
14 Feb 2020, 5:59pm
Actually, Nerys, I designed my avatar to look as reasonably close to my RL self as I was able. Any similarities were merely coincidental & purely unintended. I guess that means, we both have good taste in design?
14 Feb 2020, 10:20pm
I think you will like it, there are so many aspects and this game has so many tresures underneath the surface!.

Many in our squadron have been playing this game before there were even PC's so already 35 years...imagine our age now....that said it's a compelling world, especially since it's now a persistent universe, where your actions have consequences beyond your own realm as it effects as well the political situations, market prices etc....there is no endplay to this..

In any case, since you just discovered it, you hvae a great journey ahead for you....Fly in interesting times CMDR
15 Feb 2020, 12:09am
Synthya WylderI guess that means, we both have good taste in design?

15 Feb 2020, 12:23pm
edit...wrong forum
16 Feb 2020, 2:47am
Synthya WylderGreetings to one & all! I'm completely & totally new (read: Total Newb) to E:D. The substantial learning curve seems indeed more like an upwards cliff! Regardless, looking forward to managing to get far up enough on said cliff to start being able to actually play; meanwhile, still working my way through the Training Tutorials. Undecided about which faction to play - my personality type & principles lean to something akin to Alliance but don't know enough about the game yet to make any decisions about anything. Heck, I don't even know what questions to ask! Precious little "How-To" available. I'm exploring various "Voice-Control" options though. The complexity of the many controls themselves seem daunting enough. I'm an original fan of the Star Trek series & canon... & love the Romulans... I'd love to find something like a 'cloaking device' but that doesn't seem to be part of the E:D universe. I tend to be more of a low-profile, non-confrontational type, interested in Romulan-type things, subtlety, subterfuge, exploration, intrigue & diplomacy in all its forms. Looking forward to meeting everyone out "In The Black"! Jolan tru!

Welcome Aboard
16 Feb 2020, 5:29pm
Jason Frimantle Hidden clone? They are a fan of Romulans, after all...

After being discovered by unnamed scavengers in the fringes of explored space, drifting in a stasis capsule, Synthya knew next to nothing of her origins, other than that she seemed to be some kind of genetic hybrid, determined in the course of her medical examination upon revival & certification for pilot status.

Not much was known of that stasis capsule either, other than it appeared upon the initial & crude rudimentary examination to be of unknown, possibly alien design & construction. Nothing was left of it either, as said scavengers, being who they were, quickly sold it for salvage, not realizing the incredible scientific opportunity & the intrigue which might have stemmed from the data crystals which they'd left in her possession out of a sense of respect, thinking them of personal mementos & of no value.

Ever curious as to her origins as that prolonged stasis & some unknown trauma seemed to have left her prior memories in a jumble of vague images & sensations, she used what resources at her disposal to try to decipher & de-code the information within, which she chanced upon after scanning them out of curiosity. It seemed that they were as much a mystery as herself, & as jumbled, but she did happen to stumble on some sort of log, or possibly archive, fragments of which lead her to an even deeper mystery. She became determined to pursue them. She thought & hoped to discover who she was, & just where she came from...

She watched the screen, fascinated. So many mysteries unfolded before her eyes... she looked furtively over her shoulder, suddenly aware of what she read might mean to so many...

====blurred static, then===

"Misdirection is the key to survival; never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, & never reveal your true strength. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable."

===more blurred static, then===

Mr. Spock: "Earth believes the Romulans to be warlike, cruel, treacherous. & only the Romulans know what they think of Earth."

===blurred static===

Mr. Spock: "Sweeping the area of Outpost #2. Sensor reading indefinite. Double-checking Outpost #3. I read dust & debris. Both Earth outposts gone & the asteroids they were constructed on - pulverized."

Captain Kirk: "Go to full magnification. I don't see anything. Can't understand it."

Mr. Spock: "Invisibility is theoretically possible, Captain - selective bending of light - but the power cost is enormous. They may have solved that problem."

===blurred static===

Captain Kirk: "After a whole century, what will a Romulan ship look like, Mr. Stiles? I doubt if they'll radio & identify themselves."

