
13 Sep 2016, 12:59pm
Hi Kyzrath
13 Sep 2016, 1:13pm
I've only been here a few days so far, but checking everything out.. I likes it. Probably gonna be spending quite a bit of time in the Ingaba, and so I wish you all a lucrative day.
13 Sep 2016, 10:25pm
Don't drink too much. There's some powerful drinks in there.
14 Sep 2016, 1:50am
Just arrived from down-galaxy yesterday, busy fixing up my mission logs and upgrading my FSD housing.

See you all around, I guess. Maybe I'll stop by the Ingaba for a drink or two. Nothing too powerful: I've got my trading service to run every morning.
14 Sep 2016, 7:05am
Twilight WolfiJust arrived from down-galaxy yesterday...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
14 Sep 2016, 10:53am
Hello everybody! I'm new to Elite and I'm liking it so far. I will stick around here for a while, maybe do some roleplaying, wish me luck!
14 Sep 2016, 10:58am
Steve SakeHello everybody!...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
14 Sep 2016, 11:24am
Steve SakeHello everybody! I'm new to Elite and I'm liking it so far. I will stick around here for a while, maybe do some roleplaying, wish me luck!

I see someone else has been mixing up Eve and Elite with Photoshop eh? ;D
14 Sep 2016, 12:16pm
Simon Datura

I see someone else has been mixing up Eve and Elite with Photoshop eh? ;D

Well.. I was found out pretty quickly. Until they release the character creator this is what get
14 Sep 2016, 12:50pm
Steve SakeHello everybody! I'm new to Elite and I'm liking it so far. I will stick around here for a while, maybe do some roleplaying, wish me luck!

14 Sep 2016, 8:49pm
Hi evryone,

Cmdr Bardhur here, new addition. Just wanted to say hello.
14 Sep 2016, 8:51pm
BardhurHi evryone,

Cmdr Bardhur here, new addition. Just wanted to say hello.

14 Sep 2016, 9:07pm
Thanks again Stryker
14 Sep 2016, 9:29pm
BardhurHi evryone,

Cmdr Bardhur here, new addition. Just wanted to say hello.

Welcome, commander.

14 Sep 2016, 10:00pm
BardhurHi evryone,...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.

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