15 Dec 2015, 2:25pm
Name: Hasn't changed
Race: Yes, I like to race!
Sex: No thank you, I'm married
Profile: Sidenti Taalo is a primary example of why a spaceship shouldn't just be handed to any and every Joe Sixpack - let alone an Anaconda. Completely and utterly insane to the point that no human anywhere ever will serve on his crew, which is why his ship is staffed solely by cats who don't do a damned thing but beg for food and pee all over the ship's interior. Huge fan of 20th century Earth music and media, particularly commercials from the Japanese area of Earth at the time. His favorite color is only viewable by mantis shrimp and David Duchovny. Quite possibly addicted to several mindmelting narcotics, but if so they only serve to make him more normal. Prattles on endlessly. Does not fly wearing pants.
15 Dec 2015, 4:32pm
Name: N.R.Crosby
Race: Human ( I Think )
Sex: Must we get so personal
Status: Refugee
Profile: N.R.Crosby was born on the Planet Wayola ( 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 to you ) in the year 3249. He became a Master Mechanic under the tutelage of his uncle who had a Cobra MK III in service to the United Federation of Colonies Navy. Upon his Uncle's death, Crosby inherited the Cobra MK III and enlisted in the UFC Navy. He was already and competent pilot having flown many sorties with his uncle and soon was rising up in the ranks.
N.R.Crosby was also a very politically active on Wayola and became a leading figure in the Hai-Malistso ( Winters Wolves ) movement. This political group of the Chindi-Malistso ( Spirit Wolves ) supported a alliance with the Shadow President Feclicia Winters, and in the year 3301 that alliance was signed, but in November 3301 of this year The Shadow President annexed Wayola bringing it under the Shadow Presidents Control.
Outraged over this political backstab Cmdr N.R.Crosby and a rag Tag Fleet of ancient Colonial Transports have left Wayola and now they are in search of a Long Lost Sister Colony of the Chindi_Malistso.
Last edit: 15 Dec 2015, 4:42pm
15 Dec 2015, 11:28pm
Name: Argus Synthorian
Race: I may not look it, but I'm human.
Sex: What the hell do you think?
Status: Waiting at LTT 15899 for my damn Fer-de-Lance that I ordered. It's late.
Profile: I don't talk about my life much, and don't really intend to. So don't ask. As to why my face is so badly burnt and why I have cybernetic limbs, that's a story for another time.
16 Dec 2015, 12:10am
The Reaper Diaries are a series of novella (though the Redemption story barely cleared the 50,000 word lower limit for a proper novel!) that tell the stories of my Elite alter-ego of the same name, Matthew Lehman.
Matt is a straightforward, ex- navy bounty hunter. He isn't strictly concerned whether or not a job is legal- only that he gets paid. Things seldom go according to plan, however, and he usually finds himself jumping from one tight spot to another. His motives are basically noble, but he isn't above a bit of debauchery now and again. Occupying a grey area between crook and do-gooder, Matt values his independence, his ship, and his wallet. He gets the job done- except when he doesn't.

Anyone looking for a quick blurb about a new ship upgrade will probably have a TL;DR reaction to my work- but if you want great(I hope!

EDIT: Also, every story is 100% guaranteed to be illustrated. Because pictures are awesome. Stories are awesome. Pictures and stories are awesome.
Last edit: 16 Dec 2015, 1:32am
16 Dec 2015, 9:59pm
My in-game name is Korlan. I fly alot of CQC and do trading / bounty hunting in-game. I've played in a couple of different groups so far, 5dclan and contrail to name the largest.
Piloting an Imperial clipper for combat and downgraded to a type-7 temporarily for trading.
Condor and Imperial fighter are my preferred CQC ships.
17 Dec 2015, 8:33pm

