
04 Aug 2018, 1:57am
04 Aug 2018, 6:41am
Welcome Jawkin!...Fly safe!
04 Aug 2018, 8:22am
Hola, Jawkin. Welcome to Inara.
06 Aug 2018, 2:23pm
Hello all,

playing on PS4.

Wonderful game, also impressive.

but if I understand well walking in various page with PS4 is not possible to load my data; is it right?
07 Aug 2018, 3:26am
Welcome Two__Star!

Right. Manual input for consoles only.

Fly Dangerously.
07 Aug 2018, 4:59am
Two__StarHello all,

playing on PS4.

Wonderful game, also impressive.

but if I understand well walking in various page with PS4 is not possible to load my data; is it right?

08 Aug 2018, 11:30am
Welcome to Inara, Two_Star.
09 Aug 2018, 10:56am
Hello, Sgt11b20 here. Been trying to play this game on and off for about a year now. I finally got a CH Fighterstick and put some serious time into learning it and the game. Having alot of fun, but there are so many things I have yet to understand.

  1. What to do next?
  2. What are engineers? How do I enable their missions?
  3. What is powerplay? Should I bother this early in my progression?
  4. What are community goals? Is it worth my time yet?
  5. Where should I be going?
09 Aug 2018, 11:18am
Two__StarHello all,

playing on PS4.

Wonderful game, also impressive.

but if I understand well walking in various page with PS4 is not possible to load my data; is it right?

Welcome Cmdr, like you I am on PlayStation 4 and in fortunately you will have to update manually.
Feel free to ad me on your PSN list, I am in the Uk and I am on usually around 21:00. Like you I have been restarting this game, great game, I start to understand the all thing. I have one advice : play the way you enjoy playing, You think of what type of Cmdr you want to be then be that man!

Have fun Cmdr and may the stars be good to you.
09 Aug 2018, 11:25am
SgtnastyHello, Sgt11b20 here. Been trying to play this game on and off for about a year now. I finally got a CH Fighterstick and put some serious time into learning it and the game. Having alot of fun, but there are so many things I have yet to understand.

  1. What to do next?
  2. What are engineers? How do I enable their missions?
  3. What is powerplay? Should I bother this early in my progression?
  4. What are community goals? Is it worth my time yet?
  5. Where should I be going?


Do not worry, you won't run out of steam,with Elite...learn to fly, and survive and get a feel...

There is so much in this game, even people who are playing this for more than 30 years (yes before the PC ) find new new depths and new things...

Main tip: There is NO endgoal or level...enjoy the path, there is no's not about the biggest a big ship can be taken down by a small ship

Just very fast...your questions:

   What to do next?

learn to fly, dock (witout computer) , survive.....start maing money to upgrade components of your ship or to  the next ship...even if you know how to fly, it's only basic...there are so many ways of flying and navigating....even a simple maneuvre as boosting can be done in 5 different ways

Experience and  learn your weapons and modules...Elite is based on Rock Papaer there is not a supreme mode that rules them all...every ship and every weapon has it's advantages and disadvantages....

   What are engineers? How do I enable their missions?
If you're askin about engineers, then you don't need them yet. However engineers can enhance your ship-parts, like faster engines or stronger need to unliock them and that requires travveling some distance and cargo space or other achievements....based on your achievements or unlocking engineers, you can unlock the next one...

   What is powerplay? Should I bother this early in my progression?
Powerplay plays in the background, depending on your politcal view or interest....but it is not essential for the wait until you're in the game for some while, get to know the main political players and their views

   What are community goals? Is it worth my time yet?
community goals , are goals for a common do need however to be able to survive, have cargo space, and good flying......and sometimes travel longer distances...rewards are based on your achievements COMPARED to other players of the same community..if you perform less tan your peers, your rewards are less goes however fairly logarithmic

   Where should I be going?
It really can be on the Bubble, there it 's very busy, can go to the rim of the biubble, or you can go to very distant colony (20.000 LY), called Colonia for example, which has a Pioneer/Frontier kind of has it's own charms, but it's not as luxurious like in the bubble..

Find first what your passion stated, there can ben 20-30 things you can follow a carreer in Elite. It's formost a community with all the complicated human interaction. Here below you see a way at looking at carreeers within Elite

high-res image can be found here (5400x3200)

This game has so much levels, and lores and mysteries, and they all affect each other...there is no reset, it is a persistent universe...

