
04 Jan 2017, 8:48pm
Luke3107Hey Markus. There's not much I can say here that you can't pick up from YouTube videos or Twitch Streams. But perhaps the two or three things I can say are:

1. Don't fly what you can't afford to rebuy. (Some say don't fly what you can't afford to rebuy TWICE)
2. Don't feel obliged to do ANYTHING. Find what you enjoy, and look for tips on how to do that job effectively. But then don't feel like you have to stick to that job permanently.
3. If you end up on Xbox, I find it easier to teach on the go. My GT is the same as my username.

As for writing and/or RP. Many people, including myself, use the logbooks on this site to do their creative writing. There is also RP available, but full disclosure, there has been a widespread disagreement in the OOC section, so while I expect it will get back on track soon, it may be at least a few days before momentum picks up again. Feel free to browse the forums in the meantime nonetheless.

Stryker Aune
Markus OmniHey y'all, name's mark! Im a bit new to the game but not so much as to the "universe" of the game (I've read a few of the books).. I don't have a computer or Xbox.. Yet. Lol.
But I found this site on my phone awhile back, and with my graduation day coming up (as in getting kicked out of the house) I realize that finding myself getting a computer and this game to play on a very real possibility. so woo!
I've watched so many YouTube videos of people role playing missions, using the vibe and.. yeah.. it's not even funny my desire to fly..
Anyways, to wrap it up, looking for nice people to give me tips regarding the game, maybe some pointers to keep in mind before I take flight. Also is there like a writing or role playing group somewhere here that I can join?

Practice is also a thing.
Elite is quite open ended, a sand box so to say. So try different things. Trading, exploration and combat. CQC is fast action fun.
If you end up with a PC, I am willing to help where I can.

As Luke said, don't fly what you cannot afford. (that means that you should have enough credits for a few insurance re-buys. I personally like to have at least 4.)

As for writing. The log book is a great way to go. People run the gamut with them, from keeping track of the systems they have visited to full blown fictional stories spanning multiple logs.

Role-play is on hiatus at the moment as things are being worked out. My suggestion is to go back through the threads and read up. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the OOC thread, or PM me.

Why thank you both, I'll the logbooks in mind! I'll steer clear of the role playing for the moment then, so they can solve, whatever it is.. perhaps think of a background story or something in the meantime. Though I do have a question, probably for Stryker here- what makes a story or background story good? I wouldn't presume that it'd involve staying in the cockpit 25/7, but I also not being born across the galaxy either (not based on the few books I've read anyhow. They make traveling sound a lot longer than for every jump, like an hour or two in regards to a couple of minutes ).
05 Jan 2017, 12:32pm
hi guys
just a quick introduction, seen the original call for grumpy old men on the ED forums and though thats me..and pass on my storys from when i was in the war.
My names Phil aka Willo. im 41 and from gods own county of East Yorkshire , Hull to be more precise
Look forward to flying and with u all chatting and having a laugh
Cheers Phil
05 Jan 2017, 2:44pm
Welcome to all the new Privateers.. I havent officially been inducted to the alliance in game yet but I am still gonna go with the idea i have been and welcome ya all....

Fly safe.... and if ya cant Blow'em up good
05 Jan 2017, 8:21pm

Greetings CMDRS.

Muttley here(that's what most people call me)

36yo Male living in Cardiff(since 2008). Originally from Kwiwland but decided to return to my UK roots.
Grew up in my teens playing Frontier to death. Had began doubting my dream would ever come true, but
here I am(finally) playing ED. The second I found out about the imminent KS project that was upcoming
I knew I had to back this. Haven't played as much as I should but hopefully this is the incentive to keep
me playing regularly. I love roleplaying(and storytelling) so if any like minded players are up up for some
IC chatter in game, hit me up.

[CMDR] Muttley
07 Jan 2017, 12:33pm
(.____ .)/

Hello CMDRs. I'm Tokitu Yaken. I'm a returning ED player that made the move of deleting my save so I could have a fresh simpler start to maybe help me get back into the game.

I'm currently interested in RP gameplay. Specifically maybe trying to be a freelance reporter. I got little interest in what happens in the void when it comes to exploration discoveries or trade. I'm more interested in the political struggle between the galactic powers in the colonized systems.

Can anyone perhaps offer a tips on how someone like me can enter the world of journalism? How I could get scoops on political intrigue? Would also be interested in player factions but I got zero idea where to start there.

Guess I would also be interested in joining a wing if anyone got some one that's RP focused.

Fly safe for now CMDRs  (.____.)7

Last edit: 07 Jan 2017, 2:26pm
07 Jan 2017, 2:16pm

Welcome.  Regarding player wings, perhaps start here?  That's a list of all the registered player groups on Inara.  Frontier's forums also have a specific areas for factions, and I suspect exploring their Discord channels might help you get a pulse on things.

Good luck, that sounds like a very fun thing to do.
07 Jan 2017, 3:58pm
Tokito Yaken(.____ .)/

Hello CMDRs. I'm Tokitu Yaken. I'm a returning ED player that made the move of deleting my save so I could have a fresh simpler start to maybe help me get back into the game.

I'm currently interested in RP gameplay. Specifically maybe trying to be a freelance reporter. I got little interest in what happens in the void when it comes to exploration discoveries or trade. I'm more interested in the political struggle between the galactic powers in the colonized systems.

Can anyone perhaps offer a tips on how someone like me can enter the world of journalism? How I could get scoops on political intrigue? Would also be interested in player factions but I got zero idea where to start there.

Guess I would also be interested in joining a wing if anyone got some one that's RP focused.

