
05 May 2017, 9:53am
Happy to be here. And please... don't throw me out the airlock... that's not a fun prank...
Jemine CaesarHello Xt2673, welcome to Inara.

No one ever gets thrown out of the airlock here. We have windows...


Son of khzvoltzwell, i dont remember if i made one of these, so excuse me.

I am CMDR Son of khzvoltz a purple haired sideburn rocking, proudly console gamer CMDR, I'm a novice compared to others, mainly due to somewhat poor judgement, though I'm good at combat and I'm just gloating around Wolf 398 (Engi Tod's place) I'm a crack shot and I'm great in a team, so, if you want to join up, just gimme the word.

06 May 2017, 12:13am
Hi Xt2673,

On the road huh? A piece of information always makes my ear prick up, or perhaps my eyes open is more appropriate.

Either your a busy traveling business woman of some sort, a performer of some variety or you're possibly one of my kind, what I'm never happy being to referred to because it's to general, a Roadie. Or rather, an ex-roadie, I put my ropes and tools away, hung up my harness and pilot a desk.
06 May 2017, 6:47am

07 May 2017, 12:38pm

Not many people know that word
08 May 2017, 1:32pm

Not many people know that word

Fewer still have thrown anyone through the Overton Window, yet here we are.
09 May 2017, 4:38am
I'm a truck driver. Basically do the same thing in the States as my career that I spend most of my time in the cockpit of my Type-6 (hopefully not a Type-6 for long!)
09 May 2017, 4:48am
Hey guys how is everyone today. I am interesting in joining a wing group but well it is a little confusing and overwhelming trying to find the kind of one that would be a good fit for me. I am not sure if I am interested in pledging right now but I have a leaning towards the values of Felicia.
09 May 2017, 6:07pm
San SeraphHey guys how is everyone today. I am interesting in joining a wing group but well it is a little confusing and overwhelming trying to find the kind of one that would be a good fit for me. I am not sure if I am interested in pledging right now but I have a leaning towards the values of Felicia.

Winters for Fed and Aisling for Imp are essentially the same, the Fed rank climb seems to be more difficult but the reward is greater. (The corvette) . The political boost at only 100 merits will allow you to become aligned with minor factions in winters of duval territory very quickly, that means much better pay for hauling missions. At high merit levels (10k) manipulating system factions to suit your needs becomes possible.
If you are on console you may be better served joining a club until you spot a player faction or wing that fits your style.
Either way, have the most fun.
09 May 2017, 6:26pm
San SeraphHey guys how is everyone today. I am interesting in joining a wing group but well it is a little confusing and overwhelming trying to find the kind of one that would be a good fit for me. I am not sure if I am interested in pledging right now but I have a leaning towards the values of Felicia.

yeah i know that feeling - aisling supporter here, still trying to find a wing... if you want to chat by all means pop me a message
09 May 2017, 9:09pm
Meatloaf Seagal
San SeraphHey guys how is everyone today. I am interesting in joining a wing group but well it is a little confusing and overwhelming trying to find the kind of one that would be a good fit for me. I am not sure if I am interested in pledging right now but I have a leaning towards the values of Felicia.

Winters for Fed and Aisling for Imp are essentially the same, the Fed rank climb seems to be more difficult but the reward is greater. (The corvette) . The political boost at only 100 merits will allow you to become aligned with minor factions in winters of duval territory very quickly, that means much better pay for hauling missions. At high merit levels (10k) manipulating system factions to suit your needs becomes possible.
If you are on console you may be better served joining a club until you spot a player faction or wing that fits your style.
Either way, have the most fun.

I am 98-100% allied with fed right now as a freelance/merc
09 May 2017, 9:30pm
I see that you are at Warrant Officer as well, San. The winters rep boost affects your positive actions with minor factions in winters control and exploited systems. The effect is noticed when you turn in missions, data or trade goods. Your reputation with that faction will jump up to allied incredibly quickly. That means less time spent trying to get to better paying 'allied' jobs. This effect also works on non federal minor factions within winters space... so you can cause and maintain civil wars if combat zones are your thing, or prop a imp faction into control for slave trade manipulation.
Hudson only offers large boosts to bounty hunt payouts. Bleh.
10 May 2017, 12:04am

I am CMDR DeathMagnet. I have played ED since release. Took a long time off and just got back into it within the last month. Using this resource tool for the first time.

10 May 2017, 4:22am
Meatloaf SeagalI see that you are at Warrant Officer as well, San. The winters rep boost affects your positive actions with minor factions in winters control and exploited systems. The effect is noticed when you turn in missions, data or trade goods. Your reputation with that faction will jump up to allied incredibly quickly. That means less time spent trying to get to better paying 'allied' jobs. This effect also works on non federal minor factions within winters space... so you can cause and maintain civil wars if combat zones are your thing, or prop a imp faction into control for slave trade manipulation.
Hudson only offers large boosts to bounty hunt payouts. Bleh.

Ok so It would pay out to pledge? how do I avoid making other powers from treating me as an enemy, allowing for me to keep a mercenary position within the power? Also It should be noted that if I pledge this will be the second time I done so from my old file back when horizons just came out. I ended up taking a break from it and wanted to start fresh.
10 May 2017, 6:57am
Hello Deathmagnet, and welcome
10 May 2017, 12:31pm
Ok so It would pay out to pledge? how do I avoid making other powers from treating me as an enemy, allowing for me to keep a mercenary position within the power? Also It should be noted that if I pledge this will be the second time I done so from my old file back when horizons just came out. I ended up taking a break from it and wanted to start fresh.[/quote]

Well, you don't have to stay locked into any power forever it's just that many wings are Power specific. Not all, but most are. I have pledged to Hudson when I need to raise cash by bounty hunting, bought his shoguns, saved up 250 million, switched over to Aisling and bought prismatic shields for all my rides. I'm back on winters now at 10k merits because I'm setting up a few systems as a high profit trade route.
Once my merits decay a bit and I tire of this route I will switch to the power with Pack Hound Missles and buy a few. Then back to winters, stack them merits, make the cash.
If you are very worried about enemy powers then Aisling is the ticket. Half the map is imp, she holds a position in the top 3 so the bonus is better, about 2/3 of CMDRs are imp. It's a MUCH easier road to walk. The Federation is getting smashed in power play every cycle. We actually NEED PP pilots.
Think of the feds as scrappy little rebels and the Empire as death star loving Lord Vaders.
If you used to bullseye womp rats in your T-16 back home, the feds are for you.

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