19 Dec 2015, 9:43pm
I enjoy this game for relaxation and wonder's of the Galaxy. I started late December of 2014 and been at it since on weekends. I mostly do trading and exploring but also did some mining. I enjoy them all as it give me options. I am primely solo and thought it would be nice once in a while to see a hollow square on my sensors. I lately started doing CG and enjoy it as it give a reason to leave my system and head the center of the bubble. I have permits for Empire and Sol but do not know how I manage to get them. I do not try to achieve a particular rank or goal as I think it defeat the purpose once you reach it. I much rather be surprise.
I'll join a group to accomplish a task as it will be different for me. Always looking to try something new.
Fly safe .
19 Dec 2015, 10:43pm
MoarDanNathanc213Greetings CMDRs
Name: nathan
Race: possibly thargoid
Sex: not now
Status: trying to get to rear admiral
Ive been playing Elite: Dangerous since June and have clocked in about 500h since then, I usually play it at some point every day. I have my own mining faction that is based in frey and if im not mining im helping out hudson and many other federation factions in conflict zones.
Thats your faction? Haha im allied with C&S Mining Corp since i did nothing but bounty hunt around the resource extraction sites around Frey, only thing is im now allied with Felicia winters instead of hudson.
Frey is a really good system, since there is now a player controlled faction in xihe which has removed the anarchy faction its now my go to place for bounty hunting
20 Dec 2015, 12:04pm
Name: Baago
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Status: Running shady underground business
20 Dec 2015, 8:45pm
Nathanc213MoarDanNathanc213Greetings CMDRs
Name: nathan
Race: possibly thargoid
Sex: not now
Status: trying to get to rear admiral
Ive been playing Elite: Dangerous since June and have clocked in about 500h since then, I usually play it at some point every day. I have my own mining faction that is based in frey and if im not mining im helping out hudson and many other federation factions in conflict zones.
Thats your faction? Haha im allied with C&S Mining Corp since i did nothing but bounty hunt around the resource extraction sites around Frey, only thing is im now allied with Felicia winters instead of hudson.
Frey is a really good system, since there is now a player controlled faction in xihe which has removed the anarchy faction its now my go to place for bounty hunting
a player controlled faction? i wonder how that works, i'll have to go there and check it out
22 Dec 2015, 4:34pm
My names Matt; I have been playing for nearly a year on and off. Its great to finally be part of some like minded individuals! Feel free to add me (GT: xH8Rx Matt). Space can get lonely!
Happy trails!
22 Dec 2015, 7:29pm
Name: Psymon
Race: Cubeo-ish
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Allegiance: Independant
My home is in the stars. I wander around in my trusty Cobra MKIII - Rattlesnake. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts.
23 Dec 2015, 4:27am
Name: Nova Cassidy
Commander name: BVits
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Occupation: Freelance pilot
Loyalties: Only to myself and my crew. Other allegiances are strictly business.
My name is Commander Nova 'BVits' Cassidy, I'm not going to bore you by talking about my upbringing and childhood, so I'll just start where it's interesting. You don't need to know about my awkward nerdy school years.I started my career as a freelance pilot Earlier in 3301 the same way most of us do. After years of study I managed to get a hold of my Pilot's Federation licence, and after that I scrounged together every last credit I owned and found myself a cheap second-hand sidewinder. It was rusty, smelled funny and I'm positive that at least half of the modules were held together with duct tape and super glue, but it was a steal for the price I paid for it.
(I also wrote something fuller here but figured I'd just post here and say hi too. I like to always be in character, and greatly enjoy roleplaying. Feel free to message me here or in game as Cmdr BVits, it's nice to have some people to talk to during what would otherwise be a very quiet game.)
Last edit: 23 Dec 2015, 4:33am
23 Dec 2015, 6:09am
23 Dec 2015, 6:41am
LordpsymonYour purple hair is dashing, enough to give Princess Aisling a run for her money.
Aha! Not sure anyone can rival hers but thank you all the same!
24 Dec 2015, 6:57am
Name: Lafarell
Age: 39
Sex: Male
Occupation: Freelance pilot/traders/and huuuu almost anything
Loyalties: to my flying pile of rust
24 Dec 2015, 11:29am
Currently a miner, trying to save up for an exploration ship, most likely an Asp.
My loyalties lie mainly with the Alliance, but I have been known to help out the Federation from time to time.
24 Dec 2015, 4:00pm
Name: Kennen
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Race: Definitely Human

Allegiance: Currently Independent, although I laud the Alliance for being able to stay a major player with such diversity
I'm pretty much a Freelancer, but love doing Bounty Hunting. I prefer to fight on the side of the Law and will always help a government/faction keep their space clear of Pirates and crime, so long as they're not communistic or run by a tyrant.
25 Dec 2015, 5:43pm
Name: Shyn Darkly
Age: 50
Sex: Male
Race: Human (well can't guarantee where medics got some of the replacement parts, but lets give them the benefit of the doubt).
Retired Empire operator, spending my twilight (no, I don't sparkle!) days cargo running for the most part. Promised an old boss I'd try keep an eye on his daughter when time permits, so you'll find me in Aisling space for the most part; but if the community needs me to ferry snowglobes to hell from parts of the bubble that hate me with a passion ... you'll find me there too