
18 Apr 2017, 11:33am
Hello Nishachara, and welcome.

Take care out there
18 Apr 2017, 2:49pm
Welcome Nishachara.
18 Apr 2017, 3:17pm
Nishacharaand generally aim to misbehave...

...Well you can't steal space stations in this game. I've tried...

As for the level of misbehaviour, the local npc bountyhunters or the
police will tend to remind you how much is too much, but usually they
give you the chance to escape n' sht, not just gonna spam ecm and
web like they do in eve and BLOW THE SHT OUT OF YOUR FCKIN'

...*clears throat* Anyway, enjoy the game. And welcome, i forgot...
18 Apr 2017, 3:51pm
Septimus Raven
Nishacharaand generally aim to misbehave...

...Well you can't steal space stations in this game. I've tried...

Really? Huh, I've seen otherwise.
18 Apr 2017, 4:05pm
Stryker Aune
Septimus Raven
Nishacharaand generally aim to misbehave...

...Well you can't steal space stations in this game. I've tried...

Really? Huh, I've seen otherwise.

18 Apr 2017, 4:15pm
Septimus Raven
Nishacharaand generally aim to misbehave...

...Well you can't steal space stations in this game. I've tried...

As for the level of misbehaviour, the local npc bountyhunters or the
police will tend to remind you how much is too much, but usually they
give you the chance to escape n' sht, not just gonna spam ecm and
web like they do in eve and BLOW THE SHT OUT OF YOUR FCKIN'

...*clears throat* Anyway, enjoy the game. And welcome, i forgot... it happens. Well so far, i got bounty for murder, botched theft mission I got attacked by player, he got probably same mission as me and on the same signature so
He tried to chase me away from the can, and made it.. i burned like hell and did the "crazy russian" manouver... good instincts, ship of type anaconda sounded ominous, before i found out that it is..XD
And i got interdicted by a player, at least tried to, because no way ai has that kind of commitment and skill...
Very fun all of it... escaping from the guy with the can was like i was in an episode of dark matter or expanse..XD
18 Apr 2017, 4:17pm
Septimus Raven
Nishacharaand generally aim to misbehave...

...Well you can't steal space stations in this game. I've tried...

As for the level of misbehaviour, the local npc bountyhunters or the
police will tend to remind you how much is too much, but usually they
give you the chance to escape n' sht, not just gonna spam ecm and
web like they do in eve and BLOW THE SHT OUT OF YOUR FCKIN'

...*clears throat* Anyway, enjoy the game. And welcome, i forgot...

To be fair, CONCORD in eve doesn't mess around. The security in elite is a joke in comparison.
18 Apr 2017, 7:26pm
Hello everybody! Just got the game last weekend, and managed to get pretty well established. I'm hoping to get a lot of money from courier jobs and passenger carrying and eventually get a very nice exploration ship to go out and chart the galaxy with.
Funniest thing that happened to me so far was my first landing attempt- first I managed to get yelled at by Traffic Control for accidentally deploying my weapons instead of my landing gear, and then I almost got blown to bits when I realized I had no idea what I was doing- while hovering above the landing pad. With maybe 15 seconds to spare I managed to actually figure out what to do and land. So I got a pretty...exciting introduction to the game!
18 Apr 2017, 8:05pm
Cuisinart8Hello everybody! Just got the game last weekend, and managed to get pretty well established. I'm hoping to get a lot of money from courier jobs and passenger carrying and eventually get a very nice exploration ship to go out and chart the galaxy with.
Funniest thing that happened to me so far was my first landing attempt- first I managed to get yelled at by Traffic Control for accidentally deploying my weapons instead of my landing gear, and then I almost got blown to bits when I realized I had no idea what I was doing- while hovering above the landing pad. With maybe 15 seconds to spare I managed to actually figure out what to do and land. So I got a pretty...exciting introduction to the game!

24 Apr 2017, 4:10am
Hello All
I just signed up today , the INARA seems like the place to learn new things and talk with other pilots that are interested in Elite Dangerous.
A year or two ago I pledged to David when I talked with him years ago while playing freelancer , He said he was designing a new space game and everyone playing talked with him a while and continued playing. A year later sure enough it was all true so I had to support him and I'm glad I did Elite is fantastic.
Elite has so much to do it can get overwhelming and I see this talked about quite often in the ED forums. This year I decided to play the game at a slower pace and I am even doing much better. Lately I have been doing missions to build up my stats in certain stations to get to the bigger missions. It is going slow but I should get there one day.
Trading Rares has been the best way for me to make the most credits per hr. but I am excited about learning the other facets of the game. It seems like once you can get to Allied with an station alliance things open up for the player in multiple ways.

Well good luck out there Stardragon88
24 Apr 2017, 4:31am
Stardragon88Hello All
I just signed up today , the INARA seems like the place to learn new things and talk with other pilots that are interested in Elite Dangerous.
A year or two ago I pledged to David when I talked with him years ago while playing freelancer , He said he was designing a new space game and everyone playing talked with him a while and continued playing. A year later sure enough it was all true so I had to support him and I'm glad I did Elite is fantastic.
Elite has so much to do it can get overwhelming and I see this talked about quite often in the ED forums. This year I decided to play the game at a slower pace and I am even doing much better. Lately I have been doing missions to build up my stats in certain stations to get to the bigger missions. It is going slow but I should get there one day.
Trading Rares has been the best way for me to make the most credits per hr. but I am excited about learning the other facets of the game. It seems like once you can get to Allied with an station alliance things open up for the player in multiple ways.

Well good luck out there Stardragon88

Hello Stardragon88 o7.

If you're looking for help or to make friends you should check out the Inara Discord server. Very cool place. Not that you can't ask us stuff here it's just some of us are more active/responsive on the discord because of its instant messenger style.

Welcome to Inara CMDR. See you out there.

Last edit: 24 Apr 2017, 8:32am
24 Apr 2017, 4:42am
Greetings everyone,

I've had a account on Inara for a number of weeks, setting up some of my profile and adjusting this and that. I'm very glad to be here and to join ya'll's community! Besides posting a brief in-character journal a number of days ago, I figured I might as well stop by and introduce myself properly. Anyhow, feel free to add me in-game as I'm on (most) nights exploring or puttering about in the Ghost Orchid.

Perhaps you might find me popping into your Roleplay area from time to time.

See you out in the black, Commanders! o7
24 Apr 2017, 6:37am
Apex FirethornGreetings everyone,

I've had a account on Inara for a number of weeks, setting up some of my profile and adjusting this and that. I'm very glad to be here and to join ya'll's community! Besides posting a brief in-character journal a number of days ago, I figured I might as well stop by and introduce myself properly. Anyhow, feel free to add me in-game as I'm on (most) nights exploring or puttering about in the Ghost Orchid.

Perhaps you might find me popping into your Roleplay area from time to time.

See you out in the black, Commanders! o7

Planning on any more log entries? I rather liked your first one.
24 Apr 2017, 8:42am
Stardragon88Hello All
INARA seems like the place to learn new things and talk with other pilots that are interested in Elite Dangerous...
This year I decided to play the game at a slower pace and I am even doing much better...
Trading Rares has been the best way for me to make the most credits per hr...

Hello, Stardragon, welcome to Inara. There are plenty of commanders here who are only too happy to share their experiences with you should you need help. Taking the game slow and steady is a good idea, but don't get hung up on the cr/hr at the expense of having fun!
24 Apr 2017, 8:46am
Apex FirethornGreetings everyone,

I've had a account on Inara for a number of weeks, setting up some of my profile..

Hello Adam, welcome to Inara. I also enjoyed your bio and log. Keep them coming!

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