
29 Jun 2020, 7:52am
Welcome back Son Of. Nothing wrong with being stoked about getting a KMkII, it's a good ship, enjoy it.
29 Jun 2020, 1:49pm
Just got in here. By now I have some Basic knowledge about the gameplay and how to get around. I'm near Ho Hsien and thought maybe I can find a Clan or at least group to tag along, once in a while. I have a handfull decent ships by now (mining, transport, missions, minor fighting). So far I've been playing single player only, because I can't stand being shot down by some noopes...
Is there somebody operating in the area frequently?
I want to stay in this neighborhood because most engineers are in the vicinity...
30 Jun 2020, 5:08am
Hey everyone,

I'm commander WarxWolf, after a bit of a mishap about a year ago and losing a cutter for good I decided to stop playing. With the recent announcement of Odyssey I've decide to come back and try my luck again. Luckily made some friends very quickly that happily taught me the new mining system and showed me a spot for some LTD. Finally made my fortunes back in a day or two.......which is nice but horrible knowing it took me mooooontthhhs to make a bit over a billion doing passenger runs and other various jobs.    Glad to be back to see what the future holds in the galaxy.

Last edit: 30 Jun 2020, 5:17am
30 Jun 2020, 8:16am
Space legs is tempting a few people back and driving others off. Welcome back War, always remember the golden rule.

Don't fly without rebuy.

Think I'd take a long break if I lost one of my expensive ships.
30 Jun 2020, 8:47am
Normally i never would have flown without a rebuy Lambast, sadly money got the best of me. Saw a chance to fill my cargo hold and make a massive profit off my last flight for the night, had a 200k ls journey half way through had no npc or anything figured I was good and went to grab a drink. Came back to a blown up ship from a npc that interdicted me while i was afk. Learned a hard lesson that day hahaha. Thanks to learning how to mine though ive made my money back in no time and only a few days away from my fleet carrier.
30 Jun 2020, 9:31am
Hello everyone. I'm late to ED, but I've logged 167 hours since the 12th of June. Pretty much says I'm hooked. I'm a Privateer and Privateer 2 veteran (yay, VGA!) and I dunno why it took me this long to try Elite Dangerous. I'm starting to feel a little sorry for limpets that I have to dump to make way for LTDs. Does the feeling go away in time? :-D
30 Jun 2020, 9:35am
Asahi i usually bring a bit above half my cargo hold of limpets so i dont need to feel bad for dumping some, but if you think about it limpets are pennies compared to your income from LTD. Poor drones are worthless when you bring in the 200-500mil cargo. Luckily they are nothing but metal and feel nothing xD
30 Jun 2020, 10:42am
How does everyone rake in 200-500mil per LTD load? I'm never making more than 20mil...
30 Jun 2020, 10:46am
BIG SHIP (lot of cargo 500+)

Lotta Limpets (collectors mostly I take 3 x 5A for 9)

Plenty 'o' luck sometime I can mine for an hour and get very few good hits.
30 Jun 2020, 11:54am
The last time I went for a mining run, I was out and about for three hours but found only 42t of LTD...
What am I missing?
30 Jun 2020, 1:29pm
Welcome, CMDR StryphZ', son of khzvoltz, Asahi Lorenzo, and WarxWolfx!

The Krait Mk. II is a good ship, excellent all-rounder

For limpet dumping avoidance, I usually bring about 10 less than what my cargo hold will actually allow. With a little bit of practice, you'll get to the point of finding your 'magic number'.

Flow88wolf, there's a triple LTD hotspot out in Col 285 Sector. Plenty of youtube videos covering it and details on how to maximize LTD mining there, just be careful of opportunistic CMDRs in the area - although there are certainly those working to protect.

Well, that's a lot of new/returning CMDRs and wolves lately...
30 Jun 2020, 1:51pm
Flow88wolfThe last time I went for a mining run, I was out and about for three hours but found only 42t of LTD...
What am I missing?

A good friend and keen miner advised me not to spend valuable time searching for core deposits alone. Sub surface LTD (or whatever) deposits yield whole units each time, and then surface mine the rock when the sub surface contacts are finished. The fragments mined will reflect the percentage shown by your prospector limpet (ie: 25% LTD will need 4 fragments to refine one whole unit). Set your scanner to ignore all but LTD fragments.
That way you can wring full value from every rock with a decent LTD percentage.

Following this advice made mining much more profitable, credits/hour. 07
01 Jul 2020, 1:01am
Greetings, commanders!

The Black Llama here, I've been playing the game for about a month and using the site for a few days now - great resource! It was about time I introduced myself...

Right now I'm away from the Bubble for the first time, out in the Iris Nebula aboard my Asp Explorer, La Dolce Vista. Exploring is what I enjoy the most.

And for those who care, la Llama habla español

Stay safe... they can't take the sky from us!
01 Jul 2020, 1:50am
Bienvenido, Black Llama!
01 Jul 2020, 5:58pm
Hi All - been playing ED for just over a year now. Inara and all you guys & gals have provided invaluable help in getting to grips with everything to do with the utter vastness of ED. Safe to say that I learn something new every day. I played the original Elite back on my old Commodore 64 (which I’m almost embarrassed to admit) is still up in my loft!

Anyhoo - thanks again for all your advice and help over these past months, thought it was about time I stopped by to thank you all properly.

o7 Commanders, fly safe out there.

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