
21 Feb 2019, 2:03pm
Hullo Spud and welcome.
24 Feb 2019, 11:39pm
Arrowood here. Spent way too much time waist deep in the shit, so headed out for some dark peace in the great if you need me, join me if you can find me.
25 Feb 2019, 7:30pm
Greetings Commanders.
Fledgling commander here. New to both Inara and Elite, but already looking forward to venturing into the black reaches of our galaxy.
Just wanted to say "hi" and throw out my appreciation for such a handy and helpful community.
Fly safe commanders. DoomGuy out.
26 Feb 2019, 1:02am
Welcome new Commanders
26 Feb 2019, 9:19am
o7 new CMDRs
27 Feb 2019, 7:40pm
a lot of new faces around, hehe nice, welcome lads.
27 Feb 2019, 8:13pm
o7 commanders, think it's time to introduce myself here

CMDR Gore Gonzola on board !

Started to play the game in early January, and after 600 hours of playing, I can say that the game is definitely my favourite ATM, and I guess I'll look forward to join a squadron soon

Fly safe !
27 Feb 2019, 9:16pm
Hello and welcome ... and o7 to you Gore Gonzola,

We are new members of an awesome site.

There are no newbie questions, in the inara
community "just questions"

BTW : I have been playing for about one month and play on PC,
If you want to add me as a friend.
01 Mar 2019, 4:58pm
Greetings Commanders, CMDR BuddaBeast here.

I'm the old man gamer sitting back in my chair on the proverbial front porch yelling at the young kids to "get off my lawn"

PC gamer that couldn't resist the grind for the Federal Corvette. I had to have it because well to quote one of Yamik's videos "It screams F@#$ you Sirrr".

Okay back on task...I play solo or open although I am looking to get more involved in the BGS, Squadron, and Wing flights. All friends are welcome...Looking forward to seeing you in the black, o7
01 Mar 2019, 5:21pm
BuddaBeastGreetings Commanders, CMDR BuddaBeast here.

I'm the old man gamer sitting back in my chair on the proverbial front porch yelling at the young kids to "get off my lawn"

PC gamer that couldn't resist the grind for the Federal Corvette. I had to have it because well to quote one of Yamik's videos "It screams F@#$ you Sirrr".

Okay back on task...I play solo or open although I am looking to get more involved in the BGS, Squadron, and Wing flights. All friends are welcome...Looking forward to seeing you in the black, o7

Welcome BuddaBeast, speaking of 'getting off the lawn'
02 Mar 2019, 9:07pm
Hello Commanders,
I 'm a relaxed person, 44 years young and I've been playing the game for nearly 3 years and only just discovered this side of Inara, doh.

I used to be a FPS gamer and then I bought VR, Elite Dangerous came shortly after and well that's where it began. Elite Dangerous is my go to game and I haven't played much else since getting into it, I really enjoy a Docking Computer if I've have a smoke, spotting the differences between the space stations is something I enjoy.

Take care
03 Mar 2019, 10:43pm
OojHello Commanders,
I 'm a relaxed person, 44 years young and I've been playing the game for nearly 3 years and only just discovered this side of Inara, doh.

I used to be a FPS gamer and then I bought VR, Elite Dangerous came shortly after and well that's where it began. Elite Dangerous is my go to game and I haven't played much else since getting into it, I really enjoy a Docking Computer if I've have a smoke, spotting the differences between the space stations is something I enjoy.

Take care

Welcome to "this side" of INARA
06 Mar 2019, 11:05am
Hello CMDRS, likewise I didn't realise there was this part of Inara and I've been on it for a while.

Anyway, you'll often find me online (in Mobius) weekends and evenings. Usually take part in bounty hunting CGS and always willing to wing up with people and help them out.

Same commander name, energygap

Have fun, fly safe.
08 Mar 2019, 11:57am
Hi all
I have not ventured in the open much, mostly SOLO. Looking to wing up and learn more. I have an ASP EX with a scoop, so I can come out and meet up outside the bubble.
Thanks for having me.
08 Mar 2019, 7:51pm
Cpt Max SpeedHi all
I have not ventured in the open much, mostly SOLO. Looking to wing up and learn more. I have an ASP EX with a scoop, so I can come out and meet up outside the bubble.
Thanks for having me.

Hey learning this part of inara. If you want to explore come out to the basses in the soul nebula and heart nebula. They are 300ly apart but 7500ly from the bubble. Come out this way I'll point you to 4 systems each with an earth like

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