
31 May 2020, 5:56am
Hello everyone! I am still new and learning the game, and so far, it is AMAZING! To introduce myself, I play usually every day and am on my Xbox so if anyone wants to team up or chat, feel free to add me. Until then, I'm either out exploring this massive galaxy or fending off some pirates from my cargo hold! See you all(hopefully) out in that void of space!
31 May 2020, 10:50am
Its a Floater! Not uncommon in zero gravity.

Hello and welcome
31 May 2020, 2:25pm
Greetings & Welcome!
01 Jun 2020, 9:04pm
Hey guys!

New to Inara, but have played a bit. Love the game and looking to find a Squadron that fits my style. I want to try all the things I didn't really do till now.

01 Jun 2020, 9:15pm
Ello Vorobonn, welcome to INARA. You'll find a squadron that suits you somewhere round here.
01 Jun 2020, 9:33pm
Lambast MercyEllo Vorobonn, welcome to INARA. You'll find a squadron that suits you somewhere round here.

Thanks! Currently I'm trying to figure out how the player factions and the support of such works. And how this all relates to the squadrons...
01 Jun 2020, 9:42pm
Greetings & Welcome!
03 Jun 2020, 1:53pm
Hello all. original 1984 player here. Recently found the updated version and loving it. Just got back from my first deep space venture and found a lot of great canyon runs on Col 285 Sector XS-A b1-4 planet 3a. Have fun!
04 Jun 2020, 2:30am
Greetings & Welcome!
04 Jun 2020, 7:13pm
Hi all. I'm guilty in that I've used Inara a few times in need but never thought to register.

I started playing Elite Dangerous shortly before Horizons was launched then had a 4 year break. Glad I'm back!

Hopefully see you Xbox Elite-ers soon. Feel free to add Sithilis.

04 Jun 2020, 8:32pm
Hey Sithilis, welcome
04 Jun 2020, 9:10pm
Greetings & Welcome!
04 Jun 2020, 9:47pm
Hi there. I've been in Elite and on Inara for a while now, but I don't recall having made a proper introduction.

I, Lord Iron, Loyalist of the Emperor and man of wealth and taste, bid thee good greetings. I've been around in the background doing this and that, and now I'm looking for fellow CMDRs to fly with. I'm trying to build contacts with commanders who can Roleplay and are willing to join me in my morally ambiguous adventures.

Feel free to PM me here, add me on Discord, or as a friend Ingame. o7 commanders.
04 Jun 2020, 9:51pm
" of wealth and taste..." Possibly inspired by "Sympathy For The Devil" by the Rolling Stones? I love the song & lyrics!

Greetings & Welcome!
05 Jun 2020, 9:41am
Hi everyone!

I've been using the platform for a while and I realised I haven't made any formal introduction.

I'm Teddy, TB, Ted, whatever takes your liking. Imperial runner and administrative officer for The Shields of the Eagle. An empire faction pledged to her Highness, Princess Aisling Duval... But thats just my business card, never mind all that.

In reality i'm a laid back soul just trying to survive in the Cold Black like everyone else. If I pick up a drink or two, make a few credits or meet some like minded peers along the way so be it.

Fancy a chat? Looking for some public relations work done? EIther way, jump over to my page. Take a seat and let me pour you a glass.

07 Commanders.

Last edit: 05 Jun 2020, 4:36pm

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