Stiles: "You'll know, sir. They're painted like a giant bird of prey."

===blurred static===

Mr. Spock: "I agree. Attack."

Captain Kirk: "Are you suggesting we fight... to prevent a fight?"

Stiles: "These are Romulans! You run away from them & you guarantee war. They'll be back - not just one ship, but with everything they've got. We know what they look like..."

Mr. Spock: "Yes, indeed we do, Mr. Stiles. & if the Romulans are an offshoot of my Vulcan blood - & I think this likely - then attack becomes even more imperative."

Dr. McCoy: "War is never imperative, Mr. Spock."

Mr. Spock: "It is for them, Doctor. Vulcan, like Earth, had its aggressive, colonizing period - savage, even by Earth standards - & if the Romulans retain this martial philosophy, then weakness is something we dare not show."

===blurred static===

Romulan Commander: "Romulan women are not like Vulcan females. We're not dedicated to... pure logic, & the sterility of non-emotion. Our people are warriors. Often savage. But we are also many other pleasant things."

===blurred static, & file ends===

"So," she thought... "Earth... & these people, the Vulcans, the Romulans, who were they? There must have been some kind of war...". She knew of the Federation, heard of it. An expansive & aggressive faction based on Earth. Her mind raced. She almost jumped with the realization... "Could they be, or have been, one & the same as today?... & ships capable of invisibility, some kind of cloaking ability, & tremendously powerful weapons... am I a survivor, & from which ship? Just who the hell _AM_ I?"

Her jaw set, her lips firmed, she was determined to find out more, to explore these mysteries, & with a flash of further realization, she thought of these crystals, damaged & the data they contained incomplete as it was, were found in her possession. She backed up what data they contained, stored it in her personal data vault, & set an encryption key. She then placed the crystals in her safe & set another encryption key. There. That would have to do, the best she could do.

Her mysteries only deepened. She wasn't sure just what all of this might mean to her universe as she knew it, but something within her moved her to keep it all to herself now, at least until she figured out more details. She made her plans to set out on exploring these mysteries, & to be subtle & hidden with her goals & the reasons behind them. She could trust no one... What she read in that data crystal, the first segment, came back to her. "...If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable."

She began setting up her small ship, her mind whirling, buzzing with unanswered questions...

Last edit: 16 Feb 2020, 5:41pm
16 Feb 2020, 5:55pm
Synthya Wylder
Jason Frimantle Hidden clone? They are a fan of Romulans, after all...

After being discovered by unnamed scavengers in the fringes of explored space, drifting in a stasis capsule, Synthya knew next to nothing of her origins, other than that she seemed to be some kind of genetic hybrid, determined in the course of her medical examination upon revival & certification for pilot status.

Not much was known of that stasis capsule either, other than it appeared upon the initial & crude rudimentary examination to be of unknown, possibly alien design & construction. Nothing was left of it either, as said scavengers, being who they were, quickly sold it for salvage, not realizing the incredible scientific opportunity & the intrigue which might have stemmed from the data crystals which they'd left in her possession out of a sense of respect, thinking them of personal mementos & of no value.

Ever curious as to her origins as that prolonged stasis & some unknown trauma seemed to have left her prior memories in a jumble of vague images & sensations, she used what resources at her disposal to try to decipher & de-code the information within, which she chanced upon after scanning them out of curiosity. It seemed that they were as much a mystery as herself, & as jumbled, but she did happen to stumble on some sort of log, or possibly archive, fragments of which lead her to an even deeper mystery. She became determined to pursue them. She thought & hoped to discover who she was, & just where she came from...

She watched the screen, fascinated. So many mysteries unfolded before her eyes... she looked furtively over her shoulder, suddenly aware of what she read might mean to so many...

====blurred static, then===

"Misdirection is the key to survival; never attack what your enemy defends, never behave as your enemy expects, & never reveal your true strength. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable."

===more blurred static, then===

Mr. Spock: "Earth believes the Romulans to be warlike, cruel, treacherous. & only the Romulans know what they think of Earth."

