
05 Nov 2017, 5:50pm
Welcome o7
06 Nov 2017, 2:38pm
Illeana Grimm-TurnerHi!

So, I heard about this site from a close friend who uses it occasionaly. I've been playing on and off for a couple of years, enjoying it all the time. But he's of the opinion that it's more engaging if you join a community? So, here I am, I guess... I've kinda RP'd in game, but I guess it doesn't count if you keep shifting your own goalposts. Maybe writing the stuff out will keep me grounded on a path? I dunno.

So I joined Inara. He reckons it's one of the better communities out there so I decided to dive in, although I imagine every community has its trolls, right?

Enough about that. My CMDR is called Illeana (Ill-ee-ah-na) Grimm-Turner, which is probably quite obvious. Nicknamed GT by friends and some family, she was born and raised planetside, although I never settled on a specific location. Is that overly important? I'm keen to write some stories of my own, maybe join people in the bars. Is there a code or rules to joining in. Like do I have to go through some sort of appproval process? Are there standards to how good my writing needs to be?

Although I enjoy doing it, I'm not convinced my writing is up to par really. But I welcome constructive criticism. Emphasis on constructive of course.

Anways, nice to see you (to see you....

CMDR GT o7 x

Welcome GT!!! I love reading every ones RP stories, sooner or later I hope to hook with some of you RP'ers so I can have some friends in this game lol.

Ryan Murdoc
Stryker Aune As for those that troll the forums. Artie, the site administrator does a good job cleaning up their messes and wiping thier posts.

As well as any posts that were made by anyone towards the topic of the original troll. Artie doesn't discriminate, he annihilates.

Like this:


This is the best gif I have ever seen!!!
09 Nov 2017, 3:16am
Hey everyone!

I'm not too sure on how to start this, so I'll just go for it.

I've been hanging around Inara and mainly using it for finding things, and have just started trying to get into the online community portion of it.
I've been playing Elite for about a year as CMDR StarShadows. He lived on an Earth like world in Federation space as a young child until his parents were murdered in a vicious act of brutality by the Federation Military. This prompted him to steal a Federal Dropship and escape out into space. To this day, he lives as a freelancer, working for the highest bidder. His best professions are bounty hunting, assassinations, and smuggling goods.

I might go on and try out the rp pages once I get a feel for things. How much writing I'll be doing is an uncertainty at the moment.

That is all. Fly safe, and watch your backs!
09 Nov 2017, 4:05am
Welcome, StarShadows
09 Nov 2017, 6:18am
Welcome good man. See you out in the black someday o7
09 Nov 2017, 8:38am
Hello again, Starshadows. We exchanged a few words yesterday on the discord, so welcome to Inara!

Take care out there.
09 Nov 2017, 11:14am
Welcome safe!
10 Nov 2017, 7:55pm

im wothax i play on xbox one gamertag:wothax cam


10 Nov 2017, 8:42pm
Hello Wothax, and welcome to Inara.

Take care out there.
10 Nov 2017, 10:36pm
Welcome Wothax
10 Nov 2017, 11:36pm
10 Nov 2017, 11:42pm
Welcome Wothax! Fly safe out there
11 Nov 2017, 3:21am
I've been away from this board for a while so welcome to all the new people.
11 Nov 2017, 8:44am
Wlecome Wothax! safe out there!
11 Nov 2017, 10:15am
o/ Starshadows and Worthax, see you out there (just hopefully not on my six!)

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