
19 Oct 2018, 4:09pm
Welcome, Alekzandre.
19 Oct 2018, 4:25pm
Welcome to the show, Alekz!
19 Oct 2018, 6:34pm
Hi everyone. I am CMDR IronMoon. I am a founder and lifetime member but do not get to play much due to RL issues. I have traded commodities, run passengers, picked up minerals on planets, and upgraded items with the engineers. I am looking for some new things to do to keep my interest in the game.
19 Oct 2018, 6:45pm
IronMoonHi everyone. I am CMDR IronMoon. I am a founder and lifetime member but do not get to play much due to RL issues. I have traded commodities, run passengers, picked up minerals on planets, and upgraded items with the engineers. I am looking for some new things to do to keep my interest in the game.

Welcome, IronMoon.
20 Oct 2018, 10:17pm
Hola, Alekz and Ironmoon. Welcome to Inara.
21 Oct 2018, 6:10pm
Gidday everyone... CMDR Vaelfynn here....Back into ED after a year or so off... I was a noob then but really feel like a total noob now.

Just arrived in Kunti with a Python , ASP Explorer and A Cobra Mk III, (laughing at me is not only encouraged , it's mandatory!).

I have 13 million to my name (laughter again please), and am looking to help out any way that I can... Would be so grateful if someone pointed me in a direction to do so.

21 Oct 2018, 6:38pm
VaelfynnGidday everyone... CMDR Vaelfynn here....Back into ED after a year or so off... I was a noob then but really feel like a total noob now.

Just arrived in Kunti with a Python , ASP Explorer and A Cobra Mk III, (laughing at me is not only encouraged , it's mandatory!).

I have 13 million to my name (laughter again please), and am looking to help out any way that I can... Would be so grateful if someone pointed me in a direction to do so.



Couple of points, the Cobra III, is an amazing all around ship.
The Python is an excellent pirating option and solid ship for multipurpose BgS work.
And the AspX makes traversing the bubble a right snap.
All three ships are an excellent addition to any fleet.

As for 13 mil credits to your name, it took me over a year to break 10 mil, so no laughs from mate. Besides, if you have enough for rebuys, and investment into any trading your golden. There is more to a pilots reputation than the size of their wallet.

Glad you're back. Fly dangerously.
21 Oct 2018, 7:07pm
I've been here for a little while so maybe it's time to say hello... Hello. There, now that the formalities are out of the way I can say a little about myself. New to ED and pc gaming in general. I played some games wayyyy back in the DOS era with my very first being Starflight on 5 1/4" floppies. Searching for Starflight on a Sega Genesis (yes I still have one that works) cartridge is actually how I found Elite. Been hooked ever since. I now have 3 small ships I'm having a blast with. Even made it to a million credits once but upgrades and the dreaded rebuy has taken it's toll on my bank account. No matter as there are plenty of things to do to earn enough credits for my next meal. I post somewhat regularly in my logbook/diary thing so if you are totally bored and nothing to do other than watching paint dry, give it a read.
22 Oct 2018, 2:06am
Welcome Mo Ronik!

I love hearing about people enjoying the game in all it's brutality in the beginning, it does get easier as you go.

Your avatar is awesome! Well done on making a holome that looks so human.

I may have to start reading some of those, got a massive backlog to read though, in time.

Fly dangerously!
22 Oct 2018, 4:18am
Thanks Stryker Aune.... Looking forward to doing some good for the group
22 Oct 2018, 4:57pm
Howdy, folks. Welcome to the party. Don’t forget Inara has a Discord channel as well if you enjoy the ‘live’ feel.
22 Oct 2018, 5:36pm
Hola, Vaelfynn and Mo Ronik. Welcome to Inara.
22 Oct 2018, 6:02pm
Hello everyone. I`m new here in Inara.
So i just wanted to introduce myself.
22 Oct 2018, 6:04pm
SuluapygHello everyone. I`m new here in Inara.
So i just wanted to introduce myself.

23 Oct 2018, 8:45pm
Welcome to Inara, Suluapyg.

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