
05 Mar 2020, 3:24am
o7, glad to see you.

1- Enjoy the game for what it is, and take your time with it. There is no finish line, so don't speed-run your way to an Anaconda like some of the videos show.
2- Open is not nearly as dangerous or intimidating as some people think. I wish I knew that earlier.
3- The money will come.
05 Mar 2020, 3:39am
iAngitalGreetings fellow Commanders, first week out in the black. Still combing through tutorials and trying to absorb everything at a good pace. How in the world have I missed this game until now? But I’m glad to be here, love the learning curve. Would love to mingle with other pilots and get in more to the community of the system. Shoot me "things i wish i had known," pointers or just a hello on here or in game. Cheers!

o7 Welcome, CMDR!
In addition to what Rotwhylr said:

1-Try different things to see what you like. Use a not-expensive ship to get a feel for things before making investments on a particular ship build or loadout.
2-There are ways to make money no matter what you do: mining, exploration, combat, etc. Find out what you like, explore it, and build up.
3-Check out some of the community tools, like EDSM and Coriolis. These are really great resources that make all our lives easier.
05 Mar 2020, 4:13am
There are also some very helpful videos on YouTube.

The community here has also been very helpful; Thank you all!

I just started climbing that very steep "Learning Cliff" a couple of weeks ago.

I'm still working on trying to learn avoiding being a "yo-yo" back to my starting location.
05 Mar 2020, 10:18am
iAngitalGreetings fellow Commanders, first week out in the black. Still combing through tutorials and trying to absorb everything at a good pace. How in the world have I missed this game until now? But I’m glad to be here, love the learning curve. Would love to mingle with other pilots and get in more to the community of the system. Shoot me "things i wish i had known," pointers or just a hello on here or in game. Cheers!


Learn the 7 second rule.

Have fun
05 Mar 2020, 3:39pm
Definitely check out Exigeous. That man will learn you almost everything you need to know about flying out here.
05 Mar 2020, 3:57pm
"7 second rule"?
05 Mar 2020, 4:08pm
Synthya Wylder"7 second rule"?

When approaching your selected location, when time to distance reaches 7 seconds, cut throttle to 75% to avoid loop of shame....I assume
05 Mar 2020, 4:10pm
That's the one Joe.

When ya get good at it, you can cut sensible-seven down to the sexy-six.
05 Mar 2020, 8:31pm
Yep, sometimes it can be six, depends on the local masses.
05 Mar 2020, 8:40pm
SuperFixxxeRYep, sometimes it can be six, depends on the local masses.

Nah, depends if I’ve stayed awake ....... or on banana wine
05 Mar 2020, 8:48pm
I prefer to think of it as a "Spiral of Recalculation" instead of "Loop of Shame"

05 Mar 2020, 9:34pm
SuperFixxxeRYep, sometimes it can be six, depends on the local masses.

Very true, that why I have on occasion got away with the "Fearless Five-Second Rule" approaching a station or POI the not orbiting an astral body

Silver Taffer
SuperFixxxeRYep, sometimes it can be six, depends on the local masses.

Nah, depends if I’ve stayed awake ....... or on banana wine

God dang! On that stuff I stick to the "F-ed up Fourteen-Second Rule" and I still overshoot my mark.
06 Mar 2020, 5:57pm
I like fearless five but usually do sexy six

Lately been speeding up once my lower left speed indicator enters the blue zone. I throttle up to just one tap outside of blue.

I’m easily amused
06 Mar 2020, 6:25pm
Soon as I found out you could go full throttle once you've hit the blue zone, there was no other way to do it.
06 Mar 2020, 9:34pm
Lambast MercySoon as I found out you could go full throttle once you've hit the blue zone, there was no other way to do it.

Wait... full throttle?
I tried that once and overshot. I’ll try again

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