
05 Jan 2016, 2:36pm
Daemon EleuelHi all,
I started playing last week and I am enjoying the game immensely.
I found out about Inara while randomly checking for tools. Rather impressive website and hopefully a gateway for roleplaying.
I found the game to be extremely immersive and I am absolutely loving it.
I'm playing multi and doing some trading, with some bounty hunting on the side to enjoy the dogfighting (at which I suck).

Fly safe everyone.
Or unsafely, if that's how you roll

Welcom to ELITE
05 Jan 2016, 6:46pm
Hi all I played a bit at launch but want to get back into the game and enjoy it with others so i found you guys and thought i would join( not sure if i have jjts by signing up?)
so cant wait to see you in space and do missions/trading or anything with you all.


07 Jan 2016, 8:22am
Hello Hello, been playing for over 700 hours and somehow only found this website today. It's rather nice to see the community.
08 Jan 2016, 3:57am
Hi everyone.  Recently bought Elite during a Steam sale.  Wanted this game for a while & I'm not disappointed.  It's relaxing, gripping, exhilarating & soothing - all in one sitting whilst have a beer or two.  Excellent site that adds to an already brilliant game.


Last edit: 08 Jan 2016, 4:03am
08 Jan 2016, 4:53am
Greetings new Commanders,

Nice to meet you, and great to see you in here with us.

See you in the black and stay frosty gentlemen.
08 Jan 2016, 2:57pm
Hey everyone!

Nice to meet you all. Really loving this site.

I'm looking forward to being able to document my adventures through Elite on the site!

Thanks for making it possible!
08 Jan 2016, 3:55pm
Hello new CMDRs, you found one of the best Elite sites out there, welcome aboard
09 Jan 2016, 12:14am
AreZeeHello new CMDRs, you found one of the best Elite sites out there, welcome aboard

This should be a "sticky" post at the top of the forums.  ;)
09 Jan 2016, 8:55am
Hiya All. Blame Nathan De Verne, it's his fault I decided to join, so be warned.

So now I'm off to find a headset, and find out all of Peach's secret smuggling routes while I find the biggest mofo gun I can mount, and then blow up a clipper, because why not!

Hope to fly with you all soon!

09 Jan 2016, 1:31pm
Right I'd best introduce myself!

Elite: Dangerous is my First Flight game ever and I'm enjoying it so far :-D

I'm mainly a FPS/RTS/RGP player

Currently Flying a nearly A grade Vulture - Only like killing stuff

Looking to progress in my combat skills alot! not to good as yet :-)

So thats me, Look forward to winging up and killing stuff!

CMDR Studge

09 Jan 2016, 2:05pm
Been playing for about 7 months (400 plus hours) and discovered this site. I enjoy the game very much... probably the only chance I'll ever get to explore the galaxy . Explorer by nature, Bounty hunter by necessity.

CMDR Blackshirt
09 Jan 2016, 2:26pm
AreZeeHello new CMDRs, you found one of the best Elite sites out there, welcome aboard

This should be a "sticky" post at the top of the forums.  

yeah probably a good idea to do something like that. I make a suggestion, right now!
10 Jan 2016, 5:49am
Well... Greetings everyone!

It's almost a month I wander the galaxy.

Found Hudson guy, pledge to him, now my troath is dry, need some drink.

Found this bar, now I'm here

10 Jan 2016, 7:03am
Hello all. Got the game back in April 2015, been playing pretty regularly ever since. Took some time off before Horizons came out, then fell in love with it all over again. I'm playing to enjoy myself, so I don't have the tremendous mounds of credits that most other commanders seem to have. I love exploring and finding beautiful sights. My Vulture is also ready to go on a moments notice to fight those who would oppose the Federation and Shadow President Winters.
10 Jan 2016, 7:27pm
Hello everyone!!!!

I have been playing the game pretty activity since June, but after doing the Robigo runs to the end of time and having maxed everything out and almost all ships in the game I grew........bored. I decided 2 weeks ago to delete my save and start over. I am currently in a Cobra MKIII and just progressing through the game.

Currently looking for a wing that plays in both open and private. Voice communication would be a huge help!

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