What wyou missed in your questions is additionally BGS (Background Simulation), how you can affect a starsystem in a political (local political as opposed to Power Play which is uber-governental)...

if somebody says he knows the whole game in 2 years, i would say he only knows half or a third......becasue after that you got the mysteries , clues, discoveries, and of course sweet stuff a Thargoids and Guardian technology....and not to mention the exploration of space....and after that you got great games like mountain jumping

Last edit: 09 Aug 2018, 11:47am
09 Aug 2018, 1:06pm
  1. What to do next?
  2. What are engineers? How do I enable their missions?

Elite Dangerous is a game where you're given a ship, a galaxy to play in and nothing more.  Like life, there is no road map, no one forcing you to do things their way.  You have to figure out your own goals and how to reach them.  Joining a community is a great help with that!
I'll start you out and answer your next question too:
Save up for an Adder or Cobra, buy one, save up for the largest size A rated FSD (frame shift drive), a Fuel Scoop, Frame Shift Wake Scanner, cargo bay(s) that will hold a grand total of 3 tons and an SRV bay.  Head out of the starting area towards Cheranovsky City, Ngurii.  It should be 200 some light years from the start, you need 300 to unlock Elvira Martuuk, who will enhance your FSD and make life much easier.  Scan wakes at every station you dock at, you'll need atypical disrupted wake echoes.  Once you get to Ngurii, keep going (but be careful, there are no stations past it!) until you get the invite.  Turn around, grab 3 Soontil Relics and head to Khun, Elvira's system.  Upgrade your FSD and start your next quest, whatever that may be.
09 Aug 2018, 1:24pm
A lot of people start in Asellus Primus now, Phel - it's the Horizons spawn point. From there it is exactly 300 LY to Maia to pick up a meta-alloy for Felicity Farseer, so you can unlock Elvira in the process.
09 Aug 2018, 2:36pm
Quite true, but for the MA to be of use you have to have Scout or higher. That may or may not be the case and hauling it around for a while is pirate bait. There's also a long stretch with no stations that can be daunting. If you're Scout or higher and can manage that stretch, Farseer is the way to go, for sure!
09 Aug 2018, 2:53pm
SgtnastyHello, Sgt11b20 here. Been trying to play this game on and off for about a year now. I finally got a CH Fighterstick and put some serious time into learning it and the game. Having alot of fun, but there are so many things I have yet to understand.

  1. What to do next?
  2. What are engineers? How do I enable their missions?
  3. What is powerplay? Should I bother this early in my progression?
  4. What are community goals? Is it worth my time yet?
  5. Where should I be going?

Welcome aboard! Let me help you put Elite Dangerous into a proper context. In order to avoid disappointment or misunderstanding you absolutely must think of Elite Dangerous as a virtual LIFE, not a game. In a traditional game there are competitive levels, goals, "prizes", etc., and often "rounds" for you to win, with the ultimate goal being the be-all winner. In LIFE, however, you have personal goals, moments of competitiveness with other people (in sports, for jobs, for fame and fortune) but life itself simply is. Your success or failure in life ultimately is your own and has little to do with the success or failure of others. There are evil people in life and there are evil people in ED. You will find a lot of people complaining that ED is "boring", and that's largely because they think of it as a game. Life is, quite frankly, periods of drudgery and boredom punctuated by moments or periods of excitement. Same with ED.

So, within the above context, the career(s) you choose to dig into (and, remember, you're not bound to anything for any length of time, but intestinal fortitude, skill and education DO pay off) can bring more or less "excitement". Contentment totally depends on you. If your desire is to become rich, then you will need to learn from any source you can (videos, forums, other players) the fastest or safest ways to accumulate Credits. This will usually involve you also needing to get better ships or better equip and engineer the ones you have. Almost any ship can be awesome if you outfit it and engineer it right--each has advantages and disadvantages (gaining reputation and experience with different engineers open up opportunities for them exploit your ship's advantages and mitigate its weaknesses).