Fly safe for now CMDRs  (.____.)7


I'm not quite sure what your asking. If you haven't done journalism in RL, my suggestion is to do a bit of research on the subject, then apply to your in game role play.

Probably not that helpful, but it's what I would do.

You could even take the galnet news, and use that as inspiration to write stories about your character being a journalist in the Elite setting in your log book. It could be quite an interesting spin on things
07 Jan 2017, 4:41pm

Welcome.  Regarding player wings, perhaps start here?  That's a list of all the registered player groups on Inara.  Frontier's forums also have a specific areas for factions, and I suspect exploring their Discord channels might help you get a pulse on things.

Good luck, that sounds like a very fun thing to do.

Thanks I'll take a look.

Stryker Aune
Tokito Yaken(.____ .)/

Hello CMDRs. I'm Tokitu Yaken. I'm a returning ED player that made the move of deleting my save so I could have a fresh simpler start to maybe help me get back into the game.

I'm currently interested in RP gameplay. Specifically maybe trying to be a freelance reporter. I got little interest in what happens in the void when it comes to exploration discoveries or trade. I'm more interested in the political struggle between the galactic powers in the colonized systems.

Can anyone perhaps offer a tips on how someone like me can enter the world of journalism? How I could get scoops on political intrigue? Would also be interested in player factions but I got zero idea where to start there.

Guess I would also be interested in joining a wing if anyone got some one that's RP focused.

Fly safe for now CMDRs  (.____.)7


I'm not quite sure what your asking. If you haven't done journalism in RL, my suggestion is to do a bit of research on the subject, then apply to your in game role play.

Probably not that helpful, but it's what I would do.

You could even take the galnet news, and use that as inspiration to write stories about your character being a journalist in the Elite setting in your log book. It could be quite an interesting spin on things

The latter is what i mean. I'm aware of the small articles some CMRDs write that can get added to the game. Either on galnet or the system the report is about. Thats why i figured being a reporter would be a possible thing to be as my "Profession" in ED.

Also been thinking more on the idea and what i want to do gameplay wise...which is shoot shit. But to report news and fight in warzones didn't really mix well with me at first. Then i looked at powerplay and how i can get involved with faction politics. Then i looked at my options and how none of them spoke to me. Yuri did at first because i felt like  i could start calling people "Comrade CMDR" if i signed on with him.

But i saw how the Pirate lord is at the caboose of the list, being trampled by his new rival Yrui Grom in the rankings. I sorta enjoy whooping for the underdog faction. Plus i then had the idea that maybe i could roll a pirate reporter? like news focused towards the underworld where criminals are praised .The misfortune on Yuri grom's tuff or the Fed and Empire is reported on in a good light."pirate radio DJ" type of character. But all at the same time he is still involved with the fighting involved with being a pirate.

So i signed on with Archon. I'm going to be a pirate for the first time in any space sim.

Last edit: 07 Jan 2017, 6:00pm
07 Jan 2017, 4:44pm
Sounds like a good start!  FWIW, my in game activities only inform my role play (right now I'm helping fight a civil war with my wing, while my RP character Phisto is out chasing Thargoids).  A perfect correlation sounds exhausting to me. Positive Archon PR sounds fun.

Regarding player wings (at least on XBOX), there's usually drama to be found there.
07 Jan 2017, 4:53pm
Tokito Yaken [...] Plus i then had the idea that maybe i could roll a pirate reporter?

I like the sound of that.....

07 Jan 2017, 6:15pm
Tokito YakenSo i signed on with Archon. I'm going to be a pirate for the first time in any space sim.

Hah-! Here's an idea I'm just throwing out: since youre going to be a pirate, have you consider using slander and extortion when writing your reports, or making it seem so one sided (in favor of Archon) that you're the ones in danger or in trouble? That'd be pretty amusing haha
07 Jan 2017, 6:26pm
Tokito YakenSo i signed on with Archon. I'm going to be a pirate for the first time in any space sim.

Welcome to the family my good scallywag.
07 Jan 2017, 7:52pm
Markus Omni
Tokito YakenSo i signed on with Archon. I'm going to be a pirate for the first time in any space sim.

Hah-! Here's an idea I'm just throwing out: since youre going to be a pirate, have you consider using slander and extortion when writing your reports, or making it seem so one sided (in favor of Archon) that you're the ones in danger or in trouble? That'd be pretty amusing haha

What do you think of this?
08 Jan 2017, 10:32am
Tokito Yaken
Markus Omni
Tokito YakenSo i signed on with Archon. I'm going to be a pirate for the first time in any space sim.

Hah-! Here's an idea I'm just throwing out: since youre going to be a pirate, have you consider using slander and extortion when writing your reports, or making it seem so one sided (in favor of Archon) that you're the ones in danger or in trouble? That'd be pretty amusing haha

What do you think of this?

I apologize for the delay, I was busy finishing up my bs writing nonsense. I'll happily take a look and see now!
08 Jan 2017, 10:32am
Markus Omni
Tokito Yaken
Markus Omni
Tokito YakenSo i signed on with Archon. I'm going to be a pirate for the first time in any space sim.

Hah-! Here's an idea I'm just throwing out: since youre going to be a pirate, have you consider using slander and extortion when writing your reports, or making it seem so one sided (in favor of Archon) that you're the ones in danger or in trouble? That'd be pretty amusing haha

What do you think of this?

I apologize for the delay, I was busy finishing up my bs writing nonsense. I'll happily take a look and see now!

*checks time* riiiight after I catch some zzz'ss..
(It's 0232 lol)

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