
22 Jan 2019, 2:52am
Hello, Joe.

'Round here, we got a name for new pilots that haven't earned their wings: Newjack.

So bub, since yer a newjack to the game, we got a lot of friendly commanders willin' to help you out and yourself sorted. If you use Discord, we're always hangin' around the Inara channel. Hell, sometimes we're in game at the same time, so help isn't all that far away.

Don't be afraid of Open. Yeah, there's always going to be a dickhead flyin' around the starter and most popular systems, but once you make your way out to what you might call home... well, finding another human commander is rare and special (unless they're a jackass) treat.

Right on, and fly safe commander! o7
22 Jan 2019, 9:06am
Welcome Joe, from a Cmdr of the same .... er .... vintage Beware of Tribbles, I was caught in that scam first time round!
I stayed in Solo for a long while, only dared open after joining a Wing Squadron. Now I rarely, if ever, play in solo! I highly recommend finding a Squadron to suit your preference, I guarantee you won’t look back.
Here on Inara you’ve already found the best resource site on offer for Elite 07
22 Jan 2019, 2:06pm
Ya know, Taffer... there was a long time I thought I was among the upper age dynamic that played the game (I'm almost forty). Your group alone made me realize different. You guys have a great sense of humour and I generally only check the Squadron Promotions forum just to look at your adverts.

22 Jan 2019, 6:01pm

What would really be helpful is a bindings screen similar to the command editor in Final Cut Pro. Remembering all the keys is, well, hard.

Check out That can print a picture of many controllers and a list of key binds. Yeah, I know it doesn't help set them up, but once they're set it's nice to have a list.
22 Jan 2019, 10:07pm
Jubei HimuraYa know, Taffer... there was a long time I thought I was among the upper age dynamic that played the game (I'm almost forty). Your group alone made me realize different. You guys have a great sense of humour and I generally only check the Squadron Promotions forum just to look at your adverts.


Yep Jubei, we do have a gas
You’d be surprised about the ED age demographic! I sure was when I attended the FD Expo, most of the real enthusiasts were, shall we say, er, on the mature side
23 Jan 2019, 1:56am
Jubei HimuraYa know, Taffer... there was a long time I thought I was among the upper age dynamic that played the game (I'm almost forty). Your group alone made me realize different. You guys have a great sense of humour and I generally only check the Squadron Promotions forum just to look at your adverts.


Coming up on 62 here. I'll quit E:D when they can pry this HOTAS from my cold dead fingers...
23 Jan 2019, 5:55am
Hey everyone just dropping in here to introduce myself. I'm fairly new to this site and new to trying any RP as well. I've always been interested but never participated.

I've been playing for about a year now but I mostly play in Solo or in the Mobius PvE America server. I never much cared for the PvP side of the game much. Perhaps that will change, I have no idea. I have a few friends who hop on occasionally but they never seemed to stay interested in the game and my playtime outweighs theirs by the hundreds. That's not a brag. I reckon I have a problem. Nah....I'm sure it's fine.....

Sorry if I ramble too much but it's nice to meet y'all.
23 Jan 2019, 7:48am
Welcome Maul, sounds like you'll fit in around here just fine.

23 Jan 2019, 7:49am
Hello Maul, welcome to Inara. Have a good look around, make yourself comfortable, and check out all the features of this truly wonderful site. You'll usually find some of us over on the Discord channel, so pop in and say hello there, too.
23 Jan 2019, 2:30pm
Howdy do, Maul! Welcome to Inara. Jump right in, the water's fine.
23 Jan 2019, 2:34pm
Welcome Maul. Hope you have fun.
23 Jan 2019, 3:55pm
Welcome Maul! o7 This place is the best, I've been looking to join the RP here too but (due to RL stuff going on) it's taken me quite a bit longer than I would like and I'm lazy. See you around!
23 Jan 2019, 4:54pm
Greetings CMDRs

I have been playing ED since September 2018. I am old enough to remember the original version from 1984, but only because I watched my father play it when I was quite small!

I haven't spent much time here really, but it seems like a great place! Thanks to all of you who make it so great.
23 Jan 2019, 5:09pm
Hello, Zoltar-Talion, and welcome to Inara.
23 Jan 2019, 7:20pm
Welcome Zoltar-Talion! There are a lot of great people here and now you're one of them hope to see you around! I'm not the most knowledgeable about Elite but I'll help out however I can, though you probably know more than I do.

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