26 Oct 2017, 10:17pm
I set up flight controls properly, Ì´ll Check out some Trade routes or going for the Nexus missions. As long as they suite my rank and allegiance.
27 Oct 2017, 2:29pm
New boy in the hood here, every day's a school day as they say so I'm here to say I'm never afraid to plagiarise other people's brilliant ideas, not ashamed to claim credit for others hard graft or run screaming like a girl from a fight and then tell the tale of my prowess in the pub to whomever will listen. If you could just point me in the direction of where all the other old farts who should get a life and discover Lager are I'll go chin wag with my equals. (I'd just like to place the image of a fat nearly 50 bald bloke writing this in his vest and Y-fronts and that's the most honest thing I've said! :-) )
The (some what unsavoury) Presence

27 Oct 2017, 2:45pm
I'm sure you'll soon find a group here that's particularly suited to your needs. As a girl, however, I feel I ought to remind you that boys can also scream when they run from a fight.

Take care out there.
27 Oct 2017, 2:52pm
XxSnakeEyez39xxTry silverbacks. All old farts
A whole bunch of salty, gritty old farts ....
in any case welcome here

"Old age and treachery shall always overcome youth and skill."
--Anonymous Old Fart
27 Oct 2017, 3:30pm
Toberius Messithias III
27 Oct 2017, 3:54pm
27 Oct 2017, 5:36pm
Van R FlyheightYeah, I was going to say Silverbacks. This place is starting to look more like a retirement home these days.
Oh come on, wouldn't say that old.
27 Oct 2017, 5:51pm
Van R FlyheightWell they are certainly grumpy enough:D
GRUMPY! Who you callin’ GRUMPY!

27 Oct 2017, 6:01pm
27 Oct 2017, 6:03pm