
12 Sep 2020, 9:36pm
Hi Pandam0n1um,

I've only been playing a few months. I've found lots of great websites (incl Inara) and YouTube channels that help get you orientated quickly.


  • Sagittarius Eye
  • Elite Week
  • Galnet News Digest
  • CMDR Plater
  • Boonlabs
  • Ghost Giraffe
  • WiggyB
  • Sepulcher Geist
  • TheYamiks
  • Vindicator Jones
  • Galactic Bacon
  • Hawkes Gaming
  • Obsidian Ant - START HERE
  • The Buur Pit - START HERE
  • ED Tutorials by Exigeous - START HERE
  • Down to Earth Astronomy - START HERE
  • The Pilot
The language can be a bit 'fruity' on some channels. If you want a list of websites too, let me know. :o)
12 Sep 2020, 10:27pm

I have been playing off/on for a couple months but in the past month have really jumped in. Currently just running a lot of delivery missions and turning in system cartographics just around my current home station (Glashow, Agatat). I have an A-rated Cobra MkIII and I love it but I think I want to get more into exploration so have been considering the ASP Explorer for my next ship. With Galnet back up it seems and the Powerplay addition my curiosity of the in game power factions looks more appealing. Is Powerplay worth it or would not pledging and just continue running missions for my home station factions? Right now I have lost my direction and I don't want to lose my interest because this game is amazing.

Cheers Commanders,

CMDR Rodger Rabid o7
13 Sep 2020, 1:30pm
SmalooHi Pandam0n1um,

I've only been playing a few months. I've found lots of great websites (incl Inara) and YouTube channels that help get you orientated quickly.


  • Sagittarius Eye
  • Elite Week
  • Galnet News Digest
  • CMDR Plater
  • Boonlabs
  • Ghost Giraffe
  • WiggyB
  • Sepulcher Geist
  • TheYamiks
  • Vindicator Jones
  • Galactic Bacon
  • Hawkes Gaming
  • Obsidian Ant - START HERE
  • The Buur Pit - START HERE
  • ED Tutorials by Exigeous - START HERE
  • Down to Earth Astronomy - START HERE
  • The Pilot
The language can be a bit 'fruity' on some channels. If you want a list of websites too, let me know. :o)

Hi, thanks for the tips, i'll check them out right away!

I could use some websites too
13 Sep 2020, 5:50pm
Welcome, welcome . Fly safe
13 Sep 2020, 11:06pm

Hi Pandam0n1um,

Here are all the 'tool' websites you can use to make E:D easier and more interesting. Many may not make sense at the start but save them all to your toolbar and they'll come in useful as you discover more parts of E:D. I'm just discovering PowerPlay!

I'd start with edtutorials.

I have more general links if you need. :o)

o7 Cmdr
14 Sep 2020, 8:25pm
thanks! ^-^ i'll check them out
14 Sep 2020, 9:53pm
Welcome Panda & Rodger
15 Sep 2020, 8:53am
I'm new.




So, that's about it.
15 Sep 2020, 9:34am
Hey New, welcome to INARA.

Don't be in a hurry to become Old.
15 Sep 2020, 9:49am
KobatoI'm new.

Lucky you!!!
Welcome, have fun
15 Sep 2020, 10:12am
Lambast MercyDon't be in a hurry to become Old.

Too late.
15 Sep 2020, 6:11pm
Lambast MercyDon't be in a hurry to become Old.

Too late.

Bit of a mood, this.

Also, welcome!
15 Sep 2020, 6:59pm
Thank you
15 Sep 2020, 7:37pm
Jason, I think our avatar's could be brothers.
15 Sep 2020, 7:44pm
Aleksander MajjamJason, I think our avatar's could be brothers.

Or twins

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