
31 Dec 2020, 11:20pm
Madi-TenurrHello and 07 commanders. I'm fairly new to ED, having started about a month ago, and while I've gotten my general bearings on the game, I've barely had any interaction with other players. Yet, with the recent incursions of the Thargoids in the Coalsack and Witchhead nebulas, I figured now would be a good time to start since I'd like to see how players feel about the 'goids. Any chance someone could direct me to the best thread for that?

Hi Madi,

Welcome and o7. I only started at the end of May, so you're in good noob company! There's lots of super helpful CMDRs on Inara. Look out for Epi, Alex, Syn, Spud, Rohtwhyler for great general guidance and a big welcome to the community, and for PvP... Zentzlb has some strong views and definitely Captin Pelly knows his stuff!

As for goids... everyone has their own opinion. But if you intend fighting them, then try:

Good 'hunting' and Fly Dangerously!


Last edit: 01 Jan 2021, 2:29am
01 Jan 2021, 2:22am
Ow! I was mentioned?

The most experience that I can draw upon is my own 'Newb-ishness'!

I've been playing since sometime last February, & at a casual pace, no Guardian or Engineered items yet.

Best overall advice that I can offer, is make having fun & enjoy playing the game Job 1.

In whatever direction & mode that suits your fancy, & at your own pace.

Einstein's theory of relativity involves time dilation, so...

You've got lots of it.
01 Jan 2021, 2:37am
Synthya WylderOw! I was mentioned?

The most experience that I can draw upon is my own 'Newb-ishness'!

I've been playing since sometime last February, & at a casual pace, no Guardian or Engineered items yet.

Best overall advice that I can offer, is make having fun & enjoy playing the game Job 1.

In whatever direction & mode that suits your fancy, & at your own pace.

Einstein's theory of relativity involves time dilation, so...

You've got lots of it.

Hey Syn. People like you make Inara a community... and E:D a great game.

I've found that hearing both the 'enthusiastic amateur' and the 'professional assassin' POV's, to be equally informative and inspiring. Our E:D community does reflect society; and I think even in 'just a game' we can show that tolerance, respect and a mutual love of the galaxy, binds us together more than anything that pulls us apart.
01 Jan 2021, 4:04am
Madi-TenurrHello and 07 commanders. I'm fairly new to ED, having started about a month ago, and while I've gotten my general bearings on the game, I've barely had any interaction with other players. Yet, with the recent incursions of the Thargoids in the Coalsack and Witchhead nebulas, I figured now would be a good time to start since I'd like to see how players feel about the 'goids. Any chance someone could direct me to the best thread for that?

Thanks, Smaloo!

o7 CMDR Madi-Tenurr, welcome aboard.

There isn't a dedicated Thargoid thread around here, so Game Talk is probably as good a place to discuss things as any. If you're looking for more in-depth discussion, the FDEV forums will have a lot of info.

There are some players who are pro-Thargoid, or at least are pacifists and think we should try to understand them. Lots of players don't even bother with the Thargoid storyline. However, the majority of players who get involved are anti-Thargoid.

Summary: Anti-Thargoid, or Anti-Xeno (AX) warfare is a decent way to make credits in E:D, but requires some preparation, as well as some expertise and/or cooperation to do.

Thargoids: there are small ones (Scouts), and larger interceptors (Cyclops/Basilisk/Medusa/Hydra).

Where you find them: In systems with Thargoid presence, you will find Non-Human Signal Sources of various threat levels. Threat level <=4 is scouts. Threat level >=5 is usually an interceptor, although it may be a lot of scouts, or some of each. In some systems, you will find AX combat zones. AX combat zones start with scouts and larger enemies jump in as the battle progresses.

Weapons: Normal weapons don't really hurt the Thargoids. There are specific AX weapons you can buy, but the most effective weapons are the Guardian weapons, which need some grinding work to unlock. Any ship *can* work, but there are some combat ships designs that are better than others.

