
03 Feb 2018, 9:35am
Good Morning fellow Commanders. Ps4 old fart here.

Have been on ED since July 2017, loving the game, gives my OCD a well satisfied dose on a daily basis, so much in fact, that I haven't played any other games and put in at least 2 hours a day on this monster game.

Anyway, Im hoping to join one of your mature-player wings and hopefully I will virtually-meet more of the PS4 players on this site. Toodle pip and safe flying o7
03 Feb 2018, 10:20am
Hello Magic Mushroom, and welcome to Inara. Plenty of player groups here to consider. I'm sure there'll be one that appeals to you.

Take care out there.
03 Feb 2018, 10:45am
Jemine CaesarHello Magic Mushroom, and welcome to Inara. Plenty of player groups here to consider. I'm sure there'll be one that appeals to you.

Take care out there.

05 Feb 2018, 4:43pm
Mag1cMushrumGood Morning fellow Commanders. Ps4 old fart here.

Have been on ED since July 2017, loving the game, gives my OCD a well satisfied dose on a daily basis, so much in fact, that I haven't played any other games and put in at least 2 hours a day on this monster game.

Anyway, Im hoping to join one of your mature-player wings and hopefully I will virtually-meet more of the PS4 players on this site. Toodle pip and safe flying o7

Welcome to the fold. If you go to the Wing Promotions area you'll see advertisements from a number of wings recruiting. Since you said you're an "old fart", you might want to check out The Silverbacks. But plenty to choose from!
06 Feb 2018, 2:39am
Hello everyone I'm new to elite dangerous and was looking for some CMDRs to potentially wing with on the xbox hope to meet some of you out in the black
06 Feb 2018, 3:14am
Blimppiolt21Hello everyone I'm new to elite dangerous and was looking for some CMDRs to potentially wing with on the xbox hope to meet some of you out in the black

Welcome to Inara!
06 Feb 2018, 3:21am
Hahaha, whoops!

Blimppiolt21Hello everyone I'm new to elite dangerous and was looking for some CMDRs to potentially wing with on the xbox hope to meet some of you out in the black

Welcome to INARA.
06 Feb 2018, 6:07pm
Blimppiolt21Hello everyone I'm new to elite dangerous and was looking for some CMDRs to potentially wing with on the xbox hope to meet some of you out in the black

Welcome to some great company. Explore, share, ask questions!
08 Feb 2018, 6:28am
CMDR ARGHouse here of the Lave Frontier Alliance. People out here call me 'Archimedes'.
I grew up in the He Bo system, went to flight school around Eravate, started off my career as an Alliance Bounty Hunter, eventually joining the AEDC and moved into Leesti. I fought in the Leesti Revolution of 3302, and since then I've undertook a few exploration surveys, finally reached what every pilots dreams of, an Anaconda. I left the AEDC around the end of 3302 to form the Anarcho Communists of the Lave Cluster, since the completion of my 3303 Colonia expedition we've already lead successful rebellions in a handful of systems around Unelinte. The LFA was formed November 3303 among a hundred or so systems stretching from Epomana in the San Gu, Garm to the Spica Frontier.
08 Feb 2018, 6:54am
Hello My name is Jon and I am a 37 yr old Army veteran. I am completely new to ED. I have been helped tremendously by several Ryder's , I am learning as much as I can as fast as I can so I can become a contributing member of this awesome organization. I know I have a ton to learn but my goal down the road is to become part of the leadership team so that I can help the Ryder's progress ,grow,and Prosper. Please don't hesitate to add my GT Jon52356 I am always looking to meet new people.
08 Feb 2018, 6:59am
Welcome to Inara, enjoy your stay, don't forget to visit the local InGaBa or Olive Grove if that's your pleasure. Jump on the discord if you need answers, most are happy to assist.

Fly Dangerously CMDR's
08 Feb 2018, 1:49pm
ARGHouseCMDR ARGHouse here of the Lave Frontier Alliance. People out here call me 'Archimedes'.
I grew up in the He Bo system, went to flight school around Eravate, started off my career as an Alliance Bounty Hunter, eventually joining the AEDC and moved into Leesti. I fought in the Leesti Revolution of 3302, and since then I've undertook a few exploration surveys, finally reached what every pilots dreams of, an Anaconda. I left the AEDC around the end of 3302 to form the Anarcho Communists of the Lave Cluster, since the completion of my 3303 Colonia expedition we've already lead successful rebellions in a handful of systems around Unelinte. The LFA was formed November 3303 among a hundred or so systems stretching from Epomana in the San Gu, Garm to the Spica Frontier.

Jon52356Hello My name is Jon and I am a 37 yr old Army veteran. I am completely new to ED. I have been helped tremendously by several Ryder's , I am learning as much as I can as fast as I can so I can become a contributing member of this awesome organization. I know I have a ton to learn but my goal down the road is to become part of the leadership team so that I can help the Ryder's progress ,grow,and Prosper. Please don't hesitate to add my GT Jon52356 I am always looking to meet new people.

Welcome Newjacks.
Hope you find Inara helpful.

Fly safe
09 Feb 2018, 2:11am
Welcome CMDR's

This is a great place to learn and it has made this game for me, I could not imagine ED without INARA and the discord channel is awesome for meeting other players. the facebook page is good for when you are on the go.
09 Feb 2018, 4:20pm
Hi there! Just wanted to take a chance to introduce myself and thank whoever built this website, because it's a godsend.

My name is CMDR Viridian and I was introduced to E:D by a friend in another game. I had bought this game before and didn't appreciate it whatsoever, until I was basically adopted by a wing who've shown me how awesome this game is! I'm always looking to meet other new players to hang when my wing can't and wade through this experience with folks just as confused and overwhelmed as I am.

Fly safe, commanders!
09 Feb 2018, 5:40pm
Welcome to the party!

Artie is the man for all things Inara. Praise be our mighty God-King.

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