
27 Jul 2020, 5:02am
Hello everyone in all different parts of the galaxy.

I am not new to Elite: Dangerous at all, but I am new to this amazing website full of amazing people. I just want to give a brief introduction about myself and what I do (And what have I done) in E:D..

I erased my first character in well over a year now, and started this new one about 4 months ago. I felt like the need to start off fresh, new, different.. Not that I was involved in any sort of space murder crime scene or pirating scheme! Not at all!  :D

My reasoning for starting out new was because my first character was never really stable when I first started him, I did everything that the game had to offer, which isn't bad at all if you're doing that now! I just felt like making this new character more bound to the lore of the game, making it feel more adventurous and exciting than the first, especially now that I have more of an understanding about Elite: Dangerous. Finally, Odyssey was also a big, if not, huge reason for me to start all over.

On my first character I didn't really go too deep into the game neither, I just got rich super quick, back in the day, by trading, and the largest ship I ever owned was the Type-7 Transporter. With that being said I am in a Diamondback Explorer (Possibly my favorite ship in game) and somewhere in Norma Expanse. I can definitely see myself getting more involved with the community in many ways, i.e, the role-play discussions, general talk and etc. because when I first started playing Elite: Dangerous (And I believe everyone went through this at some point) I didn't really communicate with the community at all, I just opened the game, hit the Solo Mode and went out to do my thing for a few hours.

Any-who, I hope you are all safe out there. Maybe we will come across one another out there in the big, quiet, dark ocean.

Sincerely, DECLASSE
27 Jul 2020, 5:26am
27 Jul 2020, 9:35am
Greetings & Welcome!
27 Jul 2020, 11:54am
Prf River SongHi!

I'm pretty new to the game but I'm loving it!
Having fun exploring and mapping planets and am saving up for mining build.
Any new player friendly PVE squadrons looking to add a Cmdr?

Moon Dog Squadron is a new squadron looking newbies and experienced cmdrs. Apply in your right panel under squadrons. Like to have you.

O7 and welcome

Papatangomike61keith richard is alive and well in 3306

His DNA is probably the basis of the anti-aging treatments

Or probably easier he sold his soul to the Devil
27 Jul 2020, 8:08pm
Hello everyone!! Very pleased to meet you all
27 Jul 2020, 8:22pm
GryphisarkHello everyone!! Very pleased to meet you all

Welcome and o7
28 Jul 2020, 12:59pm
Sorry to disturb, I was hauling fish recently and decided to wash my flight suit after that. Was drying my clothes then in the vacuum of space and lost one sock somewhere between Shibboleth and mTauri...
Did anybody find it?
Again, sorry for inconvenience

Last edit: 28 Jul 2020, 1:15pm
28 Jul 2020, 2:05pm
Sorry to disturb, I was hauling fish recently and decided to wash my flight suit after that. Was drying my clothes then in the vacuum of space and lost one sock somewhere between Shibboleth and mTauri...
Did anybody find it?
Again, sorry for inconvenience

Sock?  I thought it was an alien life-form!

p.s. i ditch my suit as soon as I can, put it back on before docking, saves the dry-cleaning bill, (and pure blisss).

Last edit: 28 Jul 2020, 2:12pm
28 Jul 2020, 7:59pm
Welcome newcomers!

Sock?  I thought it was an alien life-form!

Smelt like one
28 Jul 2020, 8:59pm
Sorry to disturb, I was hauling fish recently and decided to wash my flight suit after that. Was drying my clothes then in the vacuum of space and lost one sock somewhere between Shibboleth and mTauri...
Did anybody find it?
Again, sorry for inconvenience

Sock?  I thought it was an alien life-form!

p.s. i ditch my suit as soon as I can, put it back on before docking, saves the dry-cleaning bill, (and pure blisss).

Oh my goodness! You guys crack me up!!
29 Jul 2020, 5:22am
Different forms some socks assume, true.
29 Jul 2020, 5:06pm
Complete NOOB here and screwing up things but i LOVE THIS GAME.
29 Jul 2020, 6:42pm
Greetings & Welcome!

<---not a complete newb but still newb-ish
29 Jul 2020, 9:00pm
Synthya WylderGreetings & Welcome!

<---not a complete newb but still newb-ish

Hello, Newb-ish!
29 Jul 2020, 9:34pm
Thank you.

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