===blurred static===

Mr. Spock: "Sweeping the area of Outpost #2. Sensor reading indefinite. Double-checking Outpost #3. I read dust & debris. Both Earth outposts gone & the asteroids they were constructed on - pulverized."

Captain Kirk: "Go to full magnification. I don't see anything. Can't understand it."

Mr. Spock: "Invisibility is theoretically possible, Captain - selective bending of light - but the power cost is enormous. They may have solved that problem."

===blurred static===

Captain Kirk: "After a whole century, what will a Romulan ship look like, Mr. Stiles? I doubt if they'll radio & identify themselves."

Stiles: "You'll know, sir. They're painted like a giant bird of prey."

===blurred static===

Mr. Spock: "I agree. Attack."

Captain Kirk: "Are you suggesting we fight... to prevent a fight?"

Stiles: "These are Romulans! You run away from them & you guarantee war. They'll be back - not just one ship, but with everything they've got. We know what they look like..."

Mr. Spock: "Yes, indeed we do, Mr. Stiles. & if the Romulans are an offshoot of my Vulcan blood - & I think this likely - then attack becomes even more imperative."

Dr. McCoy: "War is never imperative, Mr. Spock."

Mr. Spock: "It is for them, Doctor. Vulcan, like Earth, had its aggressive, colonizing period - savage, even by Earth standards - & if the Romulans retain this martial philosophy, then weakness is something we dare not show."

===blurred static===

Romulan Commander: "Romulan women are not like Vulcan females. We're not dedicated to... pure logic, & the sterility of non-emotion. Our people are warriors. Often savage. But we are also many other pleasant things."

===blurred static, & file ends===

"So," she thought... "Earth... & these people, the Vulcans, the Romulans, who were they? There must have been some kind of war...". She knew of the Federation, heard of it. An expansive & aggressive faction based on Earth. Her mind raced. She almost jumped with the realization... "Could they be, or have been, one & the same as today?... & ships capable of invisibility, some kind of cloaking ability, & tremendously powerful weapons... am I a survivor, & from which ship? Just who the hell _AM_ I?"

Her jaw set, her lips firmed, she was determined to find out more, to explore these mysteries, & with a flash of further realization, she thought of these crystals, damaged & the data they contained incomplete as it was, were found in her possession. She backed up what data they contained, stored it in her personal data vault, & set an encryption key. She then placed the crystals in her safe & set another encryption key. There. That would have to do, the best she could do.

Her mysteries only deepened. She wasn't sure just what all of this might mean to her universe as she knew it, but something within her moved her to keep it all to herself now, at least until she figured out more details. She made her plans to set out on exploring these mysteries, & to be subtle & hidden with her goals & the reasons behind them. She could trust no one... What she read in that data crystal, the first segment, came back to her. "...If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable."

She began setting up her small ship, her mind whirling, buzzing with unanswered questions...

Star Trek TOS 1x14 - Balance of Terror
16 Feb 2020, 6:10pm
16 Feb 2020, 7:29pm
[/quote] Star Trek TOS 1x14 - Balance of Terror [/quote]

To the largest extent, yes, but another is included.

Very good, Sir! I hope that you liked my creative adaptation used in my Bio.

"To Infinity & Beyond!"
16 Feb 2020, 7:40pm
Synthya Wylder
Star Trek TOS 1x14 - Balance of Terror [/quote]

To the largest extent, yes, but another is included.

Very good, Sir! I hope that you liked my creative adaptation used in my Bio.

"To Infinity & Beyond!"[/quote]

Im a trekker, so it's a logical assumption that i liked it . About the other quote from Star Trek i was unsure between Space Seed (TOS 1x22) and Star Trek Nemesis. But probably because my english is far from be good. Anyway welcome on ED
You are the First Trekker i meet addicted to Romulan culture (and probably ale too ). I meet klingon fan, borg fan but never a romulan one. I suppose u are just enjoying Star Trek Picard, isnt it?
16 Feb 2020, 10:09pm
You are the First Trekker i meet addicted to Romulan culture (and probably ale too ). I meet klingon fan, borg fan but never a romulan one. I suppose u are just enjoying Star Trek Picard, isnt it?

