
01 Aug 2020, 6:35pm
Been here for awhile, but just found this page.


Last edit: 14 Aug 2022, 6:26pm
01 Aug 2020, 7:18pm
Paul EddingtonBeen here for awhile, but just found this page.

I am Commander Eddington. I hope to see some of you in the game.


Welcome! And congratulations again for your poetry which I recommend everyone to read:

See you in the dark!
03 Aug 2020, 10:09am
Been with Elite since back with the BBC Micro.  

Thargoids are a bit more difficult to beat than back then, but still great gameplay.

CMDR-KERRYK is in the combat grind, deadly -> elite, so I may be some time.

03 Aug 2020, 10:20am
Greetings & Welcome!
03 Aug 2020, 2:38pm
Greetings commanders. I've been casually playing for almost 2 years, just now getting in to this level of depth to the sim.
Loving it. Even the space trucking is better with a real investment and community.
03 Aug 2020, 11:50pm
Pretty new but this is a great game
04 Aug 2020, 7:20am
Greetings & Welcome!
04 Aug 2020, 7:24am
Hey there Mudfysh & ThePatriot

The game is pretty much SPACE MINER- Elite edition right now, but some people still do other the things that the galaxy has to offer.
Enjoy finding out what floats your space boat.
04 Aug 2020, 8:12am
Hi all, CMDR Rabidweasel here!

I'm no stranger to ED as i started playing when the game was released as I loved playing the older elite games. I did take an almost three year break so only recently come back to the game and loving the new content! Just finished a stint in Asterope blasting some bugs, but now just engineering an Anaconda to take into the black to finally get Elite in Exploration. I'm dangerous in Combat, which is funny as Bounty Hunting is my fav past time, guess killing too low rank pirates doesn't help, but does help the bank balance!
I'm Elite in trading, but that i consider cheating, thanks to the LTD mining!
05 Aug 2020, 12:56pm
Hi everyone making my first post on Inara. Recently achieved triple elite. Despite playing for a few weeks since my Inara Ranking has only reduced. What's the best way to increase Inara Rank after triple elite? Do I have to increase a tier for one of the medals before I can increase Inara Rank? Any advise appreciated, great site by the way!
10 Aug 2020, 12:39am

I am Commander Tri. Elokivi and i just started week ago. I played this 80-hours some years ago and now i returned with a clean slate (safe).
Things to do and know is bit overwhelming, that why i stopped first time. Now i just haul cargo and acquire information.
I am planning to learn combat next, i wanna play guardian, b-hunter or some other lawful thing.

I think trading will be my moneymaking job and fighting my money losing hobby.

Nice to be here, hope i find and learn more about community.
Is there like quilds or groups or communitys in discord, or anywhere.
Where you could talk and getto know the game.
Some starter-friendly people/group?

Last edit: 10 Aug 2020, 7:18am
10 Aug 2020, 11:38am
Welcome from someone slow to learn...

You wrote 'I think trading will be my moneymaking job and fighting my money losing hobby.'
I my opinion, you will at some point need to do some mining - not for the money, but to collect minerals, chemicals and elements that will be useful, maybe essential later... Don't throw anything away if it takes up little space, even if it appears to be worthless.

Took me lots of wasted time to find that out.

Hope that helps, see you out there.
10 Aug 2020, 3:42pm
Greetings & Welcome! Inara does have a Discord; check out all of the different sections & links.
10 Aug 2020, 4:14pm
Oh cool, i'm definitely gonna check that discord out. Don't have an mic now because my new dog ate my headset =)

There is so much choice that it feels same as when you started PoE and i really like it.

DescartesWelcome from someone slow to learn...

You wrote 'I think trading will be my moneymaking job and fighting my money losing hobby.'
I my opinion, you will at some point need to do some mining - not for the money, but to collect minerals, chemicals and elements that will be useful, maybe essential later... Don't throw anything away if it takes up little space, even if it appears to be worthless.

Took me lots of wasted time to find that out.

Hope that helps, see you out there.

I have to read about mining the. Do you get some kind of an storage place where to put your stuff or do you have T7 or T9 just to storage it? Well no need to answer, i figure it out or ask somewhere other place, like in Inara-discord

Oh this i have to ask. Is there newer guides than these -Remlok Industries- ones i'm now using. Because they are dated to 2016, dunno if they are upgraded after that though.
10 Aug 2020, 5:51pm
Welcome Tri.Elokivi!

Plenty of great guides on you tube

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