
06 Apr 2020, 5:14am
So I've heard. I feel lucky they didn't say I had to tithe too.
06 Apr 2020, 5:18am
Hmmm... Well, since I didn't bring anything I should probably get going. Need to get back out there anyway.

Do you think asking for a to-go box would be too much to ask?
06 Apr 2020, 5:36am
Help yourself!
06 Apr 2020, 8:22am
Ello Meicyn and Atavist.

INARA is a very useful site and its users are usually a good bunch.
06 Apr 2020, 7:23pm
CrimcsokaHello, nice to be here. I played Elite 2 years back, now I just started again and I saw that site Inara is great for Elite so I joined to finde usefull infos and friends.

Welcome! It is indeed very nice to be here.

MeicynHi all! Been playing for a bit over a month or so on PS4 and have been using Inara almost as long, decided I should play in the reindeer games here and introduce myself. Loving the game and have played it while ignoring every other game I own as a result. Not much else to say, but looking forward to being part of the community here.

Welcome! Glad to have you on board, fly safe!
07 Apr 2020, 8:17pm
Hello All,

New old player here. I used to play the original on the BBC waaaaay before PC's became useful.

Have just picked up ED having had it on the PS4 for a year or so - gave up because was too fiddly and reverted back to Destiny 2- point and shoot.

With these unusual times and WFH, have become hooked on ED.

Where do i ask general questions on this forum?

Anyhoo cheers all,
07 Apr 2020, 8:19pm
Http_oldsurferHello All,

Where do i ask general questions on this forum?

Welcome aboard! The General forum is your destination!
07 Apr 2020, 8:25pm
Nerys Nymei
Http_oldsurferHello All,

Where do i ask general questions on this forum?

Welcome aboard! The General forum is your destination!

08 Apr 2020, 11:22am
Hey everyone, semi newbie reporting in! Been watching a friend play elite for a few months now, and the game was finally discounted on steam. I somewhat know the drill already though
08 Apr 2020, 11:37am
Wot ho Max.

Enjoy ya time in the black, don't rush to get to the big ships and you'll find plenty to do here.
08 Apr 2020, 12:06pm
I'll try and stick to open, would be nice to find my place within the empire one day. But for now, a lot of work to do till I'll be self sufficient.
08 Apr 2020, 1:22pm
Hi everyone!

i'm looking for CMDRs who want to create a new minor faction called "Church of Void" (squadron=Disciples of Void), type Theocracy, for enjoy RPG pen-and-paper style with roleplaying enthusiastics and playing hard with BGS. If we are enough players, we can create that minor faction in the system of our choice (we have some ideas) and we can coordinate our group through discord channel.

We believe in Void (in fact, is the black hole in Saggitarius A), i can send you a short history with the "personal experience and visions" of the founder of the church, the Elder.

Contact me with a private message of Inara.

Fly safe, cmdr's!
08 Apr 2020, 2:33pm
Greetings & Welcome!
08 Apr 2020, 3:40pm
Welcome aboard, Commander!
08 Apr 2020, 4:26pm
Interesting idea, but I already got my church and I follow the gospel of the Banana wine.

Still , I'd like to see how it goes for you and your followers. . . Makes me wanna watch the 70s film The Blackhole again. The end of that got a bit metaphysical.

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