*raises hand* Another one here! STIC badge n. 150 (yes, older than dinosaurs).
16 Feb 2020, 11:44pm
Grecale80, that 2nd quote was from ST, original series, Season 3, Episode 2, "The Enterprise Incident".

In the Romulan (female) Captain's quarters, during a romantic interlude with Spock (he feigns attraction in order to gain secret information), she tries to entice Spock while Kirk waits for him to send the information regarding the location of the Romulan cloaking device, which they intend to steal, & do so successfully.

I've always enjoyed the way that Romulans were played in the ST series... mysterious, enigmatic, very secretive, sneaky & subtly treacherous, & between their ships' unique singularity cores (a synthetic black hole as an energy source) & their cloaking abilities, thought them as 1 of the most interesting species in the ST universe. A shame their story line wasn't more well developed.

In Star Trek Online, my Romulan character was my most favorite out of the 8 I played & I learned through experience, & developed some tactics which used those unique abilities of their singularity core & cloaking abilities, of which the Romulans were masters.

I'm old enough to have watched & enjoyed the ST original series on broadcast TV, & enjoyed each one since, including the ST: Discovery & ST: Picard.

I'm sure there's room to develop ST (influence) in E:D game, although at least for the time being, licensing & copyright issues, at least, prevent that.

I'm happy to meet another Trekker! Q'plaH! & Jolan tru!

I enjoy creative writing & have a SciFi novel in process, awaiting only the time in my RL to sit down & focus on it. I'm guessing you could tell, & not surprised.
17 Feb 2020, 12:39am
Synthya WylderGrecale80, that 2nd quote was from ST, original series, Season 3, Episode 2, "The Enterprise Incident".

In the Romulan (female) Captain's quarters, during a romantic interlude with Spock (he feigns attraction in order to gain secret information), she tries to entice Spock while Kirk waits for him to send the information regarding the location of the Romulan cloaking device, which they intend to steal, & do so successfully.

I've always enjoyed the way that Romulans were played in the ST series... mysterious, enigmatic, very secretive, sneaky & subtly treacherous, & between their ships' unique singularity cores (a synthetic black hole as an energy source) & their cloaking abilities, thought them as 1 of the most interesting species in the ST universe. A shame their story line wasn't more well developed.

In Star Trek Online, my Romulan character was my most favorite out of the 8 I played & I learned through experience, & developed some tactics which used those unique abilities of their singularity core & cloaking abilities, of which the Romulans were masters.

I'm old enough to have watched & enjoyed the ST original series on broadcast TV, & enjoyed each one since, including the ST: Discovery & ST: Picard.

I'm sure there's room to develop ST (influence) in E:D game, although at least for the time being, licensing & copyright issues, at least, prevent that.

I'm happy to meet another Trekker! Q'plaH! & Jolan tru!

I enjoy creative writing & have a SciFi novel in process, awaiting only the time in my RL to sit down & focus on it. I'm guessing you could tell, & not surprised.

If my memory substain..The Enterprise's incident is when Kirk is altered for resemble Romulan and steal cloaking device, isnt' it? I also loved any eiteration of Star trek, the animated series too. When you talked of "genetic hybridation" i suddenly thought about Khan or Shinzon.

Im very happy to have found people that like as me ED and star trek. Let me show my little prides
I would like tell you Fly Safe, as in ED manners. But in your case i prefer Live long and prosper. See you around;)

Last edit: 17 Feb 2020, 12:54am
17 Feb 2020, 1:03am
bought the game full price 2 weeks ago. Came over from truck simulator. Joined the Silverbacks here a week ago. Loving this game. So many things to grind on. Loving winging up with my squadron.

Wish I knew what 5 euro is. is it 0,05 or is it 5,00 I sure dont want to make a 700 dollar paypal mistake.
17 Feb 2020, 12:19pm
I would refer to the international currency exchange rate. I live in the USSA, so, I know the $USD. Right now, they're roughly equivalent on a 1:1 basis. I did a quick search:

I bought the E:D Commander Deluxe version 1-2 years year ago, & with a few very minor cosmetic add-ons, it cost me ~$70. I heard that there was a recent sale/price drop, so I imagine it's a good bit less now.

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