
11 Nov 2023, 7:45pm
Aleksander MajjamWho needs a table these days?

The atmosphere. You throw a digital dice and it shows you some really sucks number and you blame the computer for being rigged. Too simple. But when you throw a physical dice with your own hand, and it shows you something none less sucks, you have nothing and nobody to hate but yourself. :p

LMAO. Meowers, you are well-versed in online dice fuckery. I just had a conversation about failed rolls with the GM of an online game I was doing. I'm in red and passively grumpy about my failed rolls, lol.

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14 Nov 2023, 9:46pm
"Upper end of failure and not a complete failure".
You've just described my entire life with an eloquence I can't even think of.
18 Nov 2023, 6:45am
Meowers"Upper end of failure and not a complete failure".
You've just described my entire life with an eloquence I can't even think of.

If you have to be the worst, shoot for the best of the worst. LOL.
23 Nov 2023, 5:13pm
Aleksander MajjamIf you have to be the worst, shoot for the best of the worst. LOL.
Doing my best with the worst. Maybe I'm secretly Elbonian.
14 Dec 2023, 2:10am
Hey (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
31 Jan 2024, 11:58pm
Hi Yall
01 Feb 2024, 5:59am
Buna ziua.
09 Feb 2024, 8:05am
Hello everybody

Cmdt J. Sebastián El Cano
Name: Joseph
Race: human
Sex: ???
Status: Novice explorer.

The role that best fits my interests is that of explorer. See you in infinite space. I'll put the avatar on later

18 May 2024, 6:28pm
Not so much an intro, more of a re-intro, been away for a long time. A few changes I see. Old enough to have played the original wire-frame game on my trusty ZX

See you out there.
05 Jun 2024, 8:48pm
Flameslayer021Hello everyone, new player just getting my feet wet.

o7 Hello!
Enjoy the game, and don't forget water resistant shoes.
26 Jun 2024, 10:53pm
Hola a todos, desde Bs As los saluda Jonatandb
Actualmente estoy volviendo a la burbuja siguiendo el camino de las megaships con una Python No-preparada para exploración (un fleet carrier me dejó tirado en el medio de la nada jaja)
Si alguno quiere charlar un rato mientras jugamos, siéntase libre de contactarme, suelo jugar varias horas al día, mientras entre salto y salto voy mirando guías, charlando con gente por Discord y aprendiendo más de este increíble juego y la aventura de dominarlo!.
Los leo!

Last edit: 26 Jun 2024, 11:01pm
29 Jun 2024, 9:28am
Hello all, happy to be here. It's been many years since I played Elite (and even then on PS4), but I always remember FA as the most compelling experience in the game. I suck though, I want to get better!!!

Last edit: 29 Jun 2024, 3:41pm
10 Aug 2024, 1:26pm
Obi Wan CannoliHey (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Hi Obi Wan Cannoli

Good looking Commander : )

12 Aug 2024, 9:41pm
Hello there!

More a re-introduction than a introduction. Been away for a long time, but I finally decided to migrate from console, and to continue the career.

See you around commanders! o7
13 Aug 2024, 11:48am
Welcome to the PC Galaxy Cmdr Han Saso 07

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