
08 Jul 2017, 3:20pm
NFC PhistoAlternative method: blast past the destination at maximum speed then pull a loop to slow you down. Gravity wells can be used to fine tune your deceleration. Makes it a little harder on anyone pursuing you plus you can get a nice alignment to the docking port (notice that when your station is targeted in super cruise it shows your alignment to it - when you drop out of SC, that's how you'll arrive relative to the station).

Welcome to the game. There's lots to learn.

Phisto makes a good point.

My method,

Approach the destination no faster then 6 sec. That's the magic number. Anything lower then that and you'll approach to fast. Gravity well around smaller planets is a useful, but the large gas giant will make the final approach angonizingly slow.

Also note that you should try to approach a station from the inside of it's orbital path. That is, the mail slot is almost always facing towards the body it orbits. This can can cut quite a bit of time off.

@Rhino Are you on PC, XBox, or PS4

If your PC, I would be willing to wing up with you and help show you the ropes.

Last edit: 08 Jul 2017, 4:05pm
08 Jul 2017, 3:24pm
Hi all

New to Online gaming and definitely new to ED

Have done the tutorials and been playing a few hours (15) in open play.

Still learning the ropes and need to meet people in game ...

Was looking at the wings, but very difficult to see who is the most active / online and has the best backstory and missions - would love a few recommendations for newbies that are interested in a trader/explorer/mercenary role.

Have a nice day
08 Jul 2017, 3:34pm
Welcome Riebens!
08 Jul 2017, 3:38pm
Hello Riebens, and welcome to Inara.

I'd recommended taking your time to explore a bit more before becoming involved with a faction. At 15 hours you've only just scratched the surface of the stuff there is to do ingame. Get a feel for what's out there first. You'll probably find things make a lot more sense with experience, and a faction will pop up that you like the look of in due course.

Take care out there
08 Jul 2017, 3:52pm
Sp RhinoThanks for the warm welcome, I can already see that this is not going to be easy to get in to, are there any suggestions as to what to do initially that wont get me killed or lost very quickly, I think I have the very basics landing is still somewhat of a mystery to me, I have heard mention of an "auto pilot" landing/docking but have no idea how to engage this.

Autopilot is a module that you can install that is used for automatic docking.
08 Jul 2017, 3:56pm
@Rhino, docking computers are like Marmite to many pilots. Personally I wouldn't bother, as they take up a slot that can be more useful with something else.

As for landing, approach the pad like an airplane, slowly. Centre your ship using the HUD targeting system, and apply lateral thrust to fine tune your position. Make sure you're pointing the right way, otherwise you can't land! In large starports that's easy to work out, as you land facing away from the mailslot. On small outposts, face towards the buildings with windows. If you can see a ramp with a triangle on it ahead of you, you need to turn around.
08 Jul 2017, 4:05pm
Thanks Guys ..

Yes  i was trying to fit into a wing, but was too much out of my league to really follow the conversations

Seems i will be doing a little more solo work .. Luckily Google Elite Dangerous is my friend ...

Have a nice day
08 Jul 2017, 4:06pm
Stryker Aune
NFC PhistoAlternative method: blast past the destination at maximum speed then pull a loop to slow you down. Gravity wells can be used to fine tune your deceleration. Makes it a little harder on anyone pursuing you plus you can get a nice alignment to the docking port (notice that when your station is targeted in super cruise it shows your alignment to it - when you drop out of SC, that's how you'll arrive relative to the station).

Welcome to the game. There's lots to learn.

Phisto makes a good point.

My method,

Approach the destination no faster then 6 sec. That's the magic number. Anything lower then that and you'll approach to fast. Gravity well around smaller planets is a useful, but the large gas giant will make the final approach angonizingly slow.

Also note that you should try to approach a station from the inside of it's orbital path. That is, the mail slot is almost always facing towards the body it orbits. This can can cut quite a bit of time off.

Are you on PC, XBox, or PS4

If your PC, I would be willing to wing up with you and help show you the ropes.

Stryker - I'm Xbox buddy
08 Jul 2017, 4:11pm
In that case feel free to hit me up, GT is same as here.

I'll gladly help you get on your feet =)
08 Jul 2017, 4:46pm
Luke3107In that case feel free to hit me up, GT is same as here.

I'll gladly help you get on your feet =)

^Rhino, Luke is good people.  Highly recommend his help.

Beyond that, always fly with rebuy.  Whether you play in Solo, Private, or Open the galaxy is a dangerous place and you don't want to lose your ship if you can help it.  Furthermore, the game is a slow burn.  Take your time, enjoy it, get to know your small and medium ships and resist the siren song of the biggest and baddest stuff out there.  I started playing when it first came out for XBOX.  My path was Sidewinder, Viper III, AspX, then FDL.  Stayed there until February of this year and finally bought and engineered an Anaconda.  Still fly the FDL the vast majority of my time (and a Diamondback Explorer).

All will come in time!
08 Jul 2017, 6:04pm
This is very good advice. The journey needs to be savoured. Enjoy each ship, and learn it as you blaze your trail across the Galaxy.

Try different things and explore different interests. Who knows what you might find.

When I started playing I never thought I would end up as a pirate!
08 Jul 2017, 9:21pm
Stryker AuneThis is very good advice. The journey needs to be savoured. Enjoy each ship, and learn it as you blaze your trail across the Galaxy.

Try different things and explore different interests. Who knows what you might find.

When I started playing I never thought I would end up as a pirate!

^"Acquisition Specialist"
08 Jul 2017, 9:43pm
Does that mean I'm loss prevention?
08 Jul 2017, 9:45pm
If I hear correctly, you didn't prevent a loss...
08 Jul 2017, 9:47pm
Ooh! Ooh! I call "Threat Management!"

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