
09 Jan 2021, 7:35pm
AkiyaI suppose my native language is closer to latin, it still means that there, thus my mistake.

Carpe diem is all the Latin I know
09 Jan 2021, 7:37pm
UptownmedalMan people are really like that? Im mainly an exploer/trader

Yes, sadly they are.

AkiyaI suppose my native language is closer to latin, it still means that there, thus my mistake.

o7 and welcome!
09 Jan 2021, 7:40pm
Akiya... bad at social interactions and especially at lying, average at flying FA ON, and hopeless at flying FA OFF

Hey, if we're ever in the same system and same instance, we can fly around together banging into stuff!
09 Jan 2021, 8:01pm
Effie Trinket

Hey, if we're ever in the same system and same instance, we can fly around together banging into stuff! [/quote]

It will be an honor
09 Jan 2021, 9:15pm
Heard there was an Inara RP discord channel, by the way?
Did I misread (can't find the info again), or if not, where is that?
09 Jan 2021, 10:40pm
AkiyaHeard there was an Inara RP discord channel, by the way?
Did I misread (can't find the info again), or if not, where is that?

I dont know about discord, but we do a lot right here in the threads for roleplay.
12 Jan 2021, 5:58pm
Hello CMDRs!!

Fresh convert to PC from ps4. Aimlessly adventuring around the galaxy alone since release date where eventually I earnt my permit and settled back on earth and married (kids included). But........ With the world currently the way it is (Corooona Viruuuus) I/we decided to venture back to the furthest reaches of the galaxy and this time attempt to meet new friends out in open. 35, family man, love a good laugh and oh my wife also plays too now lol (play separate however unless help is needed).

My restart is that new that as I type my new PC is en route and will be set up in the next 2 hours ????.


P.s both new to steam this year too so still figuring out how to use it lmao.
12 Jan 2021, 6:01pm
Greetings, to you both.
12 Jan 2021, 6:30pm
Greetings & Welcome!
12 Jan 2021, 10:14pm
12 Jan 2021, 11:09pm
13 Jan 2021, 2:33am
Flimley says welcome everyone
13 Jan 2021, 2:37am
13 Jan 2021, 1:47pm
Well first of all, Thank you Spud for being the first for kinda saying "Hi".