Right now my focus is just on getting acclimated to the game and saving money to buy and outfit a Diamondback Explorer to pursue my main goal of exploring in the farthest reaches of the galaxy (mostly making money through bounty hunting and courier work). I have a long-standing interest in RP in all games I play, and the sheer depth of this game makes that a pretty much guaranteed path for me. I've joined the Knights of the Black and am looking forward to participating in their initiatives as well as some of the community goals I've seen posted here.
Anyway, thanks for reading this far (assuming you didn't just skip to the end..which I wouldn't blame you for at all). See you in the black!
18 Dec 2015, 4:32am
Name: Sean Kitsu
Race: Cybernetically Augmented Human
Sex: What's that? I've forgotten.
Status: Currently wondering why the Navy gave me a new "improved" liver if I can't get drunk!
Commander Sean Kitsu mustered out of the Federation Navy as a Chief Petty Officer that was assigned to a Long Range Exploration Unit that only existed on paper. Officially that is what he did. The nightmares he has awakened screaming from say something entirely different. While he is still not allowed to nor would he ever be willing to talk about what he actually did in the Navy, it's fairly easy to guess that it wasn't really anything to do with Exploration. The fact that he has some significant combat capable cybernetic augmentation might also say something. While nothing APPEARS out of the ordinary, his eyes, ears, spine, and chest/abdomen have been significantly altered subcutaneously. His eyes can see into several spectrum of light as well as provide a constant Heads Up Display unit. His ears are the least augmented with only a bone-conduction communication link installed; though there is still some mil-spec level encryption and decryption software linked to it. His chest and abdomen are altered with subdermal ferro-ceramic armor weave. Roughly speaking, it will stop most non-military grade firearms and blaster fire. It's also quite handy when taking a blow to the stomach. Hardly feel a thing!
Since he's lost most of his family, only a younger sister remains, he's taken to living the life of a Freelance Trader with some Bounty Hunting on the side. He usually lives aboard his Falcon-DeLacy Python-class Trader but occasionally he finds his way back to Sol system and specifically Europa to visit his little sister. Usually around the holidays and for her birthday. So far he hasn't missed one since he's been out of the Navy. They are slowly re-building their familial relationship.
18 Dec 2015, 9:52am
Race: ??
Sex: ??
Status: Frequenting the Kaiakal system, surviving by completing contract work,bounty hunting and the odd bit of smuggling. It maybe time to upgrade my Asp; to what??
Dilemma,dilemma ???
18 Dec 2015, 6:31pm
Captain KoldName: Captain Kold
Race: ??
Sex: ??
Status: Frequenting the Kaiakal system, surviving by completing contract work,bounty hunting and the odd bit of smuggling. It maybe time to upgrade my Asp; to what??
Dilemma,dilemma ???
I heard the ASP is the hardest ship to get trade out. So choose wisely.
Or try making enough money and buy the next ship out right.
18 Dec 2015, 6:35pm
Name: Daisy Kato
Sex: You know it

Status: I am an Explores/ Trader just trying to help feed the Chindi-Malistso ( Spirit Wolves ). For now out looking for the lost sister colony, but after we find it I'll try my hand at mining.
18 Dec 2015, 7:41pm
Race: Hermit
Sex: Eunuch
Status: Miner/Trader/HiRes bounty hunter
Started about a month ago and have CobraMKIII, AspE, and Python. Working on getting Python A-rated.
18 Dec 2015, 9:07pm
Name: Wild969 SAS/VNP
Race: I'm human. (i Think)
Sex: Only with a Female
Status:want to blow shit up
18 Dec 2015, 9:57pm
Name: Wobblyone
Race: ? Only when the bar is closing!
Sex: Not since I got married.
Status: Trying to rank up for Corvette! (and not getting anywhere)
19 Dec 2015, 6:51pm
Nathanc213Greetings CMDRs
Name: nathan
Race: possibly thargoid
Sex: not now
Status: trying to get to rear admiral
Ive been playing Elite: Dangerous since June and have clocked in about 500h since then, I usually play it at some point every day. I have my own mining faction that is based in frey and if im not mining im helping out hudson and many other federation factions in conflict zones.
Thats your faction? Haha im allied with C&S Mining Corp since i did nothing but bounty hunt around the resource extraction sites around Frey, only thing is im now allied with Felicia winters instead of hudson.