
10 Sep 2016, 3:56am
Welp, finally got this game gunna have no idea what im doing but here goes
If anyone has any tips on how to get started please fill me in because im goin in blind here
10 Sep 2016, 5:23am
Don't fly to the wrong pady loitering is punishable by death
10 Sep 2016, 5:39am
Learn what button activates landing gear. Learn what button activates boost. Do not confuse the two when approaching your pad.
10 Sep 2016, 6:18am
Also don't press the button that jettisons all cargo.
10 Sep 2016, 6:29am
Ive learned that this game is not controller friendly... or probably im just being dumb because im trying to do the landing tutorial (why not auto landing please) and keep pulling out weapons and cant figure out how to put them away, i feel like ill be doing tutorials for a long damn time x.x
10 Sep 2016, 6:32am
Can't help you with te Controller but it's U on Kb/M ... i think
10 Sep 2016, 6:41am
Yeah, the keyboard and mouse may be an easier way to learn, at least at first.
10 Sep 2016, 7:52am
Don't boost into that stickey-outey bit in the docking bay. Hurts... a lot.
10 Sep 2016, 9:30am
Do invest in a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) to steer your ship if you decide to commit to the game. It ups the immersion and "spaceshippy" feeling by a lot!
10 Sep 2016, 9:32am
RoseWelp, finally got this game gunna have no idea what im doing but here goes...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Always fly into or out of a rotating station on the side with the green lights. Keep your speed down to below 100kph until you're clear of the access corridor, otherwise you'll be fined if you hit someone (or even if they hit you!).

Treat landing pads like runways, by approaching slowly at an angle, then level out and cut speed to zero when over the pad. Use your vertical down thrust to land.

Use your virtual display to check you are pointing the right way when landing. You should always have the pad control tower building in front of you.

Always make sure you have enough credits to cover the cost of buying a new ship.

Take care out there.

Last edit: 10 Sep 2016, 9:50am
10 Sep 2016, 1:14pm
Kyndi the Badass Space ChickDo invest in a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) to steer your ship if you decide to commit to the game. It ups the immersion and "spaceshippy" feeling by a lot!

Can confirm, this is the truth. Best investment I made into this game.
10 Sep 2016, 2:18pm
Stryker Aune
Kyndi the Badass Space ChickDo invest in a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) to steer your ship if you decide to commit to the game. It ups the immersion and "spaceshippy" feeling by a lot!

Can confirm, this is the truth. Best investment I made into this game.

Absolutely. I'd be lost without my flightstick.
10 Sep 2016, 3:46pm
Jemine Caesar
Stryker Aune
Kyndi the Badass Space ChickDo invest in a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) to steer your ship if you decide to commit to the game. It ups the immersion and "spaceshippy" feeling by a lot!

Can confirm, this is the truth. Best investment I made into this game.

Absolutely. I'd be lost without my flightstick.

Not sure when ill be able to invest into one of those, i think my wallet is crying right now at those price tags ($399.99 for a decent looking one here x.x) but ill keep that in mind if i can find a cheaper one for sure!
10 Sep 2016, 3:59pm
Jemine Caesar
Stryker Aune
Kyndi the Badass Space ChickDo invest in a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) to steer your ship if you decide to commit to the game. It ups the immersion and "spaceshippy" feeling by a lot!

Can confirm, this is the truth. Best investment I made into this game.

Absolutely. I'd be lost without my flightstick.

Not sure when ill be able to invest into one of those, i think my wallet is crying right now at those price tags ($399.99 for a decent looking one here x.x) but ill keep that in mind if i can find a cheaper one for sure!

Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X - fantastic value for money!

I take it you use dollars? You can get one on Amazon for around $50
10 Sep 2016, 4:16pm
Jemine Caesar
Stryker Aune
Kyndi the Badass Space ChickDo invest in a HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) to steer your ship if you decide to commit to the game. It ups the immersion and "spaceshippy" feeling by a lot!

Can confirm, this is the truth. Best investment I made into this game.

Absolutely. I'd be lost without my flightstick.

Not sure when ill be able to invest into one of those, i think my wallet is crying right now at those price tags ($399.99 for a decent looking one here x.x) but ill keep that in mind if i can find a cheaper one for sure!

I have a HOTAS setup but no ware use it so I do alright with my mouse and keyboard but I know some use a controller.

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