I'm not new to Elite.., urm, Where are we.., yes of course, I ain't new to Elite Dangerous or Horizons, whatever the Galaxy God's call their specific empire now but this tool is nice being able to say hi an all. So, "Hi Everybudy, yeah how ya'll doin?"
Wait a minute my fighter pilot wants to say hi too, go right ahead honey: "Mi name tis difcult to prunoce so just kalld mi Gee, & enie whom uv vouz " Hey Honey, let's be friends and not upset anybudy ok? Ok honey? Be nice n put yur trigger happy finger away. Why don't ya go n clean your fighter and then the SRV's? Thank ya honey, thank ya.
Sorry bout that. She cares you know, yeah. Poor gal was being commended for her bravery whilst serving in the navy but she had no family to embrace her emotional overwhelming tears of saving so many lives, so I kinda decided at the spare of the moment to step in, frightened of course, well we don't know each other at this point, so to act as a caring friend knowing she could break ma neck at any moment for acting so creepy, I just acted out of human emotion but Gee, she just sorta, just looked at me and wrapped her arms around ma body in a strong embrace, forcing me to let my emotions out too, whoa, yeah, shoulda gone to the jonn first I guess. I can tell ya all, that broke the ice. Damn, it was like being back on Earth on the pig farm it was that strong. Naturally I did the right thing, I mean, the surrounding navel officer's, they didn't look so happy wiping their noses, holding their breath, coughing, I mean it was the right thing to do so I was a man about my in appropriate accident and pointed the finger at the young navel cadet behind me and I said in disgust, I said, "Son, you ought to be ashamed of yourself at an important time as this, huh? Whatcha got ta say for yourself son? Ma'am, ma'am, MAAAAMMM, I think your son needs to change his pants." Gee, she just looked at me and in her mishmashed multi languistic language told me that she knew it was me all along. She told me she could feel my body ripples as she embraced me so hard.
Well later that day, after the air had cleared and refreshed itself, after the coughing n frantic breath exercises for fresh air, you know, there was a lot of red faces n gasps, swearing, blood shot eyes and the amount of times the Ambassador tried to say, "Son of a bitch", I mean, I give the Ambassador 8/10 for trying, you know, he could of tried to say it without coughing. Perhaps the Ambassador needs to hire a speach coach so he can still talk while under extreme duress.
Anyhow, I went on my merry way and Gee, well she had other ideas, she ran after me, laughing uncontrollably, and told me stop. So I did stop but I was uncomfortable and I said, this better be good lady, you fine looking Princess, you gorgeous dangerous lady, why are you stopping me for? I ain't walking like a penguin for fun, I gotta goooo, you know? Gee returned with, you can't just walk away from my life, especially after dropping a nuclear bomb that caused so much disorientation & an Ambassador to swear like he did. God that was the most disastrous ceremony I've ever attended but my oh my, I can't stop laughing... Gee, is that your name? Can ya hurry it up, I gots to go and deliver a couple of squeaky monkeys n a couple of sperm whales, hell, it might even be another nuke! Here, take my credits card and fetch us a couple of Coffees... I don't drink coffee... I DON'TS CARE, GET WHATEVER, I gots to go, NOW, I'm not bending over like an old man without a walking stick to take the Micky outta the old folk, I gotta monkey tryin to be born with every step I make. Ill see you in about 5, make that 10, I hope there's paper in there.
Well I can honestly say, I got relieved and comfortable again n set out for my ship, Rubber Duck but as I was goin, that angelic voice came a screaming and quickly became an order, "Hey, HEY, HEY YOU THERE, ABOUT TURN. You forget about me? Forget about your coffee? Forgot about your credits card? Forget your a wanted man by the military police and the Ambassador?"
Gee went on and on and on but then she suddenly said "I got no where to go. Please, be my friend and take me with you aboard your ship"
I don't know I said to Her. She replied, "Why did you get creepy n brave all at the same time and give me your shoulder and someone to hold? As well as creating stinking havoc." Well Gee, I said, "How else am I gonna get an embrace from a beauty Queen Warrior?" "WHAAAT? YOU sick PerVERT! You cheap no good, space inVADER"... Then she smiled and said, "I liked it, your baldness n bravery, you made me feel wanted n loved again for that short moment before you dropped your nuke." "Your not gonna let that go are ya? I mean, yeah" I replied and Gee, she said, "Nope, not on your life. By the way, I nearly had to call the bomb unit out 30 minutes ago while you were, getting comfortable again"
"I have to admit, your embrace Gee, it really was like pushing the President's red button for the end of the world or your decoration for your bravery as it happened." Gee pointed to the public convenience building and said, "Poor guy. Did you flush?" "yes" I replied but Gee looked at me from the corner of her eyes whilst her head was pointing in the direction of the public convenience building, "Did.., you.., Flush?"
Then suddenly a loud shout came from the public convenience building, "GOD DAMN IT, cough, cough, cough, blurr, blurr, WHO THE HELL? cough, cough, blurr, blurr... WHOEVER YOU ARE, GET SOME HELP.. oommblurr, blurr, cough, SEE A DOCTOR... oommblurr, blurr... I, cough, QUIT!, oommblurr, blurr"
I quickly explained, "Well, you see, imagine a thrown splattered brown tumatoe,.. then imagine when the flush mechanism falls apart in your hand,.. I had to go into the next cubicle for wipes God Damn It!" Gee, she couldn't hold back anymore and she let rip in absolute hysterical laughter.
Finally as Gee calmed down from her hysterical laughter, she said, "We better go. Where's your ship? And what's your name? You stupid, adorable Lovable caring bear sized fat man."
"I'm Uveal, Uveal Pepper. The ship is on the south east side of the Miami space port, about 2 mile trek..." I stopped speed walking with Gee by my side and I asked her, "Hold on, you coming with me Gee? Aren't you embarrassed by my natural bodily actions? I mean, A beauty Queen Warrior wants to travel with me? Really?"
"No, I just wanted to make sure you got back to your ship safely, that's all."
"Oh, I see... Ok. Well you can leave me here, I'll be ok."
"Ok then, well Mr. Stinky, it's been an absolute blast of an adventure. You are an adorable disaster Uveal. Take care n see you soon Uveal,.. Pepper." She kissed me very lovingly on my cheek. Yeah, a beauty Queen Warrior kissed me lovingly on my cheek... I'm never gonna wash my cheek again that's for sure.
Well I made my way back to space port after getting some bowel movement blockers, got through security and entered my ship, Rubber Duck, my Type-10.
I sat in my Pilot seat, thinking about Gee, I never asked her if she would be alright because her kiss, from a beauty Queen Warrior, yeah, I got kissed by a beauty Queen Warrior,.. yeah, I got kissed by, sorry, eh hum...that kiss put me into a daze. It was so beautiful, so beautiful... Eh hum, so I started my preparations for lift off, cuddled my cat and told the cat, "The litter box, litter box, not my rice Krispies! How would you like it if I used your cat crunchies? Huh? Yeah, think about it... And cat, stop hissing at me, it's rude! I can swear too you know, yeah, stupid cat."
I went into the kitchen area of my ship to make a coffee but... "You never told me if you have sweet liquid or not in your milky coffee. Hello my adorable stinky man. Come here, your other cheek needs a kiss, it's looking a bit left out."... Meow, mawll, mawlll, purr, purr... "Cat,.. Shut up."...

That's how Gee and I met and come to be in your...
I guess Gee has just broken the screw head again, "HEY GEE, HOW DOES A BEAUTY QUEEN WARRIOR KNOW SUCH COLORFUL LANGUAGE?" Hee,hee,hee,hee,hee... See ya'll in the black or space ports. Know your all welcome into our lives... Take care y'all.

"Sonra Görüsürüz"

"Show off"... "What?, WhaATTT?"... "No, no, no, Gee your a mess, oily n dusty, Gee no, NO, NOOO, GEEEEEE"
13 Jan 2021, 8:46pm
Hello ???? looking to join nexus union if anyone would point me in the right direction newish player finally looking to play with others ????

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