
15 Sep 2020, 7:44pm
Yep, I keep thinking its Jason commenting when its Aleksander
15 Sep 2020, 7:45pm
Thanks everyone for the kind welcome.

My current goal is to own a Beluga, so I can do things like be interdicted easily and get stuck in mail slots. Things I'm good at.
15 Sep 2020, 8:08pm
KobatoThanks everyone for the kind welcome.

My current goal is to own a Beluga, so I can do things like be interdicted easily and get stuck in mail slots. Things I'm good at.

Get yourself a Type-9 Heavy. Fantastic for both of those things.
15 Sep 2020, 8:20pm
Oh god yes please do get a Type 9 Kobato.
#Anything to avoid another Sad Krudder pilot hoggin the slot and farting about on the landing pads.
15 Sep 2020, 8:23pm
See also: Type-10 Defender. Which I may be picking up for a PvP torpedo boat. Kind of a meme but it might work.
15 Sep 2020, 9:04pm
Jason FrimantleGet yourself a Type-9 Heavy. Fantastic for both of those things.

I actually do plan on getting one of those after the Beluga. First I have to save up the CR and figure out which metal band to name it after.

Probably kit the Type 9 out for mining, so I can bounce off of asteroids with it. Good times.
15 Sep 2020, 9:11pm
Aleksander MajjamJason, I think our avatar's could be brothers.

Or twins

Someone 1nce said the same thing about my avatar & Nerys's.

Just to keep from our avatars' identities from being mistaken for each other, I decided on getting a tattoo.

Truly a shame it can't be seen with clothing on...
15 Sep 2020, 9:39pm
How do you folks approach Holo-Me creation in ED? Do you start with a preset you like and then make minor adjustments, or start with a random one and do a full makeover? Do you use real-world references, e.g. yourself, your spouse, your friend, some celebrity? Do roleplay choices guide your character design, or vice versa?

Just curious...
15 Sep 2020, 9:57pm
Synthya Wylder
Aleksander MajjamJason, I think our avatar's could be brothers.

Or twins

Someone 1nce said the same thing about my avatar & Nerys's.

Just to keep from our avatars' identities from being mistaken for each other, I decided on getting a tattoo.

Truly a shame it can't be seen with clothing on...

Where pls...
15 Sep 2020, 9:58pm
SakashiroHow do you folks approach Holo-Me creation in ED? Do you start with a preset you like and then make minor adjustments, or start with a random one and do a full makeover? Do you use real-world references, e.g. yourself, your spouse, your friend, some celebrity? Do roleplay choices guide your character design, or vice versa?

Just curious...

I wanted to make mine as close to me as possible. And by close to me I mean Ryan Reynolds.
15 Sep 2020, 10:56pm
In all honesty, I use facial characteristics from past and present RPs. Some of those are based on faces of actors, etc. Some from my own mind. Alek's likeness is based off one of my Aeon Trinity RPs.
15 Sep 2020, 11:49pm
SakashiroHow do you folks approach Holo-Me creation in ED? Do you start with a preset you like and then make minor adjustments, or start with a random one and do a full makeover? Do you use real-world references, e.g. yourself, your spouse, your friend, some celebrity? Do roleplay choices guide your character design, or vice versa?

Just curious...

In ED I first put myself into the game but then, as I fleshed out the character, I changed his appearance to suit. Basically JB's me but ten years younger and with a bit more history engraved in his face.
15 Sep 2020, 11:50pm
SakashiroHow do you folks approach Holo-Me creation in ED? Do you start with a preset you like and then make minor adjustments, or start with a random one and do a full makeover? Do you use real-world references, e.g. yourself, your spouse, your friend, some celebrity? Do roleplay choices guide your character design, or vice versa?

Just curious...

I got as close as I could to the way I looked in RL ~40 years ago. Fair skin, red hair, blue eyes, same facial structure.

I tend to be the more literal type, rather than fanciful. I suppose if I wished to go full-on reality, I could add silver & grey to my hair & wrinkles to my face.

But then, that would never be intriguing enough to pique anyone's curiosity.

Right, Alek?

Anyway, Synthya is still in the same early 20s that she was when she was cryogenically frozen...
16 Sep 2020, 8:21am
SakashiroHow do you folks approach Holo-Me creation in ED? Do you start with a preset you like and then make minor adjustments, or start with a random one and do a full makeover? Do you use real-world references, e.g. yourself, your spouse, your friend, some celebrity? Do roleplay choices guide your character design, or vice versa?

Just curious...

I try to recreate myself, albeit a younger, more handsome version

What about you?
16 Sep 2020, 9:42am
SakashiroHow do you folks approach Holo-Me creation in ED? Do you start with a preset you like and then make minor adjustments, or start with a random one and do a full makeover? Do you use real-world references, e.g. yourself, your spouse, your friend, some celebrity? Do roleplay choices guide your character design, or vice versa?

Just curious...

I keep moving sliders about until I finally like it. I can take a while... My current avatar is close(ish) to my IRL face though.

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