
03 Apr 2018, 9:50pm
CMDR Skillman412 here. I would like to thank the player community for adding the drama and the intrigue we all need to feel purposeful. o7 Fly Dangerous.
05 Apr 2018, 6:11pm
Hey all. I am commander AsphaltFRS. I started playing about 3 months ago. I have a few ships. Sidewinder, type 7, Cobra mkIII, and am Asp explorer. Asp and Conra are fitted for figjting. Type 7 for passenger and shipping. I am pledged to Felicia Winters and i am at ally level with her. I am extremely low on funds so i am looking to do some winged delivery missions in hopes of getting to the type 9 heavy amd then ultimatey a federal corvette. Just joined the group. Wondering how i join the in game private group. Thanks for having me. I look forward to helping out the group. o7
06 Apr 2018, 9:04am
Hello Asphalt, and welcome to Inara.

Take care out there.
06 Apr 2018, 11:47am
Guess I'm a bit late here. High all! ( *feels like in aa meeting lol*) I'm new as well, have been playing about 2 weeks now. I have many ships as well and happen to be working on that t-9. Already having a blast with the group and everyone is so helpful. I love the community so far ... better than other games I can say for sure. Stumbled across you guys on frontier and it looked like a fun crowd. Can't complain about anything here. If anyone needs help with something. I'll see what I can do to be of assistance. I'm usually online on the ps4, so don't be afraid to ask questions in the MSR Official Thread.

Safe flying!
"Never ever leave your wing man!" ~Viper
06 Apr 2018, 6:30pm
Hello VX, and welcome.

Take care out there.
06 Apr 2018, 7:09pm
Hello peps. I'm commander tictac. I'm looking for some peps to hunt thargoids with or (ideally) do some wing trading. I already have a nice friend (CMDR Rossco G) but more peps more fun (and creds
07 Apr 2018, 12:53am
Welcome Asphalt, Lotus and Tictac.
07 Apr 2018, 1:10am

Hotel, Echo, Lima, Lima, Oscar. Tango, Hotel, Echo, Romeo, Echo. Charlie, Oscar, Mike, Mike, Alpha, November, Delta, Echo, Romeo, Sierra.

Mike, Yankee. November, Alpha, Mike, Echo. India, Sierra. Charlie, Oscar, Mike, Mike, Alpha, November, Delta, Echo, Romeo.

Juliet, Echo, Sierra, Kilo, Alpha. Delta, Oscar, November, Tango.

Bravo, Echo, Lima, India, Echo, Victor, Echo. Tango, Hotel, Echo. Foxtrot, Echo, Delta, Echo, Romero, Alpha, Tango, India, Oscar, November.


ugh trying to encrypt is so annoying but Dont believe what they say about me Im not a traitor to the Federation Im just a victim of one of their Secret Projects during the first Thargoid Conflict the reason why they want to kill me is because I know too much about their— *Crashing on a door* S*** they've found my Hide Out I need to get out of here. Stay safe Commanders but Stay Dangerous *Explosion in background probably from a breaching Charge sounds of gun fire....... Judging by the sounds of cursing the Commander survived*


Hello there Commanders my name is Commander Connor Jeska dont believe the Federation.
07 Apr 2018, 9:26am
Hello Tictac. Welcome to Inara.

Take care out there.
07 Apr 2018, 11:29am
Greetings Commanders
I am Dynamite Priest and wanted to say hello to you all.

I am just moving to Inara system and hope to see you all there.

Over and out
07 Apr 2018, 12:11pm
Hello Dynamite Priest, welcome to Inara.
08 Apr 2018, 9:15am
Good Morning all,

Tarzan Tiger reporting to squad!

Been playing Elite years and years ago, and restarted with E:D last weekend...

Will be heading to Inara soon...
08 Apr 2018, 9:24am
Hello Tarzan Tiger, welcome to Inara.

Take care out there.
08 Apr 2018, 3:37pm
Tarzan TigerGood Morning all,

Tarzan Tiger reporting to squad!

Been playing Elite years and years ago, and restarted with E:D last weekend...

Will be heading to Inara soon...

09 Apr 2018, 1:22am
All this time playing Elite and I never realised INARA had a social side!

Hello from CMDR Kekkonshiki, just back from the Guardian sites to unlock the new tech and currently prostituting myself to Aisling Duval to get my hands on her prismatics.

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