
16 Sep 2016, 5:54pm
Hi, and welcome
16 Sep 2016, 6:06pm
OncaroHi, everybody, I'm new here, came here while looking for an Elite RP site, I found Elite And Real and then this...

Hello commander, and welcome.

I'm the admin at Elite And Real, but sadly the site is extremely quiet. Most, if not all, of its members can be found lurking here anyway.

Take care out there.
16 Sep 2016, 9:48pm
Hi Pathman here, mostly all thumbs when I play, played the original in 1984, died a lot then, same now lol. RL causes limited game time but hope to build an explorer to try and see what is out there. Down to 1k credits already as a poor trader
16 Sep 2016, 10:04pm
The Writer's Guild is... kind of RP?

Last edit: 16 Sep 2016, 10:10pm
16 Sep 2016, 10:08pm
Jemine CaesarHello commander, and welcome.

I'm the admin at Elite And Real, but sadly the site is extremely quiet. Most, if not all, of its members can be found lurking here anyway.

Take care out there.

The site is hard to find. If you just google "Elite and Real", you end up at a very different commercial site. Might be one reason why it's quiet.
16 Sep 2016, 10:10pm
PathmanHi Pathman here, mostly all thumbs when I play, played the original in 1984...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
17 Sep 2016, 8:38am
PathmanHi Pathman here, mostly all thumbs when I play, played the original in 1984, died a lot then, same now lol. RL causes limited game time but hope to build an explorer to try and see what is out there. Down to 1k credits already as a poor trader

Hi Pathman, you'll be fine. ED is basically the same principle as the three previous incarnations. In the beginning, you grind a lot, die a lot, get frustrated a lot but then one day, you won't die. Then the next day, you'll make a big profit and not die. Then the next, you'll make a big profit, not die and find out how something works. Rinse and repeat.

Let's be careful out there.
17 Sep 2016, 7:40pm
Cmdr xXxDCMTxXx here. I'm running a few trade routes and conflict zone operations out in yimakuapa, hanikkoha, momus reach, Michael penatzis and dinda area. I run an A-spec vulture that can eat up anacondas for lunch. I use it to generate revenue for a-spec parts to outfit my newly purchased python. I'm getting antsy, however, and have been taking my python out on risky trade runs with too much cargo and too many interdictors.I'm XB1 GPP since day one but I'm independent to a fault. I would enjoy building a wing to chew up entire conflict zones and, or, to run interference on trade runs.
If anyone's game, message me through xbl @ xXxDCMTxXx
Safe flying.
17 Sep 2016, 10:24pm
CMDR xXxDCMTxXxCmdr xXxDCMTxXx here...

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
18 Sep 2016, 2:57am
Hello, my name in elite dangerous and on pretty much everything is cosby714. I'm an explorer and I generally can be found either in the Pleiades near the alien wreck, in the hind nebula, or in jonai. Also I'm in the wolves of jonai, but I generally play in open. As for roleplay, I don't do too much of it on inara, but I do a lot in game. If you do want to contact me in game, my name is COSBY714 and I'm on usually at night in the united states. That's about it, if anyone wants to come explore/fly/do anything with me in game I'm open to it, just send a private message to me on here first so I know who's coming. Fly safe out there.
18 Sep 2016, 8:22am
Cosby714Hello, my name in elite dangerous and on pretty much everything is cosby714....

Hello commander, and welcome.

Take care out there.
18 Sep 2016, 6:49pm
Hello there everyone, Commander Scaarr here. I am a life long RPer and ive been playing elite dangerous for months now. I  also play a star trek sim game where people RP and i was wondering why ED didnt have something similar.

So I found Elite & Real, which led me here. Inara looks very promising!

Where is a good place to start my story here? Meet other people in game? To generally get started ( sorry if these questions are obvious, im at work and havent dub through the site quite yet)? Ive only ever played on solo, so im new to doing anything with other people on the open servers. Thanks.

Fly high commanders...
18 Sep 2016, 7:08pm
Hi, I'm new here too! Unfortunately we can't play together due to having different platforms, but I've been wanting to get into the RP scene here; I'm just not sure how.
18 Sep 2016, 7:13pm
OncaroHi, I'm new here too! Unfortunately we can't play together due to having different platforms, but I've been wanting to get into the RP scene here; I'm just not sure how.

Welcome, commander!

What's your platform?
18 Sep 2016, 7:49pm
CMDR xXxDCMTxXxWelcome, commander!

What's your platform?

Xbox One, which I noticed was yours as well. Woot! Unfortunately for me my cat got to my headset and did something to screw it up; I can hear others just fine but can't seem to talk to them in return.

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