
28 Apr 2016, 11:51pm
Been on this page for some time, but forget to introduce myself and my wing...

I grew up with Wing Commander, now dont start throwing things at me.... Even the most extreme Elites will recognise those were fun games!!!

I founded the "Black Sails" when playing another game. In time we grew and grew. At a certain point this game changed in way the old guys couldnt appreciate. So we started looking for something else. A lot of the other players switched to Elite Dangerous, and so did the Sails.
So now we are slowly migrating into ED and we are still a small group, but having a lot of fun.

I know Elite is not a clangame by origin, and a lot of Elites dont like clans or guilds. But our group been together for many years and we enjoy building up something together.
I think Elite has a lot of potential and can accomodate both clans and solo players...

we are a group of fair players and always ready to help someone and we dont mind a good fight either....

Commander THEDUTCH o7
01 May 2016, 5:09pm
Good afternoon Commanders.

I'm Goku_over_9000 and I would like to say hello! And thank you for letting me join up! Are there any groups dedicated to explorers?
01 May 2016, 8:10pm
Greetings Commander's,

Been playing Elite for a few weeks having bought it back in the Autumn so im still a little green. Loving the site. Amazed by the detail people are getting into in terms of fortifying and undermining factions and systems. I only get 5-10 hours a week so I'm role playing it and the direction provided by the Wings is invaluable and keeps me connected to the wider universe. Hail me if you see me passing by. Make a good impression and you may even get a mention in my logbook!

Fly safe,

Cmdr MyShoesRule (XBox One)
02 May 2016, 10:07am
Hail Commanders.

First, I need to give a SHOUT out to Commander Victoria Greenwood, who's gorgeous Flickr screenshots of this facinating Game are what got me hooked onto it in the first place.
THANK YOU, Commander Greenwood!

Her Fickr page:

I bought Horizons in late December 2015 and I've been mostly bumbling half-aimlessly around since then.

My most serious play was when I painstakingly trucked my way up from a "tin-can" Sidey to a fast little Cobra MK III; then mostly RES-ground right up through a tanked-up Vulture to an Anaconda (finally) in late March 2016.

I've only played 'Open' once, right after buying my Cobra in mid-January, and that time I got chased and jacked out of SC SIX TIMES in a row by a bloodthirsty Anaconda 'gank-wanker', literally a white-knuckle "cluster-interdiction" routine to get to a Starport in time before being murdered....and I actually made it with my hull miraculously intact but my shield was shot-up pretty bad. ^^

I decided ever since to stick to 'Solo-Play' until I can get some proper PVP gank-wanker killing skills and experience, because in MY books, any PVE bounty-hunting experience is simply NOT gonna cut it in hard-core, bloodthirsty Open-Play.

For those who are interested, here is my Flickr page:

Cheers, and fly safe, Commanders.

Last edit: 05 May 2016, 1:34am
03 May 2016, 3:29pm
Hello all! Just had to stop and say hello. When my son is over and on the computer, I am on Xbox One. Otherwise I am on Steam. Hope to get to know this place better and learn the ins and outs.
03 May 2016, 5:14pm
hello fellow commanders my name is nitroman52 and that is my gamer tag on the xbox one as well. i only play elite on the xbox one but feel free to add me if u wanna team up but message me on here 1st or ill just ignore the request.
04 May 2016, 6:39pm
Greetings pilots. New to the site. Old to the game. Hope to see you on the safe side of the lasers.
05 May 2016, 9:14am
Hello! Cmdr Titus Balls here. I've been flying since the first Beta, made a nice video series of ED and only recently found this site. I'm back into playing ED quite a bit especially on my DK2/X55 combo.

Definitely looking to hook up for some PvP shenanigans
11 May 2016, 2:33am
Hello there, to make this easy, you don't know me. I just recently signed up for this site. I am 23 years old and I would love to know if there is a training corps in this community? I tend to suck with PC games, it doesn't help its a space flying game ... but I want to learn, since i already paid the money for it...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 May 2016, 9:33am
11 May 2016, 5:37am
I am masked with a serious face, bald, and look much older than what I really am. My dark eyes are not amused. And I have the literal scars as well as the mental, crisscrossing my body.
I have seen the best of days and the worst- shit so unfair it'd make you cry.
Just think of a fresh veteran from the military, and you have my look.

Now, in a fantasy roleplaying universe, I would be a very happy mercenary, looking for the jobs that pay the only best. Currently I'm planning on targeting some big prey.. But I'll need help.
Hopefully this station ain't as dead as it appears
11 May 2016, 6:22am
C4k3Hello there, to make this easy, you don't know me. I just recently signed up for this site. I am 23 years old and I would love to know if there is a training corps in this community? I tend to suck with PC games, it doesn't help its a space flying game ... but I want to learn, since i already paid the money for it...

Ghost Legion is a very supportive and active wing and holds regular training. The wing in addition to all the members of this site have been very helpful in general.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 11 May 2016, 9:34am
11 May 2016, 10:23pm
Hello! Been playing a while, but took some time out as I was getting a bit stale. The game certainly seems to have developed some depth in the last few months. Looking forward to getting more into it again.
12 May 2016, 5:47am
Greetings everyone!

CMDR Ghroznak here!

Really need to do a little shoutout for the makers of this website. I only recently found this website and I must say it really is fantastic. Especially love the way we can set up a Wing, create missions, coalitions and also create our own logbooks and uploading flight plans! This really adds a lot to the experience in the game and also puts a huge spotlight on how much the features from this website would improve the game if they were incorporated in the game itself. I have a strong urge to completely "geek out" with just something as simple as the logbook!

I've played Elite on and off since beta. I truly love space games, especially when we are in the ship itself (boo Eve with your 3rd person view). Recently in light of the new Engineer update coming I have been really drawn back into the game again, and now with this site at my back as well I feel the time to commit more to the game is now.

I'm a strong supporter of the Empire, and pledged to Arissa Lavigny-Duval. I quite enjoy the roleplay part of arguing with others why the Empire is great (geeking out again, right). Currently I formed a wing (Shield of the Empire) on this website with some fellow players and friends from my Discord channel.

I do also occasionally stream games, including Elite, and hoping to get more of that done through the coming months (provided we get no bad weather, such as clear skies and warm temperatures... really need a nice, rainy summer so I can get my Elite going).

Thanks for reading guys!

Warp safely!
12 May 2016, 3:23pm
Hello fellow Commanders. I've been playing ED for a few months now and having a ball. The new 2.1 is fantastic. After finding this site recently, it has made Elite that much more fun.

Thank you for a great out of game gem.

Commander Max Silver STC (Space Trucking Cowboy)
13 May 2016, 6:23am
C4k3Hello there, to make this easy, you don't know me. I just recently signed up for this site. I am 23 years old and I would love to know if there is a training corps in this community? I tend to suck with PC games, it doesn't help its a space flying game ... but I want to learn, since i already paid the money for it...

Everything you try will teach you something.
Keep your bounty's collected and your chart data sold so when you get blown up all you loose is the insurance cost to replace your ship.
If you never die, you are not really playing.
Any large ship can be taken with a (not too) small one using patience and maneuvering.
The game is older than most people playing it.
It can be addictive.
You will need rudder control. Either a twist grip stick, or peddles.

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