
24 Mar 2020, 3:52pm
Greetings and welcome to all new cmdrs. Glad to have you on board
24 Mar 2020, 4:01pm
Greetings & Welcome to all those new, & those I've yet to meet!

<--Green Newb
24 Mar 2020, 4:36pm
greetings, New Cmdr's. have Fun and Fly Safe
24 Mar 2020, 11:24pm
Found this place, interesting. Seems nice and the beer costs retail.
28 Mar 2020, 4:47pm
28 Mar 2020, 6:08pm
Greetings o7
28 Mar 2020, 6:09pm
Welcome aboard!
28 Mar 2020, 6:12pm
Importing photos is proving to be a little tricky. I apologize for the lack there of.
28 Mar 2020, 8:19pm
Greetings Commanders o7

I've been around the galaxy for a while (PS4), but only recently I've discovered INARA. I've heard the drinks are good
30 Mar 2020, 5:53am

I noticed I never introduced myself here. CMDR Khepr at your service.
30 Mar 2020, 12:22pm
Greetings & Welcome!
31 Mar 2020, 8:27pm
Hi , New here, looking to fill some time, maybe make some new mature friends ( sorry constant piss take and over excited people really doenst do it for me anymore)- played for a small while back in Beta. A Mature (yes im getting old) ex EvE payer for my sins or maybe i shouldnt swear like that here just yet. Synthya Wylder sent me
31 Mar 2020, 8:28pm
Welcome aboard, Doc!
31 Mar 2020, 8:37pm
DocvonspliffHi , New here, looking to fill some time, maybe make some new mature friends ( sorry constant piss take and over excited people really doenst do it for me anymore)- played for a small while back in Beta. A Mature (yes im getting old) ex EvE payer for my sins or maybe i shouldnt swear like that here just yet. Synthya Wylder sent me

I did, but that's not like a 'gold-star pass' or medal to wear or anything.

I'm still a Newb...
31 Mar 2020, 8:39pm
Damn was hoping for cookies or cake

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