Others are giving you some good advice with the engineers. There are quite a few engineers, and each has particular module/equipment types they specialize in as a primary or secondary. You'll find that, like in Real Life, you will find out about some engineers because you've gained reputation with earlier engineers...the old "I know a guy who knows a guy" thing. Some will be revealed simply because you attained a certain amount of experience in certain kinds of missions (combat, exploration, trading, mining). Generally speaking, you will end up dabbling in some careers that you may not intend to follow permanently, simply because a particular engineer requires you to. I have absolutely no intention of being a trader or miner, but I had to engage in a period of both in order to get what was needed for a particular engineer and get upgrades I wanted.

Community Goals are ED's attempt to add time-specific bigger-picture missions into the mix and to drive both cooperation between players and competition. In Real Life, if there was a natural disaster you'd see a call go out for people to volunteer to bring supplies, rebuild, rescue, etc. You'd also find a lot of bad people scamming folks, looting, etc. Elite Dangerous pretty much mirrors that. You CAN make quite a chunk of money during a CG.

I don't involve myself really with the Power Play aspect, but in order to gain access to certain star systems or certain ships, you'll find you need to rank up within that particular faction. For example, in order to be able to purchase a Corvette I had to attain a certain rank in the Federation (in addition to simply having enough credits). I now have that rank, but I prefer my Anaconda, so I'm not in a hurry to buy a's just nice to know I can if I choose. But, you'll find a lot of players really get into the role-playing and the whole background system (BGS) and actively support the Alliance, Federation or Empire. Some focus smaller and just work to support player factions (like Inara). And, again like Real Life, it's very much like supporting political parties.

You'll find there are so many groups/wings who have big goals or ideals they live by. The Fuel Rats is a pretty elite group (they do take on new people) of players who have developed, to some extent or another, the skills and ships particularly capable of traveling very far, very fast specifically to provide fuel and repairs to players who get themselves stuck out in the black (because they ran out of fuel, jumped into a system but don't have enough fuel to jump back, broke their fuel scoop or other modules, etc). Some of the rescues have been pretty spectacular. Still other groups help other players in special situations. Look into the whole Dove Enigma story. Earlier this year a BUNCH of players escorted a commander with a terminal illness on a trip from the bubble to Colonia and then gave him one of the most memorable "fireworks" displays I've seen. It's on YouTube. Also, you'll see in forums, etc., groups posting about really big expeditions (Distant Worlds, Distant Worlds 2, etc.). Again, SO much is kind of like a futuristic virtual life. You can be as busy or bored as you choose. Don't like being around real players OR NPCs (computer-generated players)? Be an explorer---the further away from civilized space you get, you eventually run into nobody. Want the thrill of combat and have plenty of credits to rebuy your ship over and over? Become a pirate or bounty hunter, go into Combat Zones or High or Hazardous Resource Extraction Sites.

I would say, start by picking out initially what kind of career you want, and then check out videos (the more recent, the better) on the topic and solicit mentorship from other players around here. Then start your pathway to build up your bank account and get the best ship for that career, the best modules (beware: sometimes the A-rated module isn't necessarily the best choice) and engineer the ones that optimize your ship. You'll need to start learning about power requirements and power management, mass of your ship, etc. in order to really become a good commander of your ship. The jump range and fuel capacity of your ship, for example, is more important to you if you are exploring or trading, but power, shields and weapons will be more important to you as a pirate or bounty hunter.
09 Aug 2018, 3:02pm

I don't involve myself really with the Power Play aspect, but in order to gain access to certain star systems or certain ships, you'll find you need to rank up within that particular faction. For example, in order to be able to purchase a Corvette I had to attain a certain rank in the Federation (in addition to simply having enough credits). I now have that rank, but I prefer my Anaconda, so I'm not in a hurry to buy a's just nice to know I can if I choose. But, you'll find a lot of players really get into the role-playing and the whole background system (BGS) and actively support the Alliance, Federation or Empire. Some focus smaller and just work to support player factions (like Inara). And, again like Real Life, it's very much like supporting political parties.

Fellow Ape, besides the more than wonderfull advice, and amount of typing.....

don't confuse the recruit, so a small adjustement.....PowerPlay is reasonably independent from allied main factions (Federal, Imperial, Alliance) can have PowerPlay for Archon Delaine or Yuri Grom, while at the same time advancing your allance  with Federation for your Corvette...and then we have , BGS is again fairly independent from above factions.... BGS is more MinorFaction Related.

Just a minor correction...for the rest excellent work !

In any case @SgtNasty...i hope it is a bit clearer?

Last edit: 09 Aug 2018, 3:52pm

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