
04 Nov 2017, 4:56pm
Welcome o7
04 Nov 2017, 6:24pm
Don't get lost my friend. I'm not searching the Milky Way looking for "Dick"
04 Nov 2017, 6:25pm
Jemine Caesar

o7 = a person saluting (I know, it's the wrong hand...)

That's the correct hand. You're just looking from behind your own head (into the screen).
05 Nov 2017, 12:19am
Little bit disappointed no one finished the quote at the end... But I'll forgive you all since the welcome was so lovely.

I may consider the Discord in the future, but it's a shared computer so I don't know how likely that is. For now I will stick to the boards and private messages.

I like the lack of approval process. Makes me more eager to contribute knowing there isn't some anonymous group of judges deciding people are or aren't good enough before permitting a post. But I'll be sure to read the guidelines anyway.

You (Nex) mentioned heading for the Writers Guild? I presume you're referring to the one M. Lehman and Jemine Caesar are members of? It wasn't my intention to join a group straight off the bat like that, maybe in the future though (same goes for the lovely request from the Silverbacks, once I ignore the fact I'm fairly sure you called me old ). I know it was said previously that there's no approval process for joining Roleplay or writing Stories, but I imagine there is one for joining a Guild, in which case, what are they?

I also noticed that Inara has a minor faction. The Inara Nexus from what I've read. Am I expected to contribute to that for joining up here? I mean, I'm ok with doing so, but I'd like to have known beforehand, although my CMDR generally is independant and keeps herself to herself so I would have to break RP in doing so.

Again, thank you for the lovely welcome, I'll work on a character background soon once I figure things out on the site and in the character herself.

o7 CMDRS and Fly Safe x
05 Nov 2017, 12:36am
Illeana Grimm-Turner I may consider the Discord in the future, but it's a shared computer so I don't know how likely that is. For now I will stick to the boards and private messages.
I also noticed that Inara has a minor faction. The Inara Nexus from what I've read. Am I expected to contribute to that for joining up here? I mean, I'm ok with doing so, but I'd like to have known beforehand, although my CMDR generally is independant and keeps herself to herself so I would have to break RP in doing so.

Discord can actually be done completely through a browser, if that helps. You absolutely DO NOT have to help Inara Nexus.
05 Nov 2017, 12:41am
Oh, that's good to know. Thank you! I may break character anyway and help out as my way of saying thanks regardless

I was unaware Discord could be done through a browser. Perhaps you'll see me there soon enough then

Thank you Phelbore o7 x
05 Nov 2017, 2:22am
Illeana Grimm-TurnerOh, that's good to know. Thank you! I may break character anyway and help out as my way of saying thanks regardless

I was unaware Discord could be done through a browser. Perhaps you'll see me there soon enough then

Thank you Phelbore o7 x

Discord also has a mobile app.
05 Nov 2017, 2:32am
Stryker Aune
Illeana Grimm-TurnerOh, that's good to know. Thank you! I may break character anyway and help out as my way of saying thanks regardless

I was unaware Discord could be done through a browser. Perhaps you'll see me there soon enough then

Thank you Phelbore o7 x

Discord also has a mobile app.

Oh, really? I'm getting an upgrade sometime soon, so maybe I'll get it then. Right now the battery life on my phone is atrocious. Like, I charge it to 100% overnight and by lunch it's down to 60% without touching it. Although I am up at about 0600 most days so you could argue that 6 hours isn't too bad.

Thank you Stryker o7 x
05 Nov 2017, 5:16am
Illeana Grimm-TurnerLittle bit disappointed no one finished the quote at the end... But I'll forgive you all since the welcome was so lovely

Oops, sorry....."NICE"

Welcome o7
05 Nov 2017, 6:21am
Sorry Illeana.... NICE (good game, good game). May I just say you sound *ahem* mature enough to hang with the Silverbacks, a wing of youthful yet strangely glaberous or grey chaps and chappesses. They are a very happy band, so happy in fact many people mistake their laughter lines for wrinkles. Anyway, it's goodnight from me....
05 Nov 2017, 2:37pm
.... And it's good night from him. o7

I will perhaps consider joining up further down the line. As of now, I'm happy pottering around and doing my own thing. But your welcome and invitation is appreciated. I think I could make a new 'home' here as such so for that, I thank you all.

o7 CMDRs x
05 Nov 2017, 5:30pm

Hello everybody, I have some experience with the game and I would like to expand it by joining a group
05 Nov 2017, 5:37pm
Welcome Hacost
Come check us out anytime. Contact any of us leaders in the group if you have questions.

There are many other wings here to consider as well. All good folks. Head over to the wings promotions tab to see who's recruiting

See you around the galaxy
(Sorry, worst Star Trek quote ever )
05 Nov 2017, 5:46pm
Hello Hacost, and welcome to Inara. Probably the best 3rd party companion resource site for Elite Dangerous in the galaxy.

Take care out there.
05 Nov 2017, 5:46pm

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