
30 Nov 2017, 4:20am
Thanks for the mention Cmdr Prometheus =)

Cmdr Kanonfodder we'd be happy to have you. We generally don't have rules or orders just looking to keep things fair, friendly and indulge in jolly cooperation. No ganking nor grieving but legit piracy and pve/pvp we do partake in

Looking forward to flying with you.

@Cmdr Prometheus: Cmdr +Valen+ has a son who plays on PS4, could be a start. (French player-I can contact if you wish)
30 Nov 2017, 2:30pm
I see this has turned into a 'looking for a wing post'. Bad time for me to be busy in real life but thanks Nex for jumping in there. Welcome to all new members and good luck with your wing search.
30 Nov 2017, 3:20pm
LamblamoCmdr +Valen+ has a son who plays on PS4, could be a start. (French player-I can contact if you wish)

Yes please.

02 Dec 2017, 9:32pm
Hi everyone!

I'm new and I already asked to enter to the 3FIF in another discussion by Juan2045. He send me a Discord link, but there is no one there.
I play on PC and I would like to have a group where I can role and learn.
I'm an Spanish speaker, but I speak English and German.

So, any tip to start contacting my fellow captains would be great!
Waiting your news!
02 Dec 2017, 9:38pm
Hello Borggio, and welcome to Inara.

You'll find a link button for the Inara Discord underneath the list of names of everyone in it now.

Take care out there.
03 Dec 2017, 1:44am
Welcome Borggio!
03 Dec 2017, 5:36am
o/ Borggio
03 Dec 2017, 8:47am
Bienvenido Borggio!....Sei vorsichtig da draußen

Last edit: 03 Dec 2017, 9:48am
21 Dec 2017, 10:39am
Military Bio and service records: Bravo Uniform Charlie.

Name: William call sign (Buckshotbill), Rank flight leader/Field commander. special Agent/Tour operator.

Physical stats:
Height 6'2" pre augmented 6'9" post, Weight pre Augmented 245 lbs post 365 lbs, body type heavy muscular build toned.

Cybernetic Augmentations:
Carbide Ceramic Ossification Advanced material grafting onto skeletal structures to make bones virtually unbreakable. Reason multiple prior injury's and partial bone loss due to wound's in combat.

Muscular Enhancement Injections: Reason to alleviate nerve damage and insure adequate support to carbide ceramic ossification grafting.

Catalytic Thyroid Implant: Reason Platinum pellet containing human growth hormone catalyst is implanted in the thyroid to boost growth of skeletal and muscle tissues.

Occipital Capillary Reversal: Submergence and boosted blood vessel flow beneath the rods and cones of the subject's retina. Produces a marked visual perception increase.

Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites: Alteration of bioeletrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. 300% increase in subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity.

Military Training: Mixed Marshall Arts, 3rd degree black belts in Karate, Jujitsu, and Hapkido, Golden Gloves boxing, CQC and Urban combat certified, E.O.D explosive ordinance and demolition certified,
Riflemen's badge expert, Sharp shooter recoilless, Pistol expert.
21 Dec 2017, 10:47am
Buckshotbill420Military Bio and service records...

You might want to pop this bio in your profile page
21 Dec 2017, 7:43pm
25 Dec 2017, 4:39pm
Hello everyone

I have been on Inara some time now - and I just realised that I have not introduced myself properly.

I really enjoy all the posts.

btw in case you are wondering, my avatar is one of my WOW characters (not really a good likeness)

Merry Christmas to all
25 Dec 2017, 4:52pm
SparkeyeHello everyone

I have been on Inara some time now - and I just realised that I have not introduced myself properly.

I really enjoy all the posts.

btw in case you are wondering, my avatar is one of my WOW characters (not really a good likeness)

Merry Christmas to all

Welcome. And Merry Christmas.
26 Dec 2017, 11:30pm
Hello Sparkeye, and welcome to Inara.

Season's greetings to you.
27 Dec 2017, 10:15am
Rather depends upon who the likeness is of... 8D

Welcome in from the Shadows though.

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