
12 Jan 2017, 7:15am
Real Teagy SOT
Real Teagy SOTHi there, im not new per se but ive been inactive for a few months and looking to get back into Elite Dangerous. Hit me up?

what are you on?xb or pc

Im on the Xbox, my gamertag is the same as my username

ok mate if u want ill add you up, we also have a wing if u want to join up with like minded space freaks?

Were called cerberus!! come join us
12 Jan 2017, 11:04am
Greetings all! You all know my name because I have a name tag. Yeah. It's right there. Nice to meet you.

Anyway, I got this game for the xbox one for my birthday, the 17th of October, 3302. I either started playing that very day, or the very next day.

I encountered many issues, of course. I even cleared my save a few times as some sort of "rage quit" thing.

The last time I did, I instantly regretted it. I lost my vulture, I lost all my ranks and faction reputation. Never cleared a save since.

Now I've got, well, you can see all my stuff in my log. Just click my name tag, or something.

One last thing! I play the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, home of the cheeki breeki meme. A NU-
13 Jan 2017, 5:28am
Hello guys im kinda new i found your discord channel fist then your page, i started to play Ed after the official launch played for a while then i left and now im back
i aready talked with some of you in discord and you guys are pretty cool
13 Jan 2017, 12:02pm
ChavaplxHello guys im kinda new i found your discord channel fist then your page, i started to play Ed after the official launch played for a while then i left and now im back
i aready talked with some of you in discord and you guys are pretty cool

14 Jan 2017, 8:36pm
Hello Commanders!

Just created a new wing here in INARA. Only myself and one other commander at the moment. The wing is called GALACTIC MERCENARY COALITION. Check it out and if you like what you see, feel free to join!

Fly safe, Commanders!
16 Jan 2017, 6:41am
XB1 GT = "Maschil_Crane"

Hi, everybody. As I mentioned above I am an Xbox One Player. I play PC games as well, but I moved a while back and had to settle for a gaming laptop, long story short, its more convenient to play on console at the moment, but I digress. I am completely new to Elite. The first I have ever even heard about it was 2 days ago when I saw an article w/ a video of the first player ever apparently to have had a Thargoid encounter. After a couple more articles, reviews, & videos I hesitantly bought the commander edition that same day and dont regret it one bit. Ive probably got almost, if not, 24hrs of play time logged, so needless to say I think this game is <insert expletive> AMAZING!!! I have a Cobra MK III and I think Ive got most of the basics down now, but any tips or tricks are always appreciated. Im looking forward to PvP combat, but not entirely sure how MP works or if PvP is even possible. Well, Ive gone on longer than I had initially intended. I just wanted to introduce myself, you can just call me "Crane" for short, but as I stated before my XB GT is "Maschil_Crane." So, without further ado "hello." Feel free to PM me on here or XB Live or add me. Id love to play together if you wanna give me a rundown on how the multiplayer system works.

DISCLAIMER: I have never played "No Man's Sky." I have, however, played a lot of sandboxy/open-world/mmo games (EX: RUST, Arc, Day Z, ARMA), but the closest game I have played to this one would be "Space Engineers" I guess.

18 Jan 2017, 3:51am
Oh my! What a great place. I'm all new and shiny here.

Based in the UK (London), very old, very fat, very bald. I'm so old I bought the original Elite (BBC 'B' Disk Version) in 1984..(and still have it, along with lots and lots of 'ports' on other home micros - and the NES version) didn't get to 'Elite' on that version but did manage to wear the disk out. Recently invested in the Saitek X52 Pro Flight Stick (how the hell I managed with Kbd & mouse I'll never know). Also got the HCS Voice Pack installed, quite impressed with it so far.

E:D is more or less that only thing I do right now.... and its everything I imagined it would be. Thank you Mr Braben (...and Mr Bell).
18 Jan 2017, 4:01am
DelmontiOh my! What a great place. I'm all new and shiny here.

Based in the UK (London), very old, very fat, very bald. I'm so old I bought the original Elite (BBC 'B' Disk Version) in 1984..(and still have it, along with lots and lots of 'ports' on other home micros - and the NES version) didn't get to 'Elite' on that version but did manage to wear the disk out. Recently invested in the Saitek X52 Pro Flight Stick (how the hell I managed with Kbd & mouse I'll never know). Also got the HCS Voice Pack installed, quite impressed with it so far.

E:D is more or less that only thing I do right now.... and its everything I imagined it would be. Thank you Mr Braben (...and Mr Bell).

Be sure to also thank Artie! He's the creator and sole administrator of this fine website.
18 Jan 2017, 7:50am
@ Delmonti
Glad you're happy. You sound like the right stuff. Joined a faction yet? Most of our old gits are brits.
18 Jan 2017, 5:22pm
Not yet, in fact I'm not up and running with Powerplay yet, didn't see the benefit it had to blasting the bollocks off space ships. No doubt when that wears a bit thin I'll take another look..... unless there's compelling reasons otherwise
19 Jan 2017, 5:46am
@ Delmonti

Compelling reason #1
Prismatic Shields
19 Jan 2017, 7:32am
Hey all. Kinda new. Xenomorph sent me here. Tried getting on the discord but the invite on the page didn't work for me. Nvm the link on the right worked.

Last edit: 19 Jan 2017, 9:14am
19 Jan 2017, 3:48pm
Yoshiman919Hey all. Kinda new. Xenomorph sent me here. Tried getting on the discord but the invite on the page didn't work for me. Nvm the link on the right worked.

23 Jan 2017, 5:56pm
Howdy CMDRs, Longtime player, first time inara user. Lots of nice resources here!

Is there any way to contact the mods/admins? My in-game name was taken - I don't think I've ever been to this site before and the account looks unused - just curious if there's any remediation.

Thanks & fly casual,
23 Jan 2017, 6:17pm
James TauriHowdy CMDRs, Longtime player, first time inara user. Lots of nice resources here!

Is there any way to contact the mods/admins? My in-game name was taken - I don't think I've ever been to this site before and the account looks unused - just curious if there's any remediation.

Thanks & fly casual,


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