
19 Sep 2020, 10:23pm
Greetings & Welcome! This is for Introductions, so you're in just the right section.
19 Sep 2020, 10:48pm
Thanks for the welcome. good to know I am in the right place to get started, I have used Inara for only a few years (crafting lists mainly) but only just started the journey of chatting, for me its harder than landing for the first time. the only time I have even played with someone was a fuel rat... when i had just bought my first clipper haha
19 Sep 2020, 10:49pm
Ulysses AureliusHello I am a PS4 player and I have had roughly 500 to 800 hours playtime over the last 4 years. im a very shy commander but im looking to open up as i leave my family and go into the big world (IRL if anyone was wondering) sorry if this is actually meant to be a RP section

o7 and May Odin watch over you

Welcome! o7
19 Sep 2020, 10:53pm
Thank you, appreciate it!
20 Sep 2020, 1:54am
Greetings all. Been flying in E:D since May 2020. Really enjoying it. I've come to use Inara as my primary 3rd party tool so I figured I'd say hi. When in the Bubble, I hang out in Alliance space, usually Cupinook or LP 849-20. But I'm really looking to get out and explore outside the Bubble in my DBX.
20 Sep 2020, 1:59am
FiveStringJeffGreetings all. Been flying in E:D since May 2020. Really enjoying it. I've come to use Inara as my primary 3rd party tool so I figured I'd say hi. When in the Bubble, I hang out in Alliance space, usually Cupinook or LP 849-20. But I'm really looking to get out and explore outside the Bubble in my DBX.


You started just a short time before I did.
20 Sep 2020, 10:59am
Welcome newcomers!
20 Sep 2020, 5:29pm
Welcome Commanders!
20 Sep 2020, 6:14pm
Greetings commanders. Enjoy the experience of travelling in deep space!

20 Sep 2020, 11:31pm
Greetings and salutations commanders.
20 Sep 2020, 11:39pm
Thanks y'all!
21 Sep 2020, 2:29pm
Hi all,
I'm 3 weeks into my ED story now, and so far it's not been too bad.
Currently flying a Cobra that's kitted for a bit of mining when not running courier missions, but the aim is to get another ship (possibly AspX) and kit that out for longer, more profitable mining runs until I get bored and want to go discovering in it.

Like so many I started out with the original Elite in 1984, and my claim to game fame is that ED was released on my birthday
21 Sep 2020, 2:49pm
Greetings & Welcome!
22 Sep 2020, 1:09pm
Greetings commander

22 Sep 2020, 11:48pm
> 1 new signal
--Start of transmission--

Salutation folks!

Recently licensed pilot here, had been thinking of making the plunge for the past year or so but no matter the amount of preparation and research, taking in the vastness of the galaxy is just overwhelming. In a good way! I stayed a little under a week in the safety of Pilot Federation space and just dipped my toes outside of it today. Admittedly my flight time was limited -- I think I spent most of it between video documentation and the Codex, but I feel comfortable enough with my trusty Sidewinder now.

Like your average crow I stop by anything shiny to look at it from three different angles and pick it up if I can, so I think I'll default to scavenging and the odd rescue mission as the start of my career. I do hope to make a decent explorer someday, after I've scoured the bubble to my satisfaction.

Be seeing you around! Haeres Corvi signing off.

--End of transmission--

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