Design tips to keep in mind:
  • You can have a maximum of 4 AX weapons on your ship.
  • Engineering helps a lot.
  • Thargoids deal absolute damage, so it doesn't matter if you have engineered great thermal weapon resistance or whatever. Design and engineer for absolute shield and armor/hull strength.
  • They often use corrosive attacks, so hull strength is important. So is a Decontamination limpet controller (overheating can work in a pinch, but also deals damage to your ship).
  • Interceptors can fly up to 480m/s (Basilisks can do up to 510-530 I think?), so have a fast ship. They are not as nimble as human ships, so ships that are slower but agile can avoid them with good piloting.
  • If I wanted to put together an AX combat build, but I didn't have engineers unlocked or Guardian weapons unlocked, I would start with something like this. There is MUCH more to AX shipbuilding, but IMHO if you wait until you have the perfect build, you'll never get started on anything.

How to fight them: There is more to discuss here than I can summarize. Basically scouts are the easiest, and are a "shoot-until-they-pop" type enemy. You should be able to take on a few of those solo and do okay. Interceptors are a different matter, and a battle has a specific sequence as you weaken and destroy parts of the Thargoid ship while dodging increasing attacks before you can kill it. Defeating one while flying solo normally takes practice and experience, as well as a good ship. There are excellent youtube videos out there on the subject, but I find the best way to learn is to wing up with other CMDRs.

Our squadron, The Silverbacks, does a "bug hunt" on Saturday afternoon/evenings at 21:00 Galactic time. Most of us ride out together on a fleet carrier, so your ship jump range isn't much of a problem, even to Witch Head or Coalsack. If you're interested in coming along, even just as an observer/tourist, PM me.

Another good resource is AXI (the Anti-Xeno Initiative), who are top notch AX combat pilots, and are happy to welcome and tutor new pilots. I'd recommend visiting their Discord if you get the chance.
01 Jan 2021, 4:42pm
Madi-TenurrHello and 07 commanders. I'm fairly new to ED, having started about a month ago, and while I've gotten my general bearings on the game, I've barely had any interaction with other players. Yet, with the recent incursions of the Thargoids in the Coalsack and Witchhead nebulas, I figured now would be a good time to start since I'd like to see how players feel about the 'goids. Any chance someone could direct me to the best thread for that?

o7 and Welcome and I see that the Smaloo and the Silverbacks have already answered, see ya around the black!
01 Jan 2021, 5:17pm
Madi-TenurrHello and 07 commanders. I'm fairly new to ED, having started about a month ago, and while I've gotten my general bearings on the game, I've barely had any interaction with other players. Yet, with the recent incursions of the Thargoids in the Coalsack and Witchhead nebulas, I figured now would be a good time to start since I'd like to see how players feel about the 'goids. Any chance someone could direct me to the best thread for that?

I forgot to mention, finding & joining a good squadron with great members. Take your time, check as many as you wish, find out what they're like, & see if they're a good fit.

Not that I'm trying for any kudos, but I made the right decision, for me.
01 Jan 2021, 11:44pm
Thanks commanders, I appreciate it
02 Jan 2021, 3:29am
Hello fellow Commanders! I'm brand new, and looking forward to exploring the galaxy and meeting all of you!!
02 Jan 2021, 4:06am
Welcome James

I'm fairly new too, but if I can help you at all, let me know.
02 Jan 2021, 4:23am
James McCloudHello fellow Commanders! I'm brand new, and looking forward to exploring the galaxy and meeting all of you!!

o7 and Welcome James! Jump into game talk if you have any questions. This is a very helpful community!
02 Jan 2021, 4:56am
Greetings & Welcome, James!
02 Jan 2021, 6:54am
I appreciate the warm welcome! I sent a request to Mobius, figuring that'll be the best place to play while learning! Still just trying to get thr mapping down with my Thrushmaster Hotas One!! I made a custom lap mount for it XD

Fly safe (or dangerous) Comanders!!
02 Jan 2021, 12:01pm
Greetings to all new commanders.
02 Jan 2021, 11:53pm
Hail Fellows, well met

03 Jan 2021, 5:00pm
Hail commanders while flying to Colonia...

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