
23 Sep 2020, 12:09am
Haeres Corvi> 1 new signal
--Start of transmission--

Salutation folks!

Recently licensed pilot here, had been thinking of making the plunge for the past year or so but no matter the amount of preparation and research, taking in the vastness of the galaxy is just overwhelming. In a good way! I stayed a little under a week in the safety of Pilot Federation space and just dipped my toes outside of it today. Admittedly my flight time was limited -- I think I spent most of it between video documentation and the Codex, but I feel comfortable enough with my trusty Sidewinder now.

Like your average crow I stop by anything shiny to look at it from three different angles and pick it up if I can, so I think I'll default to scavenging and the odd rescue mission as the start of my career. I do hope to make a decent explorer someday, after I've scoured the bubble to my satisfaction.

Be seeing you around! Haeres Corvi signing off.

--End of transmission--

Welcome, we may not play on the same system, but you are most welcome here. Playing this game is quite a learning experience, it's done layer by layer, step by step. Take your time and enjoy the ride. I do have this game on PC, but I primarily play on XBOX One.
23 Sep 2020, 1:03am
Haeres Corvi> 1 new signal
--Start of transmission--

Salutation folks!

Recently licensed pilot here, had been thinking of making the plunge for the past year or so but no matter the amount of preparation and research, taking in the vastness of the galaxy is just overwhelming. In a good way! I stayed a little under a week in the safety of Pilot Federation space and just dipped my toes outside of it today. Admittedly my flight time was limited -- I think I spent most of it between video documentation and the Codex, but I feel comfortable enough with my trusty Sidewinder now.

Like your average crow I stop by anything shiny to look at it from three different angles and pick it up if I can, so I think I'll default to scavenging and the odd rescue mission as the start of my career. I do hope to make a decent explorer someday, after I've scoured the bubble to my satisfaction.

Be seeing you around! Haeres Corvi signing off.

--End of transmission--

Welcome! o7
23 Sep 2020, 1:06am
Greetings & Welcome!
23 Sep 2020, 12:29pm
Haeres Corvi> 1 new signal
--Start of transmission--

Salutation folks!

Recently licensed pilot here, had been thinking of making the plunge for the past year or so but no matter the amount of preparation and research, taking in the vastness of the galaxy is just overwhelming. In a good way! I stayed a little under a week in the safety of Pilot Federation space and just dipped my toes outside of it today. Admittedly my flight time was limited -- I think I spent most of it between video documentation and the Codex, but I feel comfortable enough with my trusty Sidewinder now.

Like your average crow I stop by anything shiny to look at it from three different angles and pick it up if I can, so I think I'll default to scavenging and the odd rescue mission as the start of my career. I do hope to make a decent explorer someday, after I've scoured the bubble to my satisfaction.

Be seeing you around! Haeres Corvi signing off.

--End of transmission--

o7 and welcome, though I have to admit I have a closer aquaintance with 'the hair of the dog' than the 'heir of the crow'! (hic!)
23 Sep 2020, 5:14pm
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Trampass o7 and welcome, though I have to admit I have a closer aquaintance with 'the hair of the dog' than the 'heir of the crow'! (hic!)

Eyy you're the first person to point to the exact meaning of my name in almost twenty months since its creation! I won't throw shade, Bacchus and Diogenes are fine inspirations too :b
23 Sep 2020, 8:34pm
Greetings to our new Commanders!
23 Sep 2020, 8:55pm
25 Sep 2020, 7:10am
Hi commanders,
New on Inara, on the game for few years ago. The prospect of Odyssey brought me back aboard my ships.
Lots of work and activities on Earth so not too much time to fly.
However in space I've already done a lot of fighting, Xeno archeology, improvement of equipment and of course the mining.
Of French origin I try to improve my English every day.

(For curious the meaning of "skybald" is a mix between our element the sky and my first name 's origin Teudbald)

     Fly safe and maybe see you in space.

Last edit: 25 Sep 2020, 7:17am
25 Sep 2020, 9:08am
SkybaldHi commanders,
New on Inara, on the game for few years ago. The prospect of Odyssey brought me back aboard my ships.
Lots of work and activities on Earth so not too much time to fly.
However in space I've already done a lot of fighting, Xeno archeology, improvement of equipment and of course the mining.
Of French origin I try to improve my English every day.

(For curious the meaning of "skybald" is a mix between our element the sky and my first name 's origin Teudbald)

     Fly safe and maybe see you in space.

Welcome and o7 cmdr
25 Sep 2020, 9:50am
Hey Sakbald

Welcome to INARA. See ya in the black.
25 Sep 2020, 10:12am
Bienvenue! o7
25 Sep 2020, 3:48pm
Greetings all!

I'm technically neither new to Inara, nor E:D, but I'm relatively new all the same, as I've started playing only this Summer. I figure I've been lurking around enough, time to say hello. Most of what I do in E:D, if the squadron name didn't give it away, is exploration. So, when I'm not uploading data to the E:D Star Map, I try and put what I and others have found into nice, easy to use chunks, like "tour" and what not.

An example of what I do, for those of us who still haven't quite filled out our Inner Orion Codex Bingo, ideal for newbie players: Inner Orion Spur Tour: Beyond the Bubble

('Sponsors' are actually credits. Without their tools, information, and hosting, this project would not have been possible.)

Oh, and I also do a tad of writing. Feel free to find it in the logbooks.
25 Sep 2020, 4:07pm
Ello August

I was a long time lurker before sayin hello. Glad ya surfaced to say hi.
26 Sep 2020, 12:51am
I lurk a lot but I caught myself Posting so I figure I should introduce myself.

I'm pretty new to Dangerous but I put more hours than I'd admit into OOlite and the FE games in high school. It's been incredible so far to play an Elite game in actual multiplayer as opposed to janky shit like simulating Multicrew by splitting controls between joysticks with my D&D group.

26 Sep 2020, 7:47am
Oo Squeeky!

Sounds like a bedroom complaint.
Nothing wrong with lurking.

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