
02 Jul 2020, 7:01am
Bienvenido Black Llama!
03 Jul 2020, 8:07am
anyway, I'm son of khzVoltz a veteran of sorts, but rusty as all heck, and by veteran, I mean I bought a krait MK 2 and I feel amazing about it don't judge

Welcome back! I own a Krait MkII - its my go-to ship for just about anything that needs doing, wouldn't trade it for any other ship... Enjoy!
03 Jul 2020, 8:14am
The last time I went for a mining run, I was out and about for three hours but found only 42t of LTD...
What am I missing?

I don't usually "plug" for YouTube channels, but I'd really recommend Down To Earth Astronomy for some great tutorials on mining.
03 Jul 2020, 5:07pm
Hey Commanders!

A great hello to everyone. My first note here in this chat.

Save journeys,

Saggi Perle
03 Jul 2020, 5:15pm
Hey Saggi

03 Jul 2020, 6:13pm
Greetings & Welcome!
04 Jul 2020, 4:10am
Hello everyone!

Never posted in here just kinda a chat board stalker ^-^. Still learning the ends and outs of the game. Nice to meet you all!

CDR Prez 07
04 Jul 2020, 4:37am

As I've been a member here for about 2 years or so, can't remember when exactly I joined the site, I figured maybe it was time I said hello.

About 17 years ago I had a roommate who had a c-64 and the original Elite was one of my favorites of the games he had for it, so when a friend bought me a copy of ED about 3 and a half years ago I was quite excited to try it out.  I've played it a bit off and on since then, I'm quite easily distracted by other games from time to time, mostly doing bounties at nav beacons and for community events.  I've just recently started playing again and putting some actual effort into things.  Due to some nice tritium markets I was able to buy a Type 9 and shortly after I hit 1 billion credits and upgraded my Krait mk2.  I'm planning to finally work on engineering and Guardian unlocks, just got the Guardian FSD booster, and go from there.  Maybe I'll take a nice trip to Colonia or somewhere one of these days.

Katya Mandu

Last edit: 04 Jul 2020, 7:28am
04 Jul 2020, 11:37am
Greetings & Welcome!
05 Jul 2020, 12:04am
Hello all, new and learning the game
05 Jul 2020, 12:17am
Greetings & Welcome!
05 Jul 2020, 1:15am
thank you!
06 Jul 2020, 6:31pm
Flimley welcomes everyone \o/
09 Jul 2020, 6:32pm
Hi everyone!
I started sailing the galaxy last year (3305), then I stopped for months, but now the "call of space" has made me come back ... Last year I had also written a couple of logbooks, but I don't know why I never decided to introduce myself ... Now I do it because I understand what drives me to love ED: not only the love for space since I was a child, but also the awareness of being out there surrounded by real humans of all races. And although I prefer to carry out solo missions, I'm always in open play mode because it satisfies me very much to know that I am not alone in the galaxy. I hope to meet some of you in the dark ... even only for a greeting ... Fly safe!
09 Jul 2020, 6:38pm
Greetings & Welcome!

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