
01 Dec 2020, 7:59pm
Lyliano7 cmdrs ! I'm a french player that played Elite on xbox one couple years ago. It was my favorite game at that time, I was mostly an explorer and I saw thargoids arrived, colonia being built etc...
It has been 2 years since I really ain't playing it. I have it on steam but just launch it a few times. Since the announce of odyssey and the arrival of new players with epic I enjoy it again !
It's cool to see the game changing after those years, I rediscover exploration, mining etc...
I'm actually working on CG, I look forward for odyssey with great interest !

01 Dec 2020, 8:04pm
Welcome, Lylian

01 Dec 2020, 8:05pm
Lyliano7 cmdrs ! I'm a french player that played Elite on xbox one couple years ago. It was my favorite game at that time, I was mostly an explorer and I saw thargoids arrived, colonia being built etc...
It has been 2 years since I really ain't playing it. I have it on steam but just launch it a few times. Since the announce of odyssey and the arrival of new players with epic I enjoy it again !
It's cool to see the game changing after those years, I rediscover exploration, mining etc...
I'm actually working on CG, I look forward for odyssey with great interest !


01 Dec 2020, 8:49pm
Lyliano7 cmdrs ! I'm a french player that played Elite on xbox one couple years ago. It was my favorite game at that time, I was mostly an explorer and I saw thargoids arrived, colonia being built etc...
It has been 2 years since I really ain't playing it. I have it on steam but just launch it a few times. Since the announce of odyssey and the arrival of new players with epic I enjoy it again !
It's cool to see the game changing after those years, I rediscover exploration, mining etc...
I'm actually working on CG, I look forward for odyssey with great interest !

Welcome commander!

01 Dec 2020, 9:59pm
Welcome back!
03 Dec 2020, 5:39am
Lyliano7 cmdrs ! I'm a french player that played Elite on xbox one couple years ago. It was my favorite game at that time, I was mostly an explorer and I saw thargoids arrived, colonia being built etc...
It has been 2 years since I really ain't playing it. I have it on steam but just launch it a few times. Since the announce of odyssey and the arrival of new players with epic I enjoy it again !
It's cool to see the game changing after those years, I rediscover exploration, mining etc...
I'm actually working on CG, I look forward for odyssey with great interest !

I am glad you are back in black. Enjoy the void! o7 CMDR!!!
03 Dec 2020, 12:19pm
Welcome back...
05 Dec 2020, 12:59am
Welcome to the chronicle of the black sword.

05 Dec 2020, 1:15am
@Lylian.... o7 CMDR!
06 Dec 2020, 12:04pm
I was hesitant to take up combat in ED because of all the talk of "don't fly without rebuy", but part of the challenge was really to understand the type of flight models the ships have (kinda semi Newtonian but with strict speed limits).

You can never learn without losing a few (disposable) ships but what really helped is winging up and figuring out all the right things to do.

After that, the yellow type 10 will dance sting like a bee and dance like a butterfly. The dropship is my favorite dogfighter for its interesting handling and smooth acceleration.

I had a ball rolling 11 CZs in a row with an Imperial Squadron that suited my roleplay and faction needs. Supporting the BGS (engaging designated factions strategically) so that the actions and performance of each team member mattered and it was not just about personal gain anymore.

Recently I started to feel at home reading the lore, enough to craft a story in my Inara logs and pick a side, and roleplay wasn't about writing stories, but actually flying them... and coming back to tell a story

These are the flights of two new(ish) players who teamed up at random, saw a fellow squadron pilot in the CZs and decided to make something grand out of it.
06 Dec 2020, 1:47pm
I'm new here but i will stay here for a while because this game is just super addictive.

I'm solo player for now to learn the game by myself and make some useful mistakes to be better in future... well Money on mining are not everything

So see you round guys

BTW... this website is SUPER good
06 Dec 2020, 3:46pm
I'm new here but i will stay here for a while because this game is just super addictive.

I'm solo player for now to learn the game by myself and make some useful mistakes to be better in future... well Money on mining are not everything

So see you round guys

BTW... this website is SUPER good

06 Dec 2020, 8:19pm
I'm new here but i will stay here for a while because this game is just super addictive.

I'm solo player for now to learn the game by myself and make some useful mistakes to be better in future... well Money on mining are not everything

So see you round guys

BTW... this website is SUPER good

welcome, enjoy the game. I have a lot of hours in it and still love to play......

11 Dec 2020, 1:47am
I', kind of new here.
Well on my way with my mission to get lost.
11 Dec 2020, 1:49am
Welcome, Sloppy.

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