
21 May 2016, 3:18pm
Hello CMDR's my name is [REDACTED]
21 May 2016, 10:11pm
ShadowNetHello CMDR's my name is [REDACTED]

It's because of [DATA EXPUNGED], I suppose?
23 May 2016, 4:17am
Greetings Commanders. I look forward to flying along side you all. Glory to Archon.
24 May 2016, 9:49am
Greetings, I am Steel Beast. I just discovered Inara as my wish to join a wing grew on me. After all this time spent in solo I'm finally feeling ready to be part of something bigger.

I shall obliterate my ennemies and make law wherever i go. When i'm not busy trolling people
24 May 2016, 12:33pm
Greetings commanders, I am Robert Willson, and am looking forward to fly under the same goal to make open server to be enjoyed by everyone.
26 May 2016, 7:55am
Hello commanders
I am akuna matata. I am new to this site. I am very enjoying the tons of info provided.
It helps quite the bit with elite. However I have a question : why is it so hard to rank up with empire?
I cannot find a system or stations that can help speed up the process. So I have checked HIP 20277, TAMAR, AYMIFA, LABIEZE.
But I was not able to rank up like with federation.
Anyone has some suggestions?
Thank you kindly
26 May 2016, 10:02am
Momo79eliteHello commanders
I am akuna matata. I am new to this site. I am very enjoying the tons of info provided.
It helps quite the bit with elite. However I have a question : why is it so hard to rank up with empire?
I cannot find a system or stations that can help speed up the process. So I have checked HIP 20277, TAMAR, AYMIFA, LABIEZE.
But I was not able to rank up like with federation.
Anyone has some suggestions?
Thank you kindly

Well ranking was alot easier past update, from what ive read 1.6 will be nerfing the charity mission exploit so I think the only easy way would be to take every fed/imp faction missions you see.
26 May 2016, 3:42pm
Thank cmdr Nathanc213
I appreciate the input.
By the way, is it true that horizon will be released on xbox one on June 3rd?
26 May 2016, 4:27pm
Momo79eliteThank cmdr Nathanc213
I appreciate the input.
By the way, is it true that horizon will be released on xbox one on June 3rd?

Yes it is, just purchased xbox card ready to buy it.

Last edit: 26 May 2016, 5:00pm
28 May 2016, 2:05pm
Greetings everyone.
I am CMDR Omegacybran and I am a very versatile pilot in Elite. I do mining, exploring, Bounty hunting and even some pvp when I feel like it

Looking forward to fly with you all o7
30 May 2016, 2:55am
Hello. I put a good chunk of time into the game on XB1, and when the Horizons beta was about to come out, I switched to PC. Long story short, I did not have the heart to claw my way back into a decent ship, so I stopped playing until very recently. Consequently, I have no idea what my in-game name is. Nice to meet you, anyway!

Glad to see something like this exists. I was creating unholy Excel spreadsheets the last time I played, fighting the urge to load up a real IDE and create something more substantial. Perhaps now that will not be necessary.
02 Jun 2016, 5:22pm
Greetings from beyond.

Occupation : Trader / Bounty Hunter / Protector
Server : Open Play / Private
CommLink : 135Mb D / 12Mb U 70 Ping.

Attack Ship:
Type 7 Transporter

I am currently looking for a group of commanders for the XB1 who want to make money, have a good time, and protect hubs when needed. Anyone is welcomed. All I ask is that your over 18 and that you can be effective with your resources. I stay logged in a lot to the game even if I am away. I keep the command module beside me to provide strategic support to members who are looking for an effective route. If we can get enough members than I will create a wing for us on Inara that allows us to communicate offline if needed and plan missions.

Please fill free to add my GT to your list and hopefully we can link up in Open Play.
03 Jun 2016, 5:12pm
Salve a tutti i comandanti.

Sono un giocatore di simulatori spaziali ,aerei strategici.
Seguo Elite Dangerous fin dalla sua closed beta dell'estate 2014.
I miei ruoli principali sono Bounty Hunter , Commerciante e fungo da supporto per i convogli quando è necessario.
Le mie navi principali sono:
Fer De Lance

Quando necessitate di un supporto o di un intercettore in più contattatemi ^^.
03 Jun 2016, 5:41pm
Alpha2500Salve a tutti i comandanti.

Sono un giocatore di simulatori spaziali ,aerei strategici.
Seguo Elite Dangerous fin dalla sua closed beta dell'estate 2014.
I miei ruoli principali sono Bounty Hunter , Commerciante e fungo da supporto per i convogli quando è necessario.
Le mie navi principali sono:
Fer De Lance

Quando necessitate di un supporto o di un intercettore in più contattatemi ^^.

Usando Google Traduttore.
Ciao comandante, benvenuto a Inara. Vola sicuro!
03 Jun 2016, 7:34pm
oooh, I welcome our southern members! I don't understand a word, but I just like the sound of it! :-)

Hi btw, I'm Mike. Some guy. If you want to know me, read my logs.

Last edit: 04 Jun 2016, 4:20am

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