
25 Aug 2016, 8:58pm
Back from the void after a long absence, so not an introduction, but just saying hello again, commanders.
25 Aug 2016, 9:21pm
MorwysBack from the void after a long absence, so not an introduction, but just saying hello again, commanders.

Welcome back! I've never been too found of exploring in Elite which is sort of unfair to the game because of how beautiful and amazing the game galaxy is...very impressive the technology...I'm the boring sort of soul content with short to medium hauls in my T-6 well within the bubble, I guess, but I still recognize and admire the effort it takes to go out thousands of light years beyond and back!
25 Aug 2016, 10:24pm
I only found about this today, hello commanders. I'm around Xbox one if someone wants to join in.
25 Aug 2016, 11:59pm
MorwysBack from the void after a long absence, so not an introduction, but just saying hello again, commanders.

Welcome back!
26 Aug 2016, 11:56am
Hi there commanders, new in INARA, old in ED. So just to say hello to everyone
26 Aug 2016, 12:01pm
Welcome Sybine.
26 Aug 2016, 12:02pm
Stryker AuneWelcome Sybine.

26 Aug 2016, 1:47pm
MorwysBack from the void...

Welcome back, commander!

Take care out there.
26 Aug 2016, 1:48pm
Win4SI only found about this today...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
26 Aug 2016, 1:49pm
SybineHi there commanders, new in INARA, old in ED.

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
26 Aug 2016, 4:15pm
Hello All! Just joined Inara and learning the ropes! Playing in Solo Mode for the time being, I hate getting ganked.
26 Aug 2016, 4:22pm
Welcome Carvermd
26 Aug 2016, 4:45pm
Welcome mate
26 Aug 2016, 4:51pm
CarvermdHello All!...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
26 Aug 2016, 5:21pm
CarvermdHello All! Just joined Inara and learning the ropes! Playing in Solo Mode for the time being, I hate getting ganked.

Hello Carvermd

Your choice of game mode is entirely yours, of course!

After playing the game in Open for around 20 months, I have found that getting "ganked" is very rare. Most commanders who I see are happy to say Hi in passing. I met the leader of my player group by a chance encounter in Open... I joined him, we built our group up and now we have a dozen members and control several systems!

If you haven't already, do give Open a try, it's good fun!

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