
25 Feb 2017, 1:41am
SerenityAceHello CMDR's,

New to Inara, flying near Maia mostly in Mobius private group, hopefully meet some cool people

Welcome and fly safe friend! o7
25 Feb 2017, 11:40am
SerenityAceHello CMDRs...

Hello SerenityAce. Lots of cool people here, so you should have no trouble finding some.

Take care out there.
25 Feb 2017, 10:53pm
Hey guys. Been a lurker on here for a bit, utilizing the site. Decided to go ahead and join the community. A buddy and I play alot in our brace of Anacondas, and I've taken a liking to gathering some clips to mash up in some Elite compilations. We only get a hand full of hours per week so I don't have anything too great just yet, but I did make a solo compilation.

Just some quick shorts of smuggling in a fully loaded Aanaconda. I think it was outfitted with 432 cargo, no sinks, no disengaged modules, and the very occasional silent running. I disengage flight assist and cut the throttle to coast in (0% keeps the overall heat expenditure very low). It always reminds me of the line from "Firefly" where Wash lays in the trajectory to intercept a space station and floats the whole way in.

- "It's like throwing a dart, Jayne, and hitting a bullseye six thousand miles away"

Except it's more like 8 klicks.

Anyway alot of these aren't straight in approachs but from when I was dumped in behind or beside the station. I'm lazy and don't feel much like jumping back into supercruise and poppin' a U-y to realign. I'm not about that life. Plus I rather enjoy Tokyo drifting into some of these stations.

It's a 2 parter, because the software I used only lets me publish 5min videos. Sorry I'm so cheap.

Anyway, y'all have a good'n. o7

(Part 1)

(part 2)
26 Feb 2017, 10:20am
Hello Toasticals, and welcome. Kudos for the Firefly reference.

Take care out there.
26 Feb 2017, 10:31pm
Hello everyone.
Just trying to find my way around.
26 Feb 2017, 11:11pm
AmenditmanHello everyone.
Just trying to find my way around.

Ah, aren't we all?

Welcome to Inara, Amenditman. Take care out there.
27 Feb 2017, 8:16am
Freaking love this site. Just saying what's up and introducing myself.

27 Feb 2017, 12:19pm
Hello, Tangent. Nice hat!

Take care out there.
28 Feb 2017, 12:30am
Well, well, well! They even serve my favourite ale here!

You were sooo hard to track down, Jem!
28 Feb 2017, 5:05am
Really? I had no trouble finding her. She turned out alright in the end too.
28 Feb 2017, 8:29am
The shelves of the Ingabar are limited only by your imagination, Marcus!

And Kyla, don't worry, I haven't forgotten that I owe you a drink!
28 Feb 2017, 9:01am
Y'know. This seems incredibly belated but sod it, I'll introduce myself at last.

Hi, my name is Martin, but my CMDR is Luke. Best just stick to the latter if talking to me here.

I've been around since September, at first just lurking, then poking my head around, before becoming a full on RP addict and ambitious Logbook writer. So many of you already know me.

I have two accounts of course, this one and Lilith2980. Both have their own bios etc, and both can be found on XBL (Gts Luke3107 and Lilith2980 respectively). If you wish to join me online, I have only one stipulation in the activity choice. Online with Luke is law abiding, mostly. But Lilith is willing to participate in any space faring activities within the bubble.

Also, Lukes bio is based on my own life and his stories and experiences are somewhat embellished versions of what I do in game. So if you do join me in something, expect to see yourself mentioned somewhere. Liliths are, to date, completely fictional. But that may be set to change soontm.

See you out there CMDRs!!!! o7
28 Feb 2017, 9:32am
Jemine CaesarThe shelves of the Ingabar are limited only by your imagination, Marcus!

And Kyla, don't worry, I haven't forgotten that I owe you a drink!

Oh good! I was getting worried.
28 Feb 2017, 1:10pm
Hi Luke! Welcome to Inara!

28 Feb 2017, 2:29pm
SonofMacPhistoHi Luke! Welcome to Inara!

Thanks Phisto, good to be here

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