5:17pm
Dark HorsieHi Everyone,
I started playing ED when it was released and was right into it playing a few hours every night.
I stopped for a while when life got in the way, then moved and had no room to set up my PC until recently.

I remember playing Elite II on my Amiga 500 and loving it.

I've been playing in solo mode so I can stop in the middle of nowhere then workout and tweak my key bindings etc.
Will be switching to open from here on.

Name: Dark Horsie (Thinking of changing this but I'd have to reset.)
Status: Trader. For now
Species: Human I think
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Location: Melbourne, Australia



hey there
18 Mar 2017, 10:47pm
Toboldlygo I'm 52 on the 29th of March ...

'sup, birthday buddy? I'm 'only' gonna be 48, so I can be the sexier, wittier Robin to your Batman if Batman was just... way older than generally depicted.

It'll be, like *KA-ZOINK* "Oh bugger, I'm sure I'm getting arthritis in me knuckles, they never used to do that."
"Holy osteopaths, Batman, how about a cup of tea and a nice sit down? There's naff all on the television tonight though, they just don't make 'em like they used to. Remember the Littlest Hobo? "Maybe tomorrow, I'll wanna settle down, Until tomorrow I'll just keep moving on" Well it's bloody tomorrow already mate, I'm putting me feet up, sod all that 'moving on' lark" *rambles on incoherently, occasionally shakes fist at nebulous cause of apparent perturbation*
"Shut up and get back in the Batmobile, Robin. The Joker's finished robbing the bank and has to be back in the nursing home ASAP or there's only gonna be lime jello left"

Except that I play in Solo, so... well, you'll be applying your own equivalent of Deep Heat ointment in Elite.

For which you're now probably truly grateful.

I forgot what I was talking about. The bourbon might have something to do with that. Hi!
19 Mar 2017, 10:40am

hey there

19 Mar 2017, 6:01pm
I'm fairly new to ED but I have become addicted to exploring and have racked up 100 hrs. I saw a youtube video that recommended sidewinder radio and I have never looked back, I think it is a brilliant tool especially for solo explorers. I simply wouldn't play the game without it now. Although I am solo exploring and probably will be for quite a while one day I will try the other aspects of the game and would love to be in a crew with helpful and happy people. I did try combat and smuggling etc and liked it but the exploring bug took over, gotta get my name on some systems
Keep up the fantastic job CMDRs and Fly safe,
CMDR Pargeter out!
19 Mar 2017, 6:13pm
CMDR PargeterHi CMDRs,
I'm fairly new to ED but I have become addicted to exploring and have racked up 100 hrs. I saw a youtube video that recommended sidewinder radio and I have never looked back, I think it is a brilliant tool especially for solo explorers. I simply wouldn't play the game without it now. Although I am solo exploring and probably will be for quite a while one day I will try the other aspects of the game and would love to be in a crew with helpful and happy people. I did try combat and smuggling etc and liked it but the exploring bug took over, gotta get my name on some systems
Keep up the fantastic job CMDRs and Fly safe,
CMDR Pargeter out!

19 Mar 2017, 6:54pm
CMDR PargeterHi CMDRs,
I'm fairly new to ED but I have become addicted to exploring and have racked up 100 hrs. I saw a youtube video that recommended sidewinder radio and I have never looked back, I think it is a brilliant tool especially for solo explorers. I simply wouldn't play the game without it now. Although I am solo exploring and probably will be for quite a while one day I will try the other aspects of the game and would love to be in a crew with helpful and happy people. I did try combat and smuggling etc and liked it but the exploring bug took over, gotta get my name on some systems
Keep up the fantastic job CMDRs and Fly safe,
CMDR Pargeter out!

Welcome CMDR o7

I'm sure in time you'll race up a lot more hours too. ☺
19 Mar 2017, 7:46pm
Hello to the new commanders.

Take care out there.
19 Mar 2017, 9:08pm
I propose greetings from the void,

I am Matthias Eagle, CMDR MattEagle ingame (which is a pun on Mettigel), now you probably already know that in reality I am based in germany. Ingame I do patrolling, bounty hunting and racing in my iEagle named "Midnight Flash", but am not at all new to neither the game nor this site. I've been watching this from a different point of view, one could say, also I recently made an account reset.
I aim on some decent RP engagement and also will write some logs myself, that might cross the paths of other existing commanders, so I suggest reading up on my history (or not, if you want to keep the feel for a stranger real).

This is Mama Alpha Tango,
always fly safe, also with great speed!
19 Mar 2017, 9:11pm
MatteagleI propose greetings from the void,

I am Matthias Eagle, CMDR MattEagle ingame (which is a pun on Mettigel), now you probably already know that in reality I am based in germany. Ingame I do patrolling, bounty hunting and racing in my iEagle named "Midnight Flash", but am not at all new to neither the game nor this site. I've been watching this from a different point of view, one could say, also I recently made an account reset.
I aim on some decent RP engagement and also will write some logs myself, that might cross the paths of other existing commanders, so I suggest reading up on my history (or not, if you want to keep the feel for a stranger real).

This is Mama Alpha Tango,
always fly safe, also with great speed!

Greetings CMDR o7

Might see you round in the rp or in-game

Fly safe.
19 Mar 2017, 11:16pm
Welcome Matteagle.
20 Mar 2017, 12:44pm
Hello Matteagle, and welcome.
20 Mar 2017, 10:37pm
CMDR XRINHi I just signed up recently... looking forward with you guys... as i already bored while playing last 133h alone

anyway... What should i do now, after signed up?

You should probably join a wing...

There are some big ones out there and everyone is quite welcoming.

But if you wanna join mine that be fine also.
21 Mar 2017, 7:28pm
Toboldlygohello all ....just joined Elite Dangerous a few weeks ago........looking to hook up with a few people in game... can only do so much alone until it starts to get boring doing the same thing over and over a dual joy stick user ......been playing Star Citizen for a couple of months... started getting bored with the same old same old.

decided to give ED a try... started getting bored a couple of days ago playing the game alone.... the commercials looked fun.... but I guess it is the type of game you need to be part of a group to enjoy......need people in my own age group to hang with so I decided to join INARA .

I'm 52 on the 29th of March ...I live in Canada I'm from Ottawa..... Canada's capital.... I live in a small town now... called Gananoque  it a small tourist town about a hour or so from Ottawa...... I'm on (Eastern Standard Time) .

Been playing sims for about 20 years as well as a lot of other online games over the decades .....I have my own paid for Team Speak Server have had it for about 5 years .

if anyone is interested in grouping up that would be great...
can't really say what I like or dislike to do in ED ..... haven't been on long enough to know.... I do love to explore...i like to dog fight .... I'm pretty much open to anything right now.!

looking forward meeting everyone

Somone older than me yay! Welcome aboard to the new cmdrs
23 Mar 2017, 12:54pm
Hello, I'm a fairly new CMDR. Joined here in search of a wing to roll with. It seems like most if not all of the big ones are either inactive or they ignore newer players. Either way though, hoping to meet other Xbox CMDRs and have some fun!

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