MAD_DOG_MacD@Son of khzvoltz - Age is a state of mind. My recently married daughter thinks it's funny when she comes over to visit to see me in my "Gaming Chair" blasting away at games. You may grow old, doesn't mean you have to grow up to some degree. I'll be 85 and still be a gamer.
@Darthjazzhands - The Commie 64 was awesome. I was a huge fan of the C128 though. I've been with computers since my first one (Altair 8800 which you had to build) in the late Seventies. Elite back then was fun. My friends and I would call each other and trade co-ordinates to things we've found. No planetary landings and no one in my group ever found a Generation Ship which was rumored to be in the original game.
That is awesome. You have my respect