
05 Sep 2020, 8:38am
Hey McNes

I don't think it hyperbole to say INARA is a game changer.
05 Sep 2020, 8:49am
Creamy Goodness IIIHey McNes

I don't think it hyperbole to say INARA is a game changer.


It is. I used Inara for some time, but only created a account some time ago. Used it, but also not paying attention to the forum. Incredible mistake!
05 Sep 2020, 11:46pm
Greetings Commanders.

I am Nightboard. I've played Elite since my childhood on the Commodore 64. More recently, I've spent the past few years playing it on PlayStation 4. Just recently, I've finally gotten a computer that has the muscle to actually run the game on High, and I was wowed. Imagine the thoughts running through my head when I saw two other graphic settings above that! However, while I'm not new, playing on computer, with the same HOTAS I used on the PS4, is a lot like being brand new. The controls are a little different, and I've had to remap a few, so i'm not looking down to hunt keyboard keys.

So far, I'm still just in the starting systems. Until I decide what I'm going to do, I'm just tinkering around in a sidewinder. On the PS4, I did a great many things, exploration, bounty hunting, mining, space trucking. There is a part of me that I seldom show, and that part whispers to me one word that I can't get out of my head. Piracy.


I spend my life as an officer for the Department of Justice, and deal with the criminal on a day to day basis. Why not become my opposite in this virtual world? Why not delve into the criminal mindset, and take from people everything they're worth? What kind of pirate should I be, if indeed that is the sky I take to? Should I attempt to be a dashing pirate, with tales of nebulae, stolen baubles, and flustering maidens? Or should I be the murderous scum of the universe, breaking cargo hatches, killing the witnesses, and destroying the civilized order of the systems?

In any event, whichever sky I find myself in, I look forward to this new journey, and perhaps sharing stories on here, with you.
05 Sep 2020, 11:57pm
Greetings & Welcome!

I think, the 2nd sort aptly describes Pirates playing the game.

I think, the 1st sort might only be realized via RPing &/ story-writing.

But, that's me, & I'm Newb-ish & don't play the Piracy role in-game.
06 Sep 2020, 6:38pm
Hello Everyone!

Relatively new player to the game, though have some time under my belt. I love roleplaying games, but didn't realise that there was a roleplay community for Elite Dangerous.

Would love to get stuck in, please may someone help me to understand how to get into the roleplaying side of the game?

Kind Regards,
06 Sep 2020, 8:02pm
Greetings & Welcome!

In all but the RP: Banter & RP: Q&A/OOC sections, there's a general guide at the top of each section.
06 Sep 2020, 8:26pm
Oh yeah, thank you!
08 Sep 2020, 7:52pm
Greetings Cmdrs

May your journey amongst the stars bring you prosperity. o7
08 Sep 2020, 8:08pm
Greetings & Welcome!
10 Sep 2020, 3:56pm
OddalineHi there,

Cmdr Oddaline from Switzerland here.

I own Elite Dangerous from the beta, but I started playing only in 2017 (I guess it is the command configuration page that has blocked me all that time :-) )

I am a relax player who loves to do various tasks on Elite when the children are in bed, like passenger transport, mining or just landing on a planet to hunt materials. I am playing with an hotas and a VR handset I just bought recently (I had to tell my wife it is "for my work" :-) ) and I really like this feeling to be on the spaceship.

As I don't like vocal communications much, I am really happy to be here on with this feeling of an old BBS, with ads, log book and so on. Congratulation to Artie for this achievement.

BTW, if there is a squadron looking for player like me, feel free to drop me a PM (English or French).

o7 commanders.

Oddaline I have sent you a private message and an in game friend request. CMDR Spud_ o7
10 Sep 2020, 4:27pm
OddalineHi there,

I am a relax player who loves to do various tasks on Elite when the children are in bed, like passenger transport, mining or just landing on a planet to hunt materials. I am playing with an hotas and a VR handset I just bought recently (I had to tell my wife it is "for my work" :-) ) and I really like this feeling to be on the spaceship.

o7 commanders.

Grab your passenger cabins and head to one of the burning stations....its sooo much fun rescuing people from a burning station in VR....oh yeah....dont forget heat sinks...
12 Sep 2020, 3:26pm
Hi, i am new to ED and am trying to find my way in this enormous game, Synthya sent me here
12 Sep 2020, 3:27pm
Greetings & Welcome! (Ignore all those nasty rumors!)
12 Sep 2020, 3:29pm
what 'rumors'? XD
12 Sep 2020, 8:25pm
How many Credits do you have to keep me quite Synthya

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