
03 Jan 2021, 5:36pm
Greetings & Welcome!

Don't forget to pack lots of energy drinks & sandwiches!
03 Jan 2021, 5:41pm
James McCloudI appreciate the warm welcome! I sent a request to Mobius, figuring that'll be the best place to play while learning! Still just trying to get thr mapping down with my Thrushmaster Hotas One!! I made a custom lap mount for it XD

Fly safe (or dangerous) Comanders!!

I have a pair of ThrustMaster controls... haven't bothered with the headache of setting them up & re-mapping keybinds, etc. yet, but I did buy (from a German company) a pair of removable & adjustable desk mounts for them. They weren't cheap, but very well made & engineered.

Good Luck!
03 Jan 2021, 10:29pm
Welcome new commanders, may your adventures be fun and profitable!

03 Jan 2021, 11:34pm
o7 commanders. Looking to mine and bounty hunt in a wing, at some point. On ps4 and been playing on solo. Wanna try cz without dying. Being a new dad is by far my biggest mission as others can attest to, which is what drew my attention to The Fatherhood.
04 Jan 2021, 2:17am
Akryxxo7 commanders. Looking to mine and bounty hunt in a wing, at some point. On ps4 and been playing on solo. Wanna try cz without dying. Being a new dad is by far my biggest mission as others can attest to, which is what drew my attention to The Fatherhood.

Congratulations on your recent addition!
04 Jan 2021, 5:56pm
Hello Cmdr's;

I'm new to INARA but not ED.  1500 hrs and counting overall love the game. I have just experienced a conundrum. Had to log off in a hurry and the only dock near was a carrier.  Two days later im 1500 ly from anywhere and no way back.  All carriers show no departure times. what to do now?
Any help would be appreciated.  
Thanks so much
04 Jan 2021, 6:16pm
TousaakHello Cmdr's;

I'm new to INARA but not ED.  1500 hrs and counting overall love the game. I have just experienced a conundrum. Had to log off in a hurry and the only dock near was a carrier.  Two days later im 1500 ly from anywhere and no way back.  All carriers show no departure times. what to do now?
Any help would be appreciated.  
Thanks so much

I’ve heard of a view Commanders getting caught out by this. As a result, I have never docked on a Fleet Carrier!

I think you have three choices:

1. Self Destruct
2. Beg someone with. Fleet Carrier to com3 and get you
3. Go all-in Supertramp style and Take the long way home
04 Jan 2021, 6:23pm
Hello Effie;

LOL I am right there. I don't land on carriers as a rule either. 1st mistake Tried self destruct. Brings me back to the carrier. New Clipper without all the ship mods and in a sys to far to jump. What a pickle I've created.
04 Jan 2021, 7:58pm
TousaakHello Effie;

LOL I am right there. I don't land on carriers as a rule either. 1st mistake Tried self destruct. Brings me back to the carrier. New Clipper without all the ship mods and in a sys to far to jump. What a pickle I've created.

I sent you an INARA Friend request, I will look for you ingame, If possible I will come get you.  By the way I work for beer Also I just sent you an in game friend request, PM me the system you are in here and I will prep my baby.
04 Jan 2021, 8:10pm
Evening Commanders!

After a lot of procrastination I finally jumped into Elite around a month ago and so far I'm loving it to bits. I still feel like a new boy but think I'm finally starting to get my sea space legs and I'd love to get stuck in with more players and the community as a whole, especially since you guys seem to have put together a great little place here

Squadrons, roleplay, wing missions or just flying around like lunatics - I'm happy to learn and I'll give anything a go. What could possibly go wrong?

04 Jan 2021, 8:17pm
ColdSteel60Evening Commanders!

After a lot of procrastination I finally jumped into Elite around a month ago and so far I'm loving it to bits. I still feel like a new boy but think I'm finally starting to get my sea space legs and I'd love to get stuck in with more players and the community as a whole, especially since you guys seem to have put together a great little place here

Squadrons, roleplay, wing missions or just flying around like lunatics - I'm happy to learn and I'll give anything a go. What could possibly go wrong?


04 Jan 2021, 9:13pm
TousaakHello Effie;

LOL I am right there. I don't land on carriers as a rule either. 1st mistake Tried self destruct. Brings me back to the carrier. New Clipper without all the ship mods and in a sys to far to jump. What a pickle I've created.

I sent you an INARA Friend request, I will look for you ingame, If possible I will come get you.  By the way I work for beer Also I just sent you an in game friend request, PM me the system you are in here and I will prep my baby.

What a star. I salute you o7
05 Jan 2021, 12:17am
Greetings Commanders,

My Commander name is Thomas W. James, which is also my Xbox Gamertag "ThomasWJames", feel free to add me. I'm 40 and in Eastern Time Zone, game time is sometimes limited since our first baby was born, but I still manage to get on later at night. I'm one of the leaders of the Canonn Squadron on Xbox. I'm not exactly new, but this is my first post here on Introductions, of course, my main interest is exploring and research. Don't hesitate to contact me to wing up and do missions or just game together. See you all out in the "Black", take care Commanders.
05 Jan 2021, 5:22am
05 Jan 2021, 9:14am

Tridicate Confederacy of Dalfur Requesting Immediate Federal Assistance

The population of Dalfur has been subjugated by foreign powers and we are facing inevitable annihilation. Those loyal to the Tridicate Confederacy have been forced to relocate to the tidally locked planet of Dalfur 5. On the dark side of this planet there is a refinery named Whymper Works. In perpetual darkness we carry on, and this is where we make our stand. For ages our system has been exploited by the Confederacy of Yamahun. We have received reports that, at least initially, confirm that the Confederacy of Yamahun is actually a front for Imperial ambitions. The upper echelon of Yamahun society aligns with the goals and values of the Empire. We believe their goal is to establish the groundwork for Imperial Expansion by manipulating the target systems' economy and changing the political beliefs of those under their control. We have recently seen this strategy come to fruition as the East India Company expanded into Dalfur.

We are requesting immediate assistance. With the skill and expertise of your forces and pilots we are confident this situation can be rectified. If at all possible, please do not conduct business with the Confederacy of Yamahun. If you have pilots willing to rack up bounties on their heads, wet-work operations have been authorized against the CoY and EIC.



On behalf of,
Chancellor Monte Williams
Magister Aeris Garrett

Dalfur System
Tridicate Confederacy

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