
05 Jun 2020, 9:55am
Good intro Ted, welcome
05 Jun 2020, 3:08pm
Yes, a good intro. Greetings & Welcome!
06 Jun 2020, 10:43pm
Greetings everyone

Just re-introducing myself. Been here a good few years and finally saying hello.

I am Flimley
06 Jun 2020, 10:43pm
Welcome to the party, Flim!!
06 Jun 2020, 11:27pm
Thanks for the greetings folks! maybe see you in the black
08 Jun 2020, 6:17am
Hey all. Cmdr Dante Cortez here. I've been off the E:D grid for most of the past 6 months (made two quick jumps in February, but before that, it was December), and I've just spent a couple of hours refamiliarizing myself with the controls. I play solo, not interested in PVP, and I mostly go out deep into the black looking for ELWs and other fun things.

I also was in the habit of posting logs and gallery pictures, and maybe I'll do more of that.

Don't be a stranger. (Just don't shoot at me.)
08 Jun 2020, 6:37am
Greetings & Welcome!
08 Jun 2020, 2:36pm
Hello everyone. Been on Elite for a while now, but have recently taken up more of an interest in Inara. I've mostly been a bounty hunter and part time explorer during my time on elite, though now I've taken an active interest in the intricacies of the BGS. Feel free to add me! Always looking for more CMDR's to fly with.

o7 Fly Dangerously!
08 Jun 2020, 3:10pm
Greetings & Welcome!
08 Jun 2020, 3:47pm
Ello Aiden.

You'll find plenty of people to talk with and a fair number to avoid as well. Enjoy working out who's who fa you.
09 Jun 2020, 2:41am
I'm new. Well, I say new. I'm "re born"! Why? Well, we finally got our 150+ CMDRs (in game) to an actual home! We found a quiet spot in the galaxy to continue our passion for helping new CMDRs. Come if you wish. No links here, just hit my name to explore more and see if we, can help you.
09 Jun 2020, 7:12am
im also new. ive been playing for about a year and came across inara a week or so ago. this has been the most helpful place i have came across. i really love the non-toxic community and all the incredible different ways of helping out commanders.
09 Jun 2020, 9:18am
It's a good place Hal, welcome.
09 Jun 2020, 2:17pm
I've been here for a while. Time to introduce myself. Hello everyone. I'll be glad to find company for rp or just awesome flights.
09 Jun 2020, 4:15pm
Greetings & Welcome!

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