25 Oct 2017, 10:42am
Look upon my Works, ye Haughty, and laugh!
Hello everyone, what a wonderful resource this is. Thank you to the creators and contributors.
My career started on an Executive SX-64. What a tank that was!
I *was* playing solo, but wanted more so I spent the whole weekend trying to get pirated. I failed. My attempts at getting pirated netted me 100,000,000 - enough for some re-buys... So I will continue trying to get pirated... I truly recommend this as a career choice. It pays...
Possible Piratee.
Is that a word?
25 Oct 2017, 10:54am
Being a piratee sounds kind of "niche"... probably best not tried in a Type-9, unless you're packing some serious hardware and module reinforcements. Professional Q-ship captain. Maybe ask Artie to add it to the commander-roles list?

25 Oct 2017, 11:13am
ToberiusMy name is Toberius, Baron of Bunglers;
Look upon my Works, ye Haughty, and laugh!
Hello everyone, what a wonderful resource this is. Thank you to the creators and contributors.
My career started on an Executive SX-64. What a tank that was!
I *was* playing solo, but wanted more so I spent the whole weekend trying to get pirated. I failed. My attempts at getting pirated netted me 100,000,000 - enough for some re-buys... So I will continue trying to get pirated... I truly recommend this as a career choice. It pays...
Possible Piratee.
Is that a word?

25 Oct 2017, 11:24am
25 Oct 2017, 4:58pm
I feel quite certain that there are some looking in who can point you towards a system in which you can be a piratee.
Take care out there.
26 Oct 2017, 7:08am
BulletExodusAurora DestinyNFC PhistoI got nothing.
Kind of reminds me of Master Control Program though.
Its actually from a GameCube game known as Custom Robo
Good, I'm not the only kid for a thousand miles who's played it.
Glad I'm not the only one either! I can always dream of another in the series. The DS one was okay.
Anyway, on another note, This discuss area is confusing, Is each area, like introduction, just one large single thread? Is there no way to make your own threads? And a better way to see when people are directly speaking to you without scrolling through everything?
26 Oct 2017, 10:37am
Just returning from a 2 year absence only to realize that I have erased my old profile in ED and the SIM doesnˋt Look like anything familiar anymore.
So I Plan to Start over on the weekend.
Anyone can turn me in the right direction to Start again?
26 Oct 2017, 11:34am
That's rather an open ended question. What sort of things are you looking to do ingame?
26 Oct 2017, 4:04pm
Just returning from a 2 year absence only to realize that I have erased my old profile in ED and the SIM doesnˋt Look like anything familiar anymore.
So I Plan to Start over on the weekend.
Anyone can turn me in the right direction to Start again?
Howdy Lt Casey
Well, considering the change that are coming soon and the current actions with the Thargoids, there are tons of possibilities. But you're not going to want to be stuck in a sidewinder for ages, so head out to Ceos / Sothis and do some grinding to get some rank and cash quickly, It was nerf'd but I just managed to get to Rear Adm yesterday after finally taking the time out to do it, and with very little grief or hassles, just boring sometimes...
Cheers and Happy Hunting
26 Oct 2017, 4:06pm
Just returning from a 2 year absence only to realize that I have erased my old profile in ED and the SIM doesnˋt Look like anything familiar anymore.
So I Plan to Start over on the weekend.
Anyone can turn me in the right direction to Start again?
Well I know that technically doesn't make you a newbie but if you need pointers there is a good discord for it Galactic Academy. Alternatively there are plenty of wings here on INARA that welcome players of any experience and the whole ED community is helpful anyway.
Good luck on your return.
26 Oct 2017, 5:54pm
Groo The WandererLtCaseyHi,
Just returning from a 2 year absence only to realize that I have erased my old profile in ED and the SIM doesnˋt Look like anything familiar anymore.
So I Plan to Start over on the weekend.
Anyone can turn me in the right direction to Start again?
Howdy Lt Casey
Well, considering the change that are coming soon and the current actions with the Thargoids, there are tons of possibilities. But you're not going to want to be stuck in a sidewinder for ages, so head out to Ceos / Sothis and do some grinding to get some rank and cash quickly, It was nerf'd but I just managed to get to Rear Adm yesterday after finally taking the time out to do it, and with very little grief or hassles, just boring sometimes...
Cheers and Happy Hunting
What is Ceos / Sothis?