
29 Dec 2016, 6:20pm
Isaiah EvansonDisplayed rank is always combat.

Thank you. Did not realize this, and it explains a great deal.
29 Dec 2016, 6:32pm
Powerplay is a shit show, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It is the worst kind of grind there is. But... and I say this with complete sincerity, the communities that popped up around the different power leaders are top notch.

Speaking for myself, I've been with the Patreus subreddit community for over a year now. We're small by comparison to most of the other powers, but we're tightly-knit and we take a lot of pride in our ability to push combat objectives for the Empire PP community.

It's a bitch every week to manage spreadsheets and documents for different objectives but playing alongside other people makes it worth it. It might be meaningless in the end, but every "victory" we have, every "defeat" we endure, it makes Elite feel alive.

I just hope and pray they fix the mechanics of PP and tie it back into the lore. That's been my biggest gripe - there's this shadow war going on between all the powers and yet nothing even remotely appears to be happening in the lore because of it. There were a few things, like the Pegasi Pirate War and Grom's recent introduction to the landscape, but it's still very much disconnected from the main game. And so I wish it was either scrapped in favor of something else, or reconnected in some way. But that's for a different discussion I think.
29 Dec 2016, 6:33pm
It seems like they dropped Grom into the mix and then just kind of left him, lore-wise. Not that many of the PP characters or events are taken seriously any longer, but still....
29 Dec 2016, 6:36pm
Patreus has been getting lots of time in Galnet thanks to the whole Kahina Loren subplot, but right now we rarely, if ever, hear from the other movers & shakers. Galnet used to feel so much more interesting when I first started playing. These days we're lucky to get two lore-related Galnet posts a week.

Grom is an interesting character lore-wise, but I doubt we'll see anything to expand on his background in Galnet anytime soon, sad though it is.
29 Dec 2016, 6:38pm
Isaiah Evanson
Money should never be the primary goal for anyone playing Elite. It should be a means, but never an end. The thing that has kept me coming back to Elite has been the player groups and the community that has sprung up around the game. The lore is interesting, and knowing that you're just another pilot among billions of other pilots adds to the sense that your stories, your experiences, are unique. That's what keeps me playing.

I'm a fairly new player to Elite, I bought the game back in August after a recommendation from a friend who's been playing longer than I. It's certainly a game you need to create your own path in, and money hasn't been the main driving factor in the 400 hours I've put into it since I bought it. That's been the visuals and fairly relaxing game play that turn intense at the drop of a hat; and then slowly turning that into my own story line that exists apart of the overarching game play.

But I do have friends where they enjoy bounty hunting and making Xmil an hour and using that for their over arching story-line. They also want to get into higher tier ships but that's another story, I just find personal wealth in the game doesn't mean much so long as you save enough to cover insurance costs for the ship you want. It can just take a while to get that ship depending on your play style.
29 Dec 2016, 6:44pm
Yeah, Rowen, I've never seen a game nail what I've read about combat pilots. "Hours of boredom with two minutes of absolute terror." It's addicting.
29 Dec 2016, 6:48pm
When 2.1 first dropped and the enemy NPCs were godlike, that was probably some of the most fun I've had playing Elite. Knowing you were going to be in for a fight whenever an Elite pirate or bounty hunter pulled you, it made things feel a lot more intense. 

I can't tell if I got used to the difficulty over time or if the devs took it down a notch, but I never seem to get that feeling anymore fighting Elite NPCs now. :\
29 Dec 2016, 6:49pm
Isaiah EvansonWhen 2.1 first dropped and the enemy NPCs were godlike, that was probably some of the most fun I've had playing Elite. Knowing you were going to be in for a fight whenever an Elite pirate or bounty hunter pulled you, it made things feel a lot more intense. 

I can't tell if I got used to the difficulty over time or if the devs took it down a notch, but I never seem to get that feeling anymore fighting Elite NPCs now. :\

The NPCs were adjusted back to something approaching 2.0. I think that they're pretty good as is- gone are the days when they would just sit and absorb punishment, but they aren't coming at you with engineered rapid-fire railguns any longer, either.
29 Dec 2016, 7:05pm
I never ran into an issue with the NPCs having overpowered rapid-fire rails or PAs. I know that was a bug, but they seemed more aggressive and tanky than they do now. And I liked that. I liked having to really dig down and fight hard. 

I know it's not for everyone but I just preferred that challenge I guess. Some of the NPCs were better than players I've fought, which says a lot about how much fun they were to fight.
29 Dec 2016, 7:08pm
29 Dec 2016, 7:19pm
That was awesome.

But yeah, I mean I understand the nerfing of engineered weapons on NPCs. I just wish the difficulty was just a tick more than it is right now.

Then again, if they could adapt to the skill level of the player, that'd be great too. Though I don't know how difficult that'd be to pull off.

EDIT: Should we move to this to general / game talk?
29 Dec 2016, 7:30pm
01 Jan 2017, 11:24pm
Hi Folks

Im so new here my paint is still wet. That said dont let my Cmdr name fool you, I have yet to kill anything. Ive been in/out of ED for awhile, just never could get into what I considered a single player MMO. only being able to talk to 4 people in a wing at a time made this less fun. But when I saw one of the twitch streams the other night they were a riot. So here I am
01 Jan 2017, 11:45pm
02 Jan 2017, 12:06am
Welcome Grivousharm.
It's ok to have no PvP kills. I like to say Howdy rather that end meetings on greetings.
Never finished off a player in over 3000 